I just realized I put this week's dates on last week's check-in (anybody else notice or do we all have this level of pregnancy brain? 😆) and I can't change/edit it so hopefully there's not too much confusion, sorry!
What's your usual go-to type of exercise (yoga, weight-lifting, running, zumba, swimming, walking, etc)?
How did your exercise plans go last week?
What are your exercise plans for this week?
GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world for two weeks, all expenses paid, where would you go and who would bring?
Re: Exercise Check-in: Dec 11-17
Yoga, walking and weight-lifting
How did your exercise plans go last week?
Great! Not quite on schedule again but got everything done as of this morning
What are your exercise plans for this week?
Mon: Strength training
Wed: Metcon workout
Thurs: Stretching/yoga
Fri: Strength training
These last couple weeks I've somehow been feeling more motivated to get back into a regular workout routine than I was before finding out about this pregnancy. I'm enjoying it while it lasts but also really wishing I knew how to make sure it continues throughout this pregnancy and into postpartum because of how much it improves my mental health and how I physically feel (more energy, less pain, etc)
GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world for two weeks, all expenses paid, where would you go and who would bring?
DH and I lived in Australia for 3 years pre-kids and I would love to go back with our kids and travel up the east coast again
What are your exercise plans for this week?
I could be more intentional about walking, so I’ll tell my husband I want to walk at least three times this week.
GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world for two weeks, all expenses paid, where would you go and who would you bring?
I’d bring my husband and leave the kids with grandma, first of all. 😂
I'm lucky enough to be on vacation right now without kids otherwise I'm sure my first thought totally would've been something similar without them -- Mom guilt has me including them on the hypothetical trip now though haha
Walking. Before becoming pregnant I walked at least a mile outside every day, rain or shine. Once I became pregnant, I just stopped. I was so exhausted. Just started getting back into it last week. We went to NYC yesterday and walked to much I am sore haha.
How did your exercise plans go last week? started to get back into it.
What are your exercise plans for this week? Walk every day on my lunch break.
Questions/concerns/comments? Nope
GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world for two weeks, all expenses paid, where would you go and who would bring? Disney with my family. I love it there. We went last year and it was my favorite trip of my life.
TTC July 2015-November 2015
Baby boy born August 2016
Oops BFP February 2021
MMC March 2021
Back on BC for a year to decide what we want to do.
TTC Since March 2022
MMC June 2022
BFP September 2022 - Due June 2023!
We had a Disney trip planned for next year before I got pregnant and now we're sort of thinking an all-inclusive beach trip might be a better idea with a baby -- but I don't know. Baby doesn't add any costs to Disney for us and DS will be 9, DD 6 so I feel like if we don't go now we never will and I've never been so I would really love to..
Getting back into it is always SO hard! Definitely plan to use that against myself when I slip into an 'all or nothing' mindset with this current routine. Just because I can't do what I had planned for any reason -- or don't want to do it -- doesn't mean I can't do 2 minutes of something just to keep the momentum going. I hope 🤞
Totally with you on bringing grandparents for baby-sitting on an all expense paid trip -- I'd like to add my Dad to our trip haha