***THIS POST WILL MENTION PREGNANCY, BIRTH OR BABIES. If you are having a hard TTC or TTCAL day, please read at your own discretion***
Hello old friends, good to see you!
***As a courtesy to those still TTC on this board, please do not post bump pictures here.***
If you were a regular poster on TTGP we'd love to get an update on you this month! Please tell us how you are doing!
*How long were you active on TTGP and when (minimum of 3 months)?
*How far along are you?
*Which birth month board/due date?
*Team Pink/Blue/Green?
*How are you doing picking out a name? Feel free to share it.
*Questions, concerns or other? Anything else exciting to share?
Re: TTGP Grad Check In December 2022
*How long were you active on TTGP and when (minimum of 3 months)? Aug. 2021-Aug. 2022
Edited for spacing
*How long were you active on TTGP and when (minimum of 3 months)? April-August 2022
*How far along are you? 22 weeks
*Which birth month board/due date? April 2023
*Team Pink/Blue/Green? Blue!
*How are you doing picking out a name? Feel free to share it. His name is Theodore. His middle name will be after my husbands friend who passed away a few weeks after we found out we were expecting
*Questions, concerns or other? Anything else exciting to share? I’m in a pretty boring part of pregnancy. The hardest part is my 2 year old being sick once a week and basically being Velcro-ed to me. He doesn’t even really want anything to do with his dad. I am exhausted.
@abjm0325 I’m beginning to think the magical second trimester is a myth. It wasn’t much better than the first trimester during my first pregnancy and I am even more tired now in my second pregnancy.
*How long were you active on TTGP and when (minimum of 3 months)? July '21- May '22
*How far along are you? 32 weeks!
*Which birth month board/due date? February 2023
*Team Pink/Blue/Green? Blue
*How are you doing picking out a name? Feel free to share it. We FINALLY have a name! We still won't share until birth, but we have one and I am so relieved. We were stuck between two, but friends of ours had our top contender as one of their options so we had to hold our breathe until they had their baby and they went with a different name, so we have decided!
*Questions, concerns or other? Anything else exciting to share? I am feeling huge and constantly out of breathe. Baby boy has dropped, so I am waddling like no other. Time is flying by and I can't believe that I am this far along already. DS came in hot at 37 weeks, so I am feeling like there is not too much time left, so we shall see!
Married 10/28/17
Our TTC Journey
Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21
BFP June '21
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
Jan '22 - started IF testing
BFP Jan '22
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
BFP May '22
*How long were you active on TTGP and when (minimum of 3 months)? 2y 2mo (Jun 20-Jul 22)
*How far along are you? 24w!
*Which birth month board/due date? April 2023, Apr 1 or 2.
*Team Pink/Blue/Green? It's a secret! Open to bribes.
*How are you doing picking out a name? Feel free to share it. I think we have a shortlist of 3 and H mentioned wanting to settle on something this weekend. But I'm in no rush. I almost don't want to settle right away since I don't want to get bored / fall out of love before baby gets here.
*Questions, concerns or other? Anything else exciting to share? Oh boy, well we've reached viability! It's pretty unbelievable, actually. I still feel like the other shoe can drop any day, but ***knocks on everything wooden in the vicinity***, the pregnancy has been completely uneventful. Unlike @iiirene and @abjm0325, second trimester has been quite pleasant (sorry ladies!) but I know I'm one of the lucky ones. I had a random puke at 15 weeks, but nothing since. At this point, my only woes are discomfort while sleeping so I have to work extra hard (stretching / exercises before bed; varying my sleeping position) to keep the hip pain away.
I continue to lurk and contribute as I can and hoping (for a Christmas miracle) that the grad list grows over the next few months. 🙏🏻
@iiirene love the name Theodore; this is the name we'd chosen for 2nd angel baby.
TTC #2 ... preparing as of March 2024
TTC #1
TTC #1 02/2020 - 07/2022
2009 | Dx PCOS; likely a misdiagnosis
07/14/20 | Dx Hashimoto's Thyroditis
07/21/20 | 1st RE appointment
07/2120 - 08/20/20 | so much testing; no signs of PCOS
08/20/20 | Dx Unexplained; AMA
09/08/20 | IUI #1 Clomid + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
09/30/20 | Urology consult; more testing required
10/2020 | Clomid + OPK + TI + Prometrium | BFN
10/26/2020 | Starting 2nd IUI cycle, with Letrazole and with a new RE / different clinic
11/03/2020 | New Dx "poor egg quality"; IUI cancelled in favor of Trigger + TI + Prometrium | BFN
11/26/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Menopur) + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
12/20/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Gonal-F) + Trigger | IUI Cancelled due to thin lining; TI only | BFN
01/14/2021 | Combo IUI (Letrazole + Menopur) + Trigger | BFN
02/06/2021 | Switched to a new RE (TEW) ; trying naturally until we complete additional testing
03/14/2021 | Hybrid Double IUI, with Zymot (Letrazole, Gonal-F) + Trigger + Endometrin | Ovulated 4 mature eggs but still a BFN ☹️
04/07/2021 | Natural cycle while we regroup | BFN
04/09/2021 | Employer announces fertility benefits starting 05/01/2021! | Search for a new doctor who accepts insurance
05/10/2021 | New RE consult & plan for IVF
05/13/2021 | Mid-luteal IVF cycle #1 interrupted; had to get cancer genetic screening done to make sure I didn't have the same SDHA gene mutation as MH.
06/10/2021 | Aygestin priming IVF cycle #1; opted to Cx after 9 days of stims since only 5-6/12 follicles responded
07/26/2021 | Attempt #2 at IVF cycle #1 (mid-luteal start): 8 retrieved, 8 MII, 6 fert (1 PN3), 3 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 3AA, 3AA, 6AB; 3 euploid
08/09/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC | Shockingly, a BFP! EDD: 5/25/202 | CP at 4w4d
09/23/2021 | IVF cycle #2 (mid-luteal start): 14 retrieved, 13 MII, 11 fert, 5 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 2 x 3AA, 2 x 3AB, 3BB; 2 euploid
11/12/2021 | IVF cycle #3 (mid-luteal start): cancelled due to ovaries being on vacation
12/20/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + Pregmune Immunology Testing; BFN
01/22/2022 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + understanding uncovered immunological issues; BFN
02/18/2022 | Mock transfer cycle! ERA, ReceptivaDx, EMMA/ALICE; start Prednisone to address NK activity
03/16/2022 | Final, "Hail Mary" super-ovulation + TI cycle before FET; BFP! EDD: 12/21/2022 | MMC 05/08/2022
05/20/2022 | D&C; recovering...
06/21/2022 | Trying naturally until October 2022
07/21/2022 | BFP! EDD 04/02/2023; 👦🏼 born on 4/5/2023
How long were you active on TTGP and when (minimum of 3 months)? Sept 2021 - Oct 2022
How far along are you? 10w4d!
Which birth month board/due date? July 7, 2023. However, I’ve been very inactive over on the July board. It’s become utter chaos over there and no matter how much I tried to organize it, no one was paying attention, so I think I’m probably just going to remain inactive on there this time around. lol
Team Pink/Blue/Green? MH and I are convinced we’re having a boy. We both keep having boy dreams. We got the NIPT done yesterday, so we’ll find out soon, and may actually stick it in an envelope and hang it on the tree til Christmas (a cute idea from my doctor!)
How are you doing picking out a name? Feel free to share it. We have a couple names in mind, but nothing set in stone for boy or girl right now.
Questions, concerns or other? Anything else exciting to share? I have been extremely sick. No throwing up yet, thankfully, but the nausea is 24/7. My doctor has me on Unisom to help manage it. The exhaustion is real too.
Good new is, we saw baby yesterday, and they are doing amazing. Baby was actually measuring 5 days ahead (!!!) but we’re sticking to my July 7 due date because baby was measuring exactly on time at my first scan at 7 weeks.
This is the first time I’ve ever seen baby measuring on time. With my daughter, she was always very small, so it’s reassuring to see baby measuring well.
They were also doing little flips, sucking their thumb, and playing with their toes in yesterday’s scan. We got a video of it and I can’t stop watching it. ❤️
Even though I’m inactive over on the July board, I’m still lurking here and rooting for everyone! I can’t wait to see more joining this monthly thread.
congrats @annanbby!! Trying to keep the august board organized and I keep flipping back to previous boards to get ideas and I've learned to skip July's because of how much of a hot mess it is 🙈
PG #2: EDD 8/15/23 Miscarried 9w1d 1/11/23
PG #3: EDD 12/15/23
*How long were you active on TTGP and when (minimum of 3 months)? Sep '21 - Jun '22
*How far along are you? 30w6d (!)
*Which birth month board/due date? Feb 2023
*Team Pink/Blue/Green? Blue
*How are you doing picking out a name? Feel free to share it. We are down to two names and I think they are both good. My SO keeps calling him one of them and says it's bc he's testing it out but I'm suspicious. I need to try calling him either but I'm calling him "Baby Boo Boo" instead which is what his sister calls him.
*Questions, concerns or other? Anything else exciting to share? They've been concerned about possible growth restriction but he was measuring at 72nd% for weight at the last scan so all is looking good. One more scan tomorrow before I fly back to the US on Friday to visit family for Christmas. It's going to be great! Flying at 31- and 33-weeks pregnant won't be super comfy - but it'll be worth 14 hours of discomfort to have a family Christmas in the States with the kids. I plan to more or less hibernate when I get back and prep for the wedding in mid-Jan and baby in mid-Feb! Feels like it will be here before I know it.
April 2009 - 8+ week MC
January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
Oct 2013 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
Dec 2013 - BFP DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
Dec 2016 - BFP DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis
Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transfered 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
July 2022 - FET
*How long were you active on TTGP and when (minimum of 3 months)? June 2022 - August 2022
*How far along are you? 20W tomorrow
*Which birth month board/due date? 5/5/23
*Team Pink/Blue/Green? BLUE!!!
*How are you doing picking out a name? Feel free to share it. Well, after this morning's anatomy scan, DH started barraging me with Star Wars-themed boy names like Chewbacca, Obi-Wan, and Palpatine. (For some reason he vetoed Luke.) In all seriousness, we have two names that we're torn between that we'll probably settle on as the due date comes. I had a dream on Sunday night I opened up paperwork from my doctor that said "BOY," so maybe I'll have another dream that tells me the baby's name. (It happened with my daughter!)
*Questions, concerns or other? Anything else exciting to share? I'm just so happy right now I knew I'd be happy with either a boy or a girl, but having one of each is going to be so exciting, and I had so many signs from the start that this was a boy.
@iiirene Theodore is my dad's and grandpa's name: it's a good one!