May 2023 Moms

AMA (Advanced Maternal Age) & High-Risk Check-In: February

This is a monthly check-in for all the AMA (Advanced Maternal Age) and high-risk mamas.

How far along are you?

How old are you?

How are you feeling?

Any issues/concerns?

Re: AMA (Advanced Maternal Age) & High-Risk Check-In: February

  • How far along are you? 23 w 5 d

    How old are you? 35

    How are you feeling? Round lol. Other than 
    that, overall I'm just tired.

    Any issues/concerns? Genetic tests and ultrasounds have been normal, so now the gestational diabetes check on Tuesday is the next test to pray for good results.
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  • How far along are you? 28+2

    How old are you? 41

    How are you feeling? In general, pretty good. My anxiety was better for awhile but as the finish line gets closer, it’s creeping back in about the actual delivery.

    Any issues/concerns? She was breach at yesterday’s ultrasound but it felt like maybe she turned last night in bed, it was pretty uncomfortable for a few minutes and I woke up this morning with my pelvis feeling really sore when I first got up and walked to the bathroom. I passed my 1hr glucose tolerance test with flying colors this time around after being on the edge of failing through my last full pregnancy so I’m pretty excited about that.
  • How far along are you? 28w

    How old are you? 38

    How are you feeling? Definitely feeling more fatigued and achy as of a couple weeks ago! I have pregnancy-triggered carpal tunnel so my numb hands are the worst symptom, but I found a chiropractor who has been really helping.

    Bebe was measuring very small a couple months ago, so my OB referred me to the high risk center for my last two ultrasounds. Just had our follow up today and although she is still petite, her growth rate is normal, so we don’t have to go to the high risk center anymore, yay!!

    Any issues/concerns? Glucose test next week! I’m a FTM so I’m worried about this since I’ve been told there are no symptoms to tell you how you might do. Dr says I can eat 3 hours in advance; will what I eat affect the test?

  • @maggharris based purely on my experience with daily testing numbers, if he says you can eat, I would avoid fruit or very carb-y foods; these are what most affect my daily numbers. 
  • How far along are you? 27w2d

    How old are you? 38

    How are you feeling? Having some bad diarrhea the last few days lol. Also feeling those random leg cramps and backaches as we head into the final stretch.

    Any issues/concerns? I’m not “ready” for this baby. Don’t have a nursery or supplies… this is PAL so I keep hesitating to go all in. I did buy a crib sheet this weekend to rip the bandaid off of preparation. I keep telling myself all I’ll need is to get out the bassinet, but some diapers, and new bottles/formula. (BF was very traumatic for me with my now preschooler, so at least my expectations are appropriate this time!!) 💙
  • How far along are you? 30 Weeks 4 days 

    How old are you? 43

    How are you feeling? Very very exhausted 

    Any issues or concerns? Feeling heavy. . Baby Boy is head down. So my legs and crotch are very sore. I feel like I’ve lost appetite this week. 
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