This is such a tough & stressful situation. I had good luck using The Sleep Easy Solution book. I also read The Happy Sleeper, but went with Sleep Easy because it went into a little more detail about special situations like still wanting your kiddo sleeping in your room, travel, sickness, teething, etc. I also felt a little more supported & prepared with the method in Sleep Easy. Both books are very EASY reads so you can start implementing whichever method you choose quickly.
Around this age I started putting my twins to sleep with a bottle full of water in their cribs. This hydration swap made a huge difference and they sleep through most nights without needing mom or dad. Just pick bottles that aren’t leaky when tipped over.
Введите кTry gradually reducing the feeding time or the amount of milk in the bottle.If your baby is used to falling asleep while feeding, try reducing the amount of milk or shortening the feeding time gradually.Comforting without feeding:Instead of feeding, use other methods of comforting such as rocking, stroking, cuddling or soft toys.Sleep and wakefulness routines:Make sure your child has a good sleep and wakefulness routine throughout the day. This can help reduce the need for night feedings.Set clear boundaries:Gradually set clear boundaries for bedtime. If your baby wakes up, try soothing him or her without offering milk.Physician's help:If the problem continues, discuss the situation with your doctor. Your baby may be experiencing some healthy challenges that are affecting his sleep. If you have a partner, discuss strategies together. It is important that both parents are involved and follow the same strategy.Ask for help from friends or relatives so that you can take a break once in a while, especially if the baby is not sleeping well.омментарий
Re: How to stop night feeding of 16month old?