August 2023 Moms

UO Thursday

What’s your unpopular opinion?

Re: UO Thursday

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    Toddler naps become overrated. I hate when mine naps now cuz it just means a harder bedtime for me
    PG #1: 36w5d 12/25/19
    PG #2: EDD 8/15/23 Miscarried 9w1d 1/11/23
    PG #3: EDD 12/15/23
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    @stashattack YOU TAKE THAT BACK. My daughter decided not to nap today, which usually means she just plays in her room by herself for a while, except then I don't feel like I can nap too and I DESPERATELY needed one today. Wouldn't have mattered anyway, she came out of her room every 4-5 minutes (or less) for an HOUR. "Mama, this puzzle is hard. Mama, this piece has an octopus on it. Mama, im singing a song. Mama, look, I'm wearing a hat. I need to poop. I need a baby doll. I'm going to the living room to play now." TAKE THE EFFING NAP KID, YOU WERE UP CHATTERING TO YOURSELF UNTIL 11 LAST NIGHT. So skipping nap, after today, is blasphemy.

    Mine this week: Frozen and Frozen 2 have so many psychological issues to address that the movies aren't even really enjoyable to watch (although the songs are fun). The entire movie could have been avoided with some not-terrible parenting in the beginning but "conceal, don't feel" is legitimately the worst fatherly move I've seen since the Sultan tried to marry Jasmine off to whatever prince showed up that day.
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    @ki1244 never 😹 naps jade the bane of my existence now. 

    Re: frozen it's a very boomer mentality to raise kids lol
    PG #1: 36w5d 12/25/19
    PG #2: EDD 8/15/23 Miscarried 9w1d 1/11/23
    PG #3: EDD 12/15/23
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    @stashattack My toddler is in that nap phase. He still needs a nap because he breaks down crying in the afternoon without it but bedtime is soooo long. He needs extra cuddles, several trips to the potty, he comes out of his room and stares at us from the top of the stairs. It’s great, totally enjoy every minute of it. 😫 I do enjoy the extra cuddles but that’s about it. 

    @ki1244 I used to not be able to nap when the kids were awake but now I just put the baby in the pack n play and a movie that will entertain the toddler and the older kids. I sleep on the couch. 

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    @emeraldcity603 I totally understand that. Some toddlers def still need it. But not mine 😹 
    PG #1: 36w5d 12/25/19
    PG #2: EDD 8/15/23 Miscarried 9w1d 1/11/23
    PG #3: EDD 12/15/23
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