As we approach third trimester (eek!!), how does everyone feel about migrating from TB to Facebook? Typically BMBs migrate to another platform (usually Facebook) around this time, and there is a vetting process to weed out catfish and one-and-done TB posters. I will volunteer as admin but would like at least two other admins.
The Facebook group for my first BMB is still going strong nearly 4 years after we created it! (@gingermama46 can attest to that. ) It was a lifesaver during the baby days: it was wonderful to have so many women in the same boat. We have a couple moms who were not FB users at the start but created an account based off their TB username just to be part of the group.
If there's enough interest, I'll start a migration thread next week!
YES to Facebook @hestia-is-wearie. So much easier than TB to navigate. My F19 and A21 groups are both going strong still. F19 is full of some of my best friends now.
Happy to volunteer as another admin if needed - I'm an admin for F19 and A21 as well.
@megh061816 i only keep a fb account for my bmbs. I have no friends on there (besides immediate family so I can monitor what they post about my children lol) and don’t use it for anything else. always an option!
I'd be in... My last group had quite a few people that weren't on Facebook, so we didn't do the full migration there till after all the babies were born. We ended up creating a private bump group instead in the meantime that also got rid of the lurkers... But I'd be good with anything. I know I haven't been super active, so I'll leave it up to the rest of you ladies to decide what you want.
@caroduke we did a private group before we moved to FB for my other two BMBs and it definitely helped me feel more comfortable sharing my real name/pictures/etc. with people. I just have a lot of internet stranger danger apparently
Woo, it’s field trip day! I’m taking my kids to the Baltimore Symphony and Aquarium today, and I’m so excited! We haven’t been able to go since 2019 for Covid and I’m happy we get to start this up again.
So my husband and I came up with this plan to turn our (totally not functional, but super sunny and pretty) sunroom into a well organized mudroom over NYE when my mom kept the kids for like 36 hours. We painted the walls, bought an indoor/outdoor rug, then ran out of time and haven't finished it. I've been working on the plans for the bench/shelf situation I want to build for WEEKS but just haven't purchased any of the wood. Well we got our tax return this week and my husband said he wanted to buy all the wood and materials for me for Valentine's Day so that I could take time to myself and build it and y'all I just about burst into tears I was so excited.
I've spent all day planning and comparing wood prices and trying to figure out how long this will realistically take me. Also have to definitely not tell my parents because I want to do this by myself and they'll be pissed if I'm using power tools while 5 months pregnant.
Postnatal vitamins. Yes or no? Not a huge difference between the 2 but there is some. Costco dosent carry postnatal vitamins so I was thinking on just sticking with prenatal vitamins after delivery.
@jeep4x4mom I used prenatals after delivery and I assume they're okay.
In other news, DD had her preschool Valentine's Day dance yesterday and practically shut the place down. She was one of the last 10 kids on the dance floor! I thought she'd sleep like a log, but it took her until 9:45 to fall asleep, and then she woke up this morning ready to go at 6:00. Maybe tonight she'll sleep?
My prego friend (due first week of April) just found out her doula was indicted for credit card fraud at the end of January 🫤 and now can't fathom keeping her as a post partum aide (with any amount of unsupervised access around the house). I am just bummed for her that this happened at the last minute.
Re: February Randoms
The Facebook group for my first BMB is still going strong nearly 4 years after we created it! (@gingermama46 can attest to that.
If there's enough interest, I'll start a migration thread next week!
Happy to volunteer as another admin if needed - I'm an admin for F19 and A21 as well.
I've spent all day planning and comparing wood prices and trying to figure out how long this will realistically take me. Also have to definitely not tell my parents because I want to do this by myself and they'll be pissed if I'm using power tools while 5 months pregnant.
In other news, DD had her preschool Valentine's Day dance yesterday and practically shut the place down. She was one of the last 10 kids on the dance floor! I thought she'd sleep like a log, but it took her until 9:45 to fall asleep, and then she woke up this morning ready to go at 6:00.
PS: have you checked your PMs lately?