1st Trimester

Spotting ?

edited January 2023 in 1st Trimester
5 weeks today very mild cramping / gas pain that’ comes & goes , in the past maybe three days , 3 times when I've gone to the bathroom when I have wiped I’ve had discharge with just small pink tint to it. I’ve had a chemical pregnancy about 4 years ago would hate for it to be happening again kinda of losing my mind!! Even though when I had the chemical pregnancy I had pink spotting then it turned bright red a few hours later with intense cramps to follow.

Re: Spotting ?

  • I had similar! Spotting off and on since 1/7, a few days off then back on. I had blood work done and all is well, some women just spot!! Follow up with your doctor if you have any other concerns though 💕
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