1st Trimester

COVID-19 Positive and 4 weeks pregnant

I’m wondering if anyone here has been diagnosed with COVID in early pregnancy and gone on to have a healthy baby?
Just found out that I’m pregnant, but also on day 3 of being Covid positive.

Re: COVID-19 Positive and 4 weeks pregnant

  • I had COVID during my last pregnancy but it was closer to the third trimester. Everything was fine and they suggested baby aspirin to keep from having blood clots. I had a friend who got it in the first trimester. We actually had it at the same time. She went on to have a perfectly healthy baby. They didn’t recommend the baby aspirin because she was in the first trimester. She may have started the aspirin once she reached the second trimester but I can’t remember. You should talk to your provider and see what they suggest as far as baby aspirin. 
  • Thank you! I’m going to be speaking with my provider today.
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