Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: this week is a banana, apparently
Upcoming appointments: anatomy scan on Thursday. I’m so glad it’s finally here and I can stop feeling so anxious about waiting. We are bringing both the kids with us and they are so excited to see the baby! I’m looking forward to it.
How are you feeling: I’ve had a pretty good few days. Hopefully it holds for a bit lol
Rants / Raves: my birthday is Friday! DH is taking me out of town for the weekend and I’m super excited about it. I’ve always loved birthdays, so I’m glad we are doing something to celebrate.
Questions: guys we are so stumped in names. We don’t have a single one we like so far. What do you guys use to come up with ideas? Our girls are Thea Grace and Iris Joy for a taste of what we like. We prefer short names.
GTKY: What actor would you choose to play you in a biopic? Oh gosh I’m so bad at questions like this… maybe Kristen Bell? I love her humor but I also think she’s wildly talented. Or go the complete other direction and say Anya Taylor-Joy. Watching her in Queens Gambit was incredible.
I am also a birthday sucker! We've tried to set some traditions for celebrations since our kids have been born and it's just my favorite (like we order a custom cake from the bakery that did our wedding cake for each birthday and have special handmade metal cake toppers of the kids' names). Hope you have a great weekend celebrating!
Names have been killing us too. I feel like it just gets harder, you run out of material with each new baby! Plus they have to go together, etc. I personally love nameberry for baby name lists. We aren't too traditional in our name tastes and nameberry is good about not just having your basic "top 100" "top 1000" Aidens and Emmas kind of thing, and they have tons of different lists to look through! I will do some snooping and post some ideas for you to the name thread!!
Recently baby weighed as much as three sticks of butter and it was so fun to just plop three sticks of butter in DS1s hand and tell him that's how much the baby weighed. I think it really helped him get a grasp of her size and he's just been the most excited for baby.
Upcoming appointments:
Nothing until March 2nd, when I have my next midwife appointment. Can't believe it will be my last monthly appointment 😱 March 23rd will be my follow up ultrasound. It will definitely be the latest term ultrasound I've ever had, and I'm struggling already with the anxiety and waiting for it. I've exclusively heard that many people's issues resolved on their own, but there's always gotta be somebody in that percentage of people who didn't 😞
How are you feeling:
Anxious! Nauseated every time the baby moves lol. Acid reflux, headaches, and poor sleep are a few other mild annoyances.
Rants / Raves:
We will see DHs family on Friday for his grandma's birthday dinner. I'm almost certain that it won't be a big deal, his family isn't the type to start drama over boundaries, but I'm very anxious about telling everyone that we're putting a soft ban on pregnancy questions while we deal with the complications. DHs grandma was a nurse her whole life and I just don't want to field any questions about what's going on.
Any fellow migraine/headache sufferers tried the theraice head sleeve thing before?
GTKY: What actor would you choose to play you in a biopic?
The sweetest compliment anybody ever gave me was saying I look like Zoey Deschanel (I do not lol) so I pick her! I love her work, she does quirky well and of course she's beautiful.
Are you a boxer? Badass if so. I do kick boxing and Krav maga. Life changing.
Also, I know we will be stumped on names too. Our scan is coming up. I tend to not even look at them until we know gender. But I have a few in mind. Frankie Jean, Lyla Belle, I love the name Shay but middle names are hard for the one for us. And since we have all boys well that will be even harder to think of. I love the name Iris!!!!
@theboysmama I felt pretty sure this baby would be a boy up until the day before my anatomy scan, and I was happy with that except for the fact that boy names are so much harder for us. Plus we're just very picky and have so many arbitrary name rules we follow that make it tough (we don't repeat first initial letters, for example). We went in to the scan with a girl's first name picked (Violet) and boy's middle name (Ambrose). We'll still end up choosing a boy's first name just in case because they told us our oldest was a girl too and he is not haha.
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: June 21st. (My uncles birthday is the summer solstice, longest day, and my aunt's is the winter solstice, the shortest day) my gma and I will share 2 labor days if this pans out. 20+5
FTM/STM/STM+: 5th baby earthside we hope!
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
We have all boys so I'm sure it's a boy, but I feel like it's a girl. Symptoms have been slightly different this time.
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
At this point baby is measured from head to heel not head to rump.
Upcoming appointments: anatomy scan on Wednesday. We have been very anxious for this day. I've been having cramping but I'm not top concerned. We are going to bring the entire family and see if they'll say no to the sweet little dudes faces. Hopefully they can join.
How are you feeling: good. I mean pregnant, but good. Cramping a bit, but we've been hiking at high elevation of late. And I'm always renovating a property as a side hustle. Definitely starting to get hip discomfort, sciatic and heartburn, but that's all par for the course. So I'll accept it as a good thing. HALF WAY baby!!!
Rants / Raves: I just scrubbed the legs and underneath of my dining table that I wipe down everyday. HOW do children manage to get everything soo filthy! Time to repaint the legs I think! 🤢 we built this table when we got married and it is big enough to fit a family, but maybe our family will have out grown it this year and years to come. Time to build another.
Questions: any bassinet suggestions? We have had all boys in a quick span and have had to buy very little. A blanket, lovey, and wubanub for each. Other than that we had hand-me-downs from the start that we have handed down and every apparatus has been gender neutral. I'm kinda thinking a new bassinet would be nice. For those first few months.
GTKY: What actor would you choose to play you in a biopic? Sheesh that's a hard one. I don't feel I look like any actress. I also don't watch many shows or movies. Have you seen Sprung? Its the last show we binged and it cracked me up. Kinda weird cheaply made, Napoleon Dyanmite vibes.
My neighbor says my husband and I remind her of Blakey Lively and Ryan Reynolds... not by looks, definitely NOT, but by how we joke around all the time.
@thoseboysmama this baby is due on one of my sisters' birthdays! It will be very funny to me if the baby and her actually share a birthday, because outside of this, between my mom's seven children and my soon to be three, none of them share a birth month (aside from my twin siblings)!
I'm still a little in shock this baby is a girl, and we only have two boys! Oldest will be 7 this July and I was really so used to being a boy mom I couldn't picture anything else. And mine are suuuuch mama's boys, I'm selfish and wanted more of that 😂 All three of my pregnancies have been more or less the same with only minor differences in each. I'm always fascinated by what differences people notice/don't in boy/girl pregnancies.
@thescarletmom it may just be age but I noticed this time my hair which is usually shiny and full and just beautiful while pregnant is dull. I also found a gray hair before I found out I was pregnant. I refuse to waste any money or time on hair dye... so a silver babe I'll be. I cut my own hair and maybe buy 2 foundations a year. I just don't do girly. If it is a girl, I am going to be lost! 😬But the normal glow I had isn't there. Or atleast IMO. My husband disagrees. Smart man. 😆
I have craved less salty and pickley like things and more sweet. My boobs have been much more tender and bigger I believe. My nursing bras they spill out of ALREADY!!
More cramping this time which was concerning after my miscarriage. But I'm just ignoring it. I'm much more tired this time, but again older and more children to juggle than before.
I have noticed my heartburn has been late to the party which I appreciate. But it has definitely made an appearance.
My skin also seems much dryer than before. Somewhat itchy too.
Strangest thing I've noticed is my eye color which changes with the enviroment and weather has been more brown than ever. Maybe again age, but something I thought odd. Others pointed it out to me and I have also noticed it since.
I'll be 32 this month. Not super old or anything, but older ofcourse.
I'm definitely curious. This is the longest between babies for me too as I miscarried in December last year. I was exactly as far as I was this year in December. Rainbow baby for sure. Maybe my memory is just off, but I don't think so.
Congrats on your girl! Older brothers are such a blessing to little girls. I know I loved having all my brothers growing up. Felt so secure.
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: they said she was ~11 oz at my ultrasound last week
Upcoming appointments: Cervical check Friday
How are you feeling: a little more confident now that I have the cerclage in, I’m hoping that my cervical check will go ok on Friday so I can up my activity a little. I need more outside time.
I’m at the point of just getting through the next 2 months. Once we hit April I’ll be 28 weeks which is the big milestone and I’ll be able to relax a little.
Rants / Raves: DS is having a hard time with everything that’s been going on/my restrictions. My mom and DH want me to be a lot stricter with how he can sit and interact with me (pressure on my belly shortens my cervix), but I feel like that makes it harder for him. I try to find a balance of not letting him be too rough with me, but still letting him snuggle and hug me and play. It’s like last time, as soon my pregnancy gets risky people act like I’m supposed to 100% focus only on the baby and forget about what the other kids need too.
GTKY: What actor would you choose to play you in a biopic? IDK
@thoseboysmama We used a Halo bassinet with our first and will again with this babe. We liked it!
GTKY: What actor would you choose to play you in a biopic? Maybe Hailee Steinfeld for a younger version of me? I can't think of that many mixed Asian actresses my age, although I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.
@thoseboysmama that's so interesting. I have had a super strong aversion to anything sweet this pregnancy. I've always had the savory cravings while pregnant, but the aversion to sweets is new. All I want is soup and a good pot roast haha. My boobs feel genuinely so massive, especially because I just wrapped up 2.5 years of nursing DS2 so the comparison feels crazy. But I would saw the tenderness is actually the lowest of all three pregnancies. I've definitely noticed more RLP and SPD pain earlier this time, but I think that's normal for subsequent pregnancies. I've also had the driest hands on earth, something I never had an issue with before. My HG (I get it everything) was different this pregnancy, not that I would necessarily say it was worse, but it was harder to get under control/took longer to find the right medication. I also have had a dream about the sex of the baby each pregnancy, and it came very early (by like 8 or 9 weeks) with the boys. This time, I didn't dream about the baby AT ALL until I was 20 weeks. Weirded me out! I had two miscarriages before DS1, two between the boys, but only one between DS2 and this baby, and that was nervewracking for me this time. But overall, my pregnancies have more or less the same symptoms each time. They each have a little quirk that made them different (for instance the only time in my life I was a coffee drinker was during my pregnancy with DS2. Just a cup every morning) though!
@pttomato oof sending you love 🩶 I bet that's so hard with DS. It's already a tough transition for him and a stressful time for you, I wish you didn't have to deal with other people telling you how to manage your own pregnancy and safety. Your son absolutely still matters, even while you protect yourself and baby. I would be so upset if family expected me to basically cut off snuggling and playing with my son just for doing normal 2 year old stuff. Are they willing to step up and fill that role with him that they're expecting you to step out of?
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: 3 baseballs
Upcoming appointments: next week for a regular prenatal
How are you feeling: ok. I think I have a sinus infection, but don't want to go on antibiotics, so just trying to ride it out for another week before calling my Dr.
Rants / Raves: I just love feeling him move so much.
GTKY: What actor would you choose to play you in a biopic? No idea. Lol
@thescarletmom I do get migraines, but I've never tried that product. I'm definitely interested to hear of other experiences!
@bridgettetheboxer happy early birthday and I hope you have a wonderful trip!
@bridgettetheboxer I'm going to keep all my fingers crossed for an amazing anatomy scan for you! I hope time flies!
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: June 4th, 23 weeks
FTM/STM/STM+: Third time mom
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: Team green 🍏
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: Somehow a small squash and a grapefruit which I think it decidedly smaller than a coconut from last week. I know this baby is bigger from crown to heels than a grapefruit lol so I'm going with small autumn squash.
Upcoming appointments:
I think on Thursday but they said they'd call me back to reschedule and never did so I never made a note like a dummy. I'll be calling them this afternoon to double check.
How are you feeling: I'm doing okay, it's moving month and I have a lot going on.
Rants / Raves: I decided to cloth diaper again with this baby so I've been slowly getting a stash built, newborn diapers in any form are so adorable! My pelvic pain gets really bad with exercise, even specific exercises meant to help, but all the extra outdoors walking this past week has really helped it, I'm not sure what sense it makes but it's nice.
Questions: am I the only one left in our little group who's team green? I thought there used to be two others besides me but a quick scroll isn't bringing them up, so I may be thinking of members who left.
GTKY: What actor would you choose to play you in a biopic? Elizabeth Olsen even though I don't look like her, I relate to Wanda Maximoff's rage and grief and shitty hand of cards dealt to her in Wandavision so much that I think she'd be perfect.
@kalesix3 sure do love me some Elizabeth Olsen 😉 nothing more crushing than her performance as a grieving mother.
Thinking of you as you prepare to move!! I know it's been a huge stressor, fingers crossed it goes smoothly.
We never bought newborn cloth for the boys, just did disposables until they gained a few pounds/were past the meconium stage, but I got a damn targeted ad on Instagram for a brand that I think I might just have to order some newborn cloth diapers from 🤦♀️ La Petite Ourse if you want to look at them! They have pockets and all-in-ones.
I also thought you weren't the only one, but I think it might have been some who have fallen off. Was thinking a week or two ago about some of the people we've lost along the way and hope they're doing well.
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: June 13th / 21+6
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: boy
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: his finger is the length if a tic tac
Upcoming appointments: Friday for the anatomy scan
How are you feeling: overall good. Frumpy. I dont feel attractive right now and just feel big and uncomfortable
Rants / Raves: 18 more weeks to go, yet I feel so huge and uncomfortable. However will I make it??? Lmao
Questions: how are you dealing with children that are not excited to be a big sibling for their first time? My son continues to tell everyone he does not want a sibling and it makes me sad, yet he will also rub my belly frequently. So I don't know if it's just the unknown or the fear of not getting attention???
GTKY: What actor would you choose to play you in a biopic? I love me some Aubrey plaza!
@thescarletmom gosh thank you, re the move I'm either spiraling or I don't care at all and there's zero in-between lol. I don't think it will go well but not for any reason I can control. I've planned for as many contingencies as I can at this point. I'm in that awkward stage where I've packed up nearly everything we don't need for everyday life and I still have several weeks to stress lol. Elizabeth Olsen was so perfect for the role and I agree, as a loss mom it hits different 😵 I want to say maybe potato3000 was one of our team green Mamas, but I can't tag her anymore so she might have left, I miss a few of our group too! I do know la petite ourse but haven't tried them yet! I don't know if I'll cloth diaper full time or even immediately after birth but my son was swimming in newborn disposables for weeks, and he wore that size for a long time so I'm hoping the investment pays off. I kind of feel like a bad mom because I didn't cloth diaper with my son but also we live in a drought state and pay out the nose for our water and it didn't seem like a good trade off. Heading into the PNW I feel better about doing it but I still feel a little bad because I wasn't consistent and I don't want one kid to feel worse that they got fancy disposables and not cloth or vice versa. Probably nobody but me cares about that though lol 😆
@kalesix3 good luck with all the moving logistics. That sounds like A LOT. But I'm envisioning all the amazing things ahead in the beautiful PNW for you and your family 💕
@hitcj4687 in regards to siblings who aren't excited - I would just totally focus on validating his feelings, helping him name his feelings. I'm sure there's some great books that would also help normalize the whole range of emotions that can come with expecting a new sibling. Good luck mama, I'm sure he'll come around 💗
@hitcj4687 the body image issues are so hard. I usually feel good about my body at this point in pregnancy, but the early food-baby-or-baby-baby-? stages kick my ass. I've had a few bouts of feeling terrible about the way I look, especially when I'm not feeling like my maternity options are fitting well on my body as it grows. Sending you love 🩶 and about the sibling concerns: Jasper did not want to be a big brother when I was pregnant with Elli at all. Part of it was that when I got pregnant, suddenly there were a lot of things I couldn't do that I used to, he felt left out that everybody wanted to talk about the baby, the baby got new toys and clothes and blankets, etc. Obviously Reese is older than Jas was then, but I think a lot of those same concerns still apply. My relationship with my mom is already changing, how much more will it change? etc. I agree that really talking those things through, letting him feel disappointed even if it stings, and reminding him that he's still important too. If you can, make extra special time for you and him when you can before baby comes. You've got this, and chances are he'll love Kai once he's here, even if he's nervous now.
@kalesix3 you've done all you can! Moving is always stressful, let alone across the country. You've got so many moving parts to juggle in this too, and that really sucks. But you're totally on top of things (even if it doesn't feel like it)! I hope your volunteer helpers surprise you and actually end up being even remotely helpful.
Lol I totally get it, we were the most inconsistent cloth diaperers with DS1. DS2 I would say we did 85-90% cloth though, with disposables for newborn stage and for outings because I didn't like carrying around poopy diapers or fiddling with disposable liners. I think I'm going to order some, I'll let you know what I think of the quality!
@thoseboysmama I am a boxer! I’ve been coaching for about two years now and I love it so much. I’ve taken quite a big step back during this pregnancy because it has been harder than usual, but I miss it a lot! I’ve always wanted to try Krav, too!
@thescarletmom i have two girls and this pregnancy has been SO different from my last two so I am definitely anxious to see if maybe that’s because this is a boy? Obviously I’ll keep y’all updated.
@kalesix3good luck with the move!! I hope things go smoothly. Also, anyone that successfully cloth diapers is a hero in my eyes. I tried it and couldn’t keep it up. You’re so awesome!
@sunny_native14@thescarletmom I think when the baby comes and he realizes things won't change quite as much as he thinks, he will be okay. I told him all the stories of what it was like growing up with my brother and reminded him how close my brother and I are as adults. That seemed to help. Currently his main concern is that the baby is going to drool on his things. I think his concerns do lie much deeper, losing time with us, not being the only child, etc. We took a walk today just the two of us and talked. It was really nice. He will be okay ❤
@hitcj4687 not sure the age but we always do a little sibling gift from the baby. The older ones are on to it, but are cool with it. We also try to do one on one time with each child and or age groups after baby. Even if it's just Dad for the first few ones and then a Mom one a month later. Just so they feel special. My 2.5 year old was anti baby. We were 100% potty trained and then he started in on "me tiny, me diaper" 😦 6 months of no diapers and we digressed. It's all good now. Choose your battles, right?
He also got very jealous of all the Birthdays around that time too. His was the furthest away and would tell anyone who would list, "my birthday comin up" 😅 then he found out baby's birthday was also infront of his he was sooo upset. He now will tell you the only baby in the family is "in Mamas bellwee." Progress has been made. They'll come around. It may take time and patience though.
I always get a massage when I feel frumpy or a facial. I usually hold off on a pedicure until right before baby just incase the tech is not aware of the pressure points that can induce labor. It may help even in the slightest. I think we can all relate to that feeling during pregnancy, and I think it's under acknowledged. As if because you know you're pregnant, you know what's coming you should just get over it, but it's not that easy of a mental game. It should be something more validated in pregnancy. Pamper that body it's doing amazing things!
@kalesix3 ugh! Moving while pregnant are some of my worst memories. Just not being able to attack the task like I normally could. Hang in there!
I haven’t decided if we’re are going to do cloth diapers with this baby yet. We primarily used cloth with DD, but only sometimes with DS. I got rid of my stash though so I would need to get new ones.
@bridgettetheboxer thank you, that's so kind! I loved cloth diapering in the past and I really love doing laundry, it's my favorite household chores so I hope I like it now too. I cloth diapered almost all of my siblings but it can be so different when you're doing things for your own babies. I always wondered about your name! Gosh you're a superhero!
@thescarletmom I've hired movers to load and unload our truck because I'm not comfortable moving furniture up and down our stairs, my only hope is that my in laws stay at their hotel until we're done loading because my son will absolutely FREAK OUT with them and the moving crew all in the house while they take everything he loves out the door and put it in a truck. They're definitely going to fight me on that boundary but I don't want them here. Please let me know how you like the diapers! I ordered some form coziekids and Texas tushies last night, they're brands I have never tried but they got such good reviews and I know I'm going to want some all in one waterproof diapers, not just fitteds and covers.
@hitcj4687 omg I've never gone through that but it sounds so hard, I hope it gets easier these next few months and I love your perspective that things won't change that much and the transition won't be that hard.
@sunny_native14 thank you so much! Yes I hope it will be a beautiful chapter for us, I'm more sad for my son than I am for myself, we took a week long trip in October and he hated it, he cried so much and asked to go home all day we were there and would barely eat and not sleep unless I held him. I'm hoping he'll be more reassured that this time we will bring all our things but the staying in a hotel for a week until we get keys for our new place is going to wreak havock on us all.
I love doing cloth diapers. Babies skin is so much happier everytime.
What is your favorite brands? Why?
I've had the Thirties brand all in one, with the attached inserts. I got gifted most of them as hand-me-downs and supplemented with the new ones of the same brand. I really like them, but never tried another brand, never even searched others.
What large wet bag brand do you use? We use ours for dirty clothes when we travel and I'll need to get new ones. I like the ones with elastic tops to go into a hamper. Having trouble finding them this time around.
Do you cloth wipe as well? I am all ears for a good cloth formula. I always used Grapeseed oil or avocado oil, water, and Burts bees original soap in a cloth warmer. Only one of my friends did cloth diapers and she didn't make her own wipes.
I am also not finding the butt cream we used with our clothe diapers. I believe they were the angel baby ones in a yellow little canister. What kind do you use that's safe for cloth diapers?
I'm curious people's diaper preferences too. I always liked Huggies for the NB stage. Then do cloth for at home. I used to think LUVS were the best deal around and worked amazing, but they changed their quality when my youngest was just getting out of them. Target brand diapers I find are my other favorite. But there seem to always be new brands popping up.
I am prepping my list so I can slowly start getting stuff. After the 20 wk US it just feels more safe and set in stone.
@thoseboysmama i have used a few different brands/types - with DS1 we mostly did Sloomb fitteds with Thirsties covers. The Sloombs were sooo high quality but expensive. Like an idiot I gave them away to a not-good-enough friend when he outgrew the size 1s. We also used Nora's Nursery pocket diapers, with him and DS2. DS2 we also had a couple of a random brands on amazon, also pockets. And a few (like 3, was not enough haha) Thirsties NB AIOs. I really love the Nora's Nursery diapers and we will buy some more of those for this baby, but I also plan to try at least a few of the Esembly fitteds/covers and La Petite Ourse NB (I think they only have pockets in the NB size? But they also have AIOs), and pick up some of their others if we like the NBs!
We haven't done cloth wipes, mostly because we would keep baby wipes around anyways for other little messes and I'm a bit overzealous with wipes at diaper changes, so we'd probably struggle to keep up with wipe laundry lol.
We have always used Grandma El's diaper cream for cloth! It works wonders and smells AMAZING?! It comes in a tube and a tub and we just order off Amazon.
I loved the Cloud Island target brand diapers when DS2 was a newborn but I think they discontinued them because I haven't seen them in a long time, since DS2 was probably like 6 months. Other than that, we have always done Honest Co. for when we don't cloth! I despise the Millie Moon diapers because they fit DS2 so poorly - but we use and love their wipes! I don't like Huggies personally because I feel like they smell like urine so fast 🤢 I used to work in a daycare for many years and I always knew which kid wore huggies diapers by the smell lol. When our washing machine broke late last year, our dishwasher broke at the exact same time, and we just had a nightmare of a time keeping up with things so we tossed our cloth diaper stash since we couldn't wash them at a laundromat. My husband grabbed a box of pampers diapers randomly to use with DS2 and the perfume smell in the one he got was super strong (to him too, not just my pregnant nose). With this baby, we plan to try the Kudos diapers. My kids have super super sensitive skin as babies and I'm just really impressed with Kudos ingredients. Haven't tried yet though!
My babies have always had super sensitive skin and so far have only tolerated Honest Co. and Eco by Naty brand diapers. But I found the Honey Co. to work best with NB and early months. Hats off to all those who cloth diaper! I dreamed of doing that with my first, but just never got up the energy to make it happen.
@sunny_native14 honest co. was the only thing (other than cloth) that didn't make DS1 break out terribly in rashes! DS2 was a bit less sensitive skinned, but we still had to avoid most any big name huggies, pampers, or like costco brand, etc. or he'd get rashes. Once DS2 hit the toddler stage/2/2.5, he could tolerate other brands better. I dont love it but my husband is cheap and doesn't want to pay more when he's just dragging his feet on potty training him anyways ahha
@sunny_native14 I tried all the crunchy diaper brands with my son and I think I got a bad naty batch because they shredded all over the bum and left cotton fibers everywhere, I was so sad. I liked eco pea and Abby and Finn diapers but nothing held a candle to Coterie and their subscription deal two years ago was an insanely good deal. Now it's pricey as heck and the price has risen at least three times. I'm looking forward to being able to stretch a box a little further doing cloth at least some of the time. We really liked honest when my son was a newborn but I got him a pack recently when my coterie was delayed and he's been breaking out every day. 😵 Maybe it's just the overnights he can't handle, idk.
Also I totally should have posted my cloth diapers on this thread! I'm a scatterbrain! 🤦🏻♀️
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: 1lb5oz according to yesterday's ultrasound
Upcoming appointments: Next midwife appt is in a couple weeks, next ultrasound is in April (third and hopefully final one to monitor fluid levels in baby's kidney since it's been sitting right at -- but not above -- the max "safe" amount each time so far which can often resolve on it's own🤞)
How are you feeling: Pretty great, I finally got to chiro and massage last weekend and it was life changing haha. I'm regularly feeling lots of strong movements from this LO now too which is so nice and really reassuring after waiting for what felt like forever to feel anything 🥹
Rants / Raves: Just wish I could keep up on here (and with the laundry and cleaning and sleep and everything) a little more regularly -- there's not enough time in a day!
Questions: I'm trying to figure out what I need/want to wear this baby. I never did a whole lot with my first two but we did have an Ergo 360° which I enjoyed the ease of and I tried a Moby wrap from my SIL when DS was a newborn but I didn't like that I could never get it to feel secure enough to not hold/support him with at least one of my hands while walking (and maybe that was just me as a FTM and not so much the wrap? Ha).
I really think I'll be wearing this LO a lot more since we live on a farm now and I'll be starting back up with daycare around 3 months PP so I'm looking for something slightly structured for speed and ease but a little more like a wrap than the 360 was for when baby is tiny? Any suggestions?
GTKY: What actor would you choose to play you in a biopic? I really have no idea and don't think there'd be much interest anyways 🤣
@potato3000 welcome back! I've missed you on here, I tried to tag you the other day and it wouldn't let me. I know a lot of farm folks who love their Happy Baby Carriers, they're super washable and quick with a low learning curve. It's really lightweight too and there are a ton of lending libraries with them if you wanted to try one out before committing. Hth 💛
Re: Weekly Check-In 2/6
@bridgettetheboxer Happy early birthday!
@thoseboysmama We used a Halo bassinet with our first and will again with this babe. We liked it!
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: 6/8, 22+4
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
June 4th, 23 weeks
Third time mom
Team green 🍏
Somehow a small squash and a grapefruit which I think it decidedly smaller than a coconut from last week. I know this baby is bigger from crown to heels than a grapefruit lol so I'm going with small autumn squash.
I'm doing okay, it's moving month and I have a lot going on.
I decided to cloth diaper again with this baby so I've been slowly getting a stash built, newborn diapers in any form are so adorable!
My pelvic pain gets really bad with exercise, even specific exercises meant to help, but all the extra outdoors walking this past week has really helped it, I'm not sure what sense it makes but it's nice.
am I the only one left in our little group who's team green? I thought there used to be two others besides me but a quick scroll isn't bringing them up, so I may be thinking of members who left.
Elizabeth Olsen even though I don't look like her, I relate to Wanda Maximoff's rage and grief and shitty hand of cards dealt to her in Wandavision so much that I think she'd be perfect.
I love me some Aubrey plaza!
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
June 19/ 21 weeks today!
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: Boy!!
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: endive
Upcoming appointments:
2 on Monday.. one regular appt with my ob and one at the mfm
How are you feeling:
Tired.. the last week my energy has disappeared.
Rants / Raves:
Rave! My husband and his dad painted the baby’s room.. so now we just need to buy his furniture and all the other stuff he needs.
Rant! We still cannot settle on a name. We like Camden and Bennett but cannot commit to either one.
GTKY: What actor would you choose to play you in a biopic?
I have zero resemblance but I love Anne Hathaway ❤️
Elizabeth Olsen was so perfect for the role and I agree, as a loss mom it hits different 😵
I want to say maybe potato3000 was one of our team green Mamas, but I can't tag her anymore so she might have left, I miss a few of our group too!
I do know la petite ourse but haven't tried them yet! I don't know if I'll cloth diaper full time or even immediately after birth but my son was swimming in newborn disposables for weeks, and he wore that size for a long time so I'm hoping the investment pays off. I kind of feel like a bad mom because I didn't cloth diaper with my son but also we live in a drought state and pay out the nose for our water and it didn't seem like a good trade off. Heading into the PNW I feel better about doing it but I still feel a little bad because I wasn't consistent and I don't want one kid to feel worse that they got fancy disposables and not cloth or vice versa. Probably nobody but me cares about that though lol 😆
@hitcj4687 in regards to siblings who aren't excited - I would just totally focus on validating his feelings, helping him name his feelings. I'm sure there's some great books that would also help normalize the whole range of emotions that can come with expecting a new sibling. Good luck mama, I'm sure he'll come around 💗
@thoseboysmama I am a boxer! I’ve been coaching for about two years now and I love it so much. I’ve taken quite a big step back during this pregnancy because it has been harder than usual, but I miss it a lot! I’ve always wanted to try Krav, too!
@thescarletmom i have two girls and this pregnancy has been SO different from my last two so I am definitely anxious to see if maybe that’s because this is a boy? Obviously I’ll keep y’all updated.
@kalesix3good luck with the move!! I hope things go smoothly. Also, anyone that successfully cloth diapers is a hero in my eyes. I tried it and couldn’t keep it up. You’re so awesome!
baby #5
it’s a Boy!!
baby is as tall as a tervis water bottle
pretty good, other than pure exhaustion and frequent headaches
Julia stiles
I always wondered about your name! Gosh you're a superhero!
@thescarletmom I've hired movers to load and unload our truck because I'm not comfortable moving furniture up and down our stairs, my only hope is that my in laws stay at their hotel until we're done loading because my son will absolutely FREAK OUT with them and the moving crew all in the house while they take everything he loves out the door and put it in a truck. They're definitely going to fight me on that boundary but I don't want them here.
Please let me know how you like the diapers! I ordered some form coziekids and Texas tushies last night, they're brands I have never tried but they got such good reviews and I know I'm going to want some all in one waterproof diapers, not just fitteds and covers.
@hitcj4687 omg I've never gone through that but it sounds so hard, I hope it gets easier these next few months and I love your perspective that things won't change that much and the transition won't be that hard.
@sunny_native14 thank you so much! Yes I hope it will be a beautiful chapter for us, I'm more sad for my son than I am for myself, we took a week long trip in October and he hated it, he cried so much and asked to go home all day we were there and would barely eat and not sleep unless I held him. I'm hoping he'll be more reassured that this time we will bring all our things but the staying in a hotel for a week until we get keys for our new place is going to wreak havock on us all.
I liked eco pea and Abby and Finn diapers but nothing held a candle to Coterie and their subscription deal two years ago was an insanely good deal. Now it's pricey as heck and the price has risen at least three times. I'm looking forward to being able to stretch a box a little further doing cloth at least some of the time.
We really liked honest when my son was a newborn but I got him a pack recently when my coterie was delayed and he's been breaking out every day. 😵 Maybe it's just the overnights he can't handle, idk.
Also I totally should have posted my cloth diapers on this thread! I'm a scatterbrain! 🤦🏻♀️
I really think I'll be wearing this LO a lot more since we live on a farm now and I'll be starting back up with daycare around 3 months PP so I'm looking for something slightly structured for speed and ease but a little more like a wrap than the 360 was for when baby is tiny? Any suggestions?