June 2023 Moms

Weekly Check-in 1/30


Re: Weekly Check-in 1/30

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    @thoseboysmama my midwife was so so casual about it, told me it's not worth worrying about because it resolves itself 90% of the time, etc. but I just can't help it. I know she would be straight up with me if it was a concern, she even said she had a very different conversation with another patient earlier in the day and would tell me if that was the case. She's compassionate but she won't sugarcoat things. Of course I anxiety spiral anyways and end up feeling guilty about it, because stress isn't good for baby either. Ugh. The last thing on the planet that anybody wants to hear is that something less than perfect or ideal is happening with their pregnancy, no matter how small.

    On top of all my own fears, it feels extra hard because all my babies have been planned as homebirths. My first ended with me going to the hospital during labor - not for an emergency, just because it progressed quicker than expected and my midwife was stuck and couldn't get to me fast enough, and we didn't want him born unassisted. But the closest hospital is notorious for treating homebirth transfers terribly, and it was an awful experience. So hearing that I'll be forced to have a hospital birth again if it doesn't resolve is just so terrifying. My husband and I both have several nurses in our family who turn their nose up at me and ask demeaning questions about my births, and I know they'll try to make me feel selfish or reckless for being upset. After our second son was born (at home) one of my husband's aunts had the audacity to look shocked and say she was surprised to see us when me and the baby were alive and well at the next family gathering 🙄
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    @thescarletmom the fear and judgement against homebirth is so frustrating and ridiculous. When we decided to do a homebirth for my second daughter, our families and most friends were so skeptical - I just would constantly remind them that we're using a very experienced team of midwives and that birthing in the hospital comes with it's own risks, too. Our homebirth was the most healing, grounding experience and you have every right to be fiercely protective over that decision....and to grieve potentially not being able to have one. I'm sending you all the positive vibes that you will get to have the birth you envision 💕
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    @sunny_native14 exactly! My midwife has been delivering babies for 20 years, she's a professional, we have emergency plans. And I don't owe you any explanation of my decisions anyways. It's like people think I'm out in a cow pasture giving birth? 
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    @thescarletmom LOL that's exactly what I was going to say! They act like I'm free birthing out in the middle of the woods..not that there's anything wrong with that. But nah, I'm in my bedroom in an incredible birth pool surrounded by an amazing team of professionals 🤣
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    Oh jeez.. giving birth in a cow pasture lol I got a very vivid image in my head and I want it to go away hahaha 
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    @thescarletmom one of my OBs told me I'd DIE if I had a home birth. It was my first I have a pretty controlled asthma so her saying I'd need to be in a hospital freaked me out. And my family with nurses, PA, doctors, and veteranrians told me I was crazy to do it at home. I proceeded to have 2 homebirths after my first 2. Other than your husband and delivery team. How you choose to deliver is no ones business.
    I 100% agree people treat you like a loon when you don't want to give birth in a hospital.
    The birthing center I had them at when I did do hospital is very pro mom and baby and has a tub to birth in and a tunnel for c-section emergencies. So it was better than an actual hospital, still not the same calming experience as a homebirth.
    I only told my husband and mom when I was waiting for info on my results, just because I didn't want to stress out my grandparents as well as some unwanted comments. I was glad I didn't tell anyone else.

    I'm glad your midwife is a good one and was straight up. You will still worry, it's not a HUGE thing like you said. Does not change that it is still a "thing". You are processing a thing that can potentially change the whole idealistic scenario you have in your head. Anyone would be emotional about it. I was and I'm not an emotional person even when hormones are rampant.
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    @francesgs I try not to think too hard about what they must imagine is going on 😂

    @thoseboysmama my sister was a L&D nurse at a big hospital where she lives when I was pregnant with my first and she got so angry with me for planning a homebirth. She called me names, told me that me and my baby would die, the whole 9. We didn't talk for almost 2 years, and she apologized when we saw each other and thankfully the only other comments she's had are "will you have this one at home too?" with subsequent babies. Which is mildly irritating but I'll take it over worse things. I made the decision immediately that we wouldn't be telling anybody details while we wait to see how it turns out, I just knew it'd be too much stress to rehash the whole thing all the time and worry about what they would have to say. I'm definitely an anxious person, especially while pregnant because of my miscarriage history, and have learned to find ways to protect my peace however I can. I know I'm going to worry, but there are unnecessary stressors I can do my best to eliminate. 
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    @thescarletmom omg that's so sad and stressful, I'm sorry this happened. All your emotions are extremely valid and I'd be feeling the exact same way in your shoes. I'm sorry your monitoring options aren't ones you feel good about either. 
    I'm really hopeful that your placenta will move by 28 weeks, everyone I know with a low lying placenta but not full previa has had their placenta move by that time so I'm going to be holding my breath that yours does too. It's so hard when there's nothing you can do about it and it's all up to nature. It's not your fault that this happened ❤️ 
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