So I am 7 weeks and I was having some pain in my stomach like trapped gas and I went to the hospital and they took my blood and did an ultrasound on the ultrasound I could see the baby moving and the heart beating and the baby has also grown because I did an ultrasound last Wednesday when I was 6 weeks anyways they said the baby is fine everything looks good btw I am black and the white doc came in and said my hcg isn’t doubling and my baby could be in my tubes and my yolk sac is small and irregular. I cried the whole time yesterday at the hospital and I told my ob and she said I come in today so they can check to make sure everything is okay. He came in and just said all of that with zero care in the world.
Re: 7w ultrasound yolk sac
They are not specialists. They are not OB/GYN. That is why they give worst case scenario do the minimal possible (if non emergent and to the ER trapped gas is non emergent) just to get people out for real emergencies. Sorry to say, but very true.
So, you did follow up with your regular OBGYN. what did they say?