**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!**
Re: WTO w/o 12/19
Month/Cycle: 7
CD: 11
WAYDTGKU: all the things - testing, prenatals, levothyroxine, and other stuff.
R/R: I have my ultrasound on Wednesday to check endometrium and gauge when I will O. Still thinking it’ll be next week
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
Month/Cycle: 25/too many to know
CD: 8
WAYDTGKU: prenatals, extra folic acid, baby aspirin, progesterone after ovulation, acupuncture
R/R: the next two weeks are going to be both the laziest and longest re work. i feel like everyone is just exhausted.
CS/Q: natm
@wanderlustsoul i hope your u/s goes well!
Month/Cycle: 1/1
CD: 19
WAYDTGKU: BBT, OPK, CP/CM, BD when feeling up to it
R/R: All signs of ovulation on CD 14 other than a temp shift. Pretty sure sinus infection and other sickness in my house has put everything on hold, but who knows with this being first cycle since IUD removal
CS/Q: Chart is a mess so I’m just trying not to look at it 😅
DS1 -- 9/30/2016
Month/Cycle: 1/1
CD: 1
R/R: A winter storm is coming in the next few days, so it’s looking like it’ll be a white Christmas
Month/Cycle: 22/12 AL
CD: 1
WAYDTGKU: opk, hio
R/R: meh cycle day 1, all the rants.
TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
Due date was Nov 2020
DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
TTC: March 2021
IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP. MC Jan 2022
IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.
Month/Cycle: Month 12, Cycle 8
CD: Day 1 after 53 days
WAYDTGKU: Prenatals, OPK, attempts at BBT but we just got a new puppy and sleep is not exactly consistent (not that it was before him…)
R/R: Really hoping to get some answers from my doctor appt next Thursday.
CS/Q: 😭😭 No questions, just feelings
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
DS1 -- 9/30/2016
@anniemarie887 Sorry work is going to be a slog. I hope it goes quickly.
Month/Cycle: 18 months since we started trying, but 4th cycle back TTC after being benched then taking a break after our last loss
CD: 1
WAYDTGKU: Changing it up a little this cycle. I am starting the herbal medicine that my acupuncture doc mixed up for me, and dropping most of the egg quality supplements except Ubiquinol (neither my OBGYN or the acupuncture doc thought very highly of them). I also switched to a different prenatal at my OBGYN’s suggestion, with more folate and iron in different forms than I was taking before. Besides that, I’m sticking with acupuncture, OPKs, and BD as much as we can.
R/R: Because of COVID I think we will be isolating through Christmas. There is still a snowball chance in hell that we’ll be able to test out before then, but highly unlikely. I’m so sad not to be with our families this year. 😭
@britters314 i'm a bit jealous of the white christmas ppl, we're going to have cold rain it seems
@bearmomma1 rant away lady!
@dmcgrew17 i'm sorry for cd1 and i also hope you get some answers, i know this frustration
@maggiemadeit we had a "covid" christmas last year, it sucks... but is also weirdly kind of nice to have zero obligations.
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
@wanderlustsoul That all sounds good! Glad the appt went well!
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
DS1 -- 9/30/2016
DS1 -- 9/30/2016