2nd Trimester

Kick starting labor and labor techniques you've used.

Obviously 1st time moms have not tried yet, but any second or more Mamas tried to get labor going on their own? If so what worked and what didn't? All moms can appreciate another's story. 

I'm curious as only sex seems to kick start it for me. Everytime I try spicy foods, walking, curb stepping, side stairs, deep squats, and nothing ever worked. (I swear by squats and contribute not tearing to them. I do squats throughout my pregnancy and I think it has really helped. If you avoid tearing the 1st time you are less likely following times my OB has told me) 

But sex always seems to work. I was supposed to be induced in the AM and told my husband I really didn't want to be pitted (pitosin) and we did the thing and I had my baby a few hours later. He was there before the 7AM induction. 

I have had multiple births and I did hypno-birthing with my last. I cannot explain how magical that birth was. I felt very little pain and am so glad I tried it. Wish I had earlier. I was talking through my 2 pushes to get him out, whilst having an IV put in. My husband was in awe. It was an out of body experience. I am doing it with this birth as well. I listened to guided meditations online. Recovery and milk production was much better without the epidural. Though that epidural sure was nice those first few time! 😉

I love hearing birth stories and methods so if anyone has anything they recommend please share for the 1st time Moms. I know I'd have loved to know what I know now, then.

Re: Kick starting labor and labor techniques you've used.

  • harpseal135harpseal135 member
    edited January 2023
    Um congrats! Baby comes when baby comes. You are a lucky one that had short labors and 2 push delivery. 

    Guess what I did squats through my entire pregnancy, working out as much as I could and serving as a banquet waitress - I was 1mm away from emergency surgery to sew up the 4th degree tear that almost tire my rectum. 

    You are lucky spontaneous sex "caused" labor.  

    Gloating about how easy your pregnancies were is not cool. 

    Babies come when ready.  "Methods" are coincidence not causation. 


    jangojo said:
    Obviously 1st time moms have not tried yet, but any second or more Mamas tried to get labor going on their own? If so what worked and what didn't? All moms can appreciate another's story. 

    I'm curious as only sex seems to kick start it for me. Everytime I try spicy foods, walking, curb stepping, side stairs, deep squats, and nothing ever worked. (I swear by squats and contribute not tearing to them. I do squats throughout my pregnancy and I think it has really helped. If you avoid tearing the 1st time you are less likely following times my OB has told me) 

    But sex always seems to work. I was supposed to be induced in the AM and told my husband I really didn't want to be pitted (pitosin) and we did the thing and I had my baby a few hours later. He was there before the 7AM induction. 

    I have had multiple births and I did hypno-birthing with my last. I cannot explain how magical that birth was. I felt very little pain and am so glad I tried it. Wish I had earlier. I was talking through my 2 pushes to get him out, whilst having an IV put in. My husband was in awe. It was an out of body experience. I am doing it with this birth as well. I listened to guided meditations online. Recovery and milk production was much better without the epidural. Though that epidural sure was nice those first few time! 😉

    I love hearing birth stories and methods so if anyone has anything they recommend please share for the 1st time Moms. I know I'd have loved to know what I know now, then.

  • Easy pregnancy? Spontaneous sex? Short labors?
     None of that has been said. I told of my last birth. My water was the only thing holding him in. So sex made things so uncomfortable that contractions started to finally intensify and I labored silently all night and then woke my husband. 1st push was water breaking and second was baby. The resident who caught him said my water had broken anywhere I'd have had a baby within a second. And that does not mean I didn't labor for hours before. This was unlike my others. 

    I was soo uncomfortable for days leading up to it. I had contractions for days not Braxton. Real contractions. The baby was late. I always opt to not induce if possible so the fact we had one scheduled for the next morning it was the end and baby was coming because baby needed out. If you've ever been a week or 2 post due date, then you know how you want to do anything to coax babe out.

    My other labors were longer. You can't change that. And yes sex induced labor each time we tried it. Again everyone is different. My first came after a big bump on a drive. In no way was it spontaneous sex though. Haha what a riot at 10 months pregnant. Inducing labor does work and sometimes it doesn't. Which is why I was curious of other women's stories of how they tried and failed or tried and succeeded.

    My pregnancies were great. We made it to the end. I have had miscarriages and of course pregnancy is not easy. Not once did I say that above or ever. 

    Maybe @harpseal135 I offended you in the wording of my post. But in no way did I say it was easy. I like many others worked full time physical jobs as well. Pregnancy is no walk in the park but our bodies are amazing in how they handle it all. In no way is my sharing of one of my births a gloat or how I was able to induce my labors a gloat. Says much more that you feel it is. I love birth stories and wanted to share my most recent and most zen one. And the different method I used. Again it was not my first so that also I'm sure played a part. 

    Thanks for sharing your story. Hope you healed well. And I'm sorry my birth story is so offensive. I always find it strange when women can't be happy for other women. Odd thing.
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  • @jangojo your birth story sounds so special. I don't find it to be gloating. I find it encouraging. I will be looking into hypnobirthing. Thanks for sharing.

    @harpseal135 so glad for that 1 mm
  • Your birth story sounds amazing. Please don’t apologize for sharing. That’s what forums like this are for.

    My first, I was 2 weeks overdue and didn’t do anything much. I was oblivious. Tried sex (husband wasn’t into it- scared of harming baby the entire pregnancy) and then I tried castor oil. Cleaned me out. Got contractions started and then nothing. Still had to go and be induced. Everything happened so fast and beyond my control. I had trained for Hypnobirthing but once that pitocin kicked in it was game over. Back labour. Contractions without a break. It wasn’t great.

    This time I’m going to do THE MOST to get baby to come when it’s due. Because mentally I want to be in control of myself and hopefully birth at home in a tub.

    Thanks again for sharing your wonderful story. It’s much appreciated.
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