Has anyone used the sneak peek gender testing kits? I just sent one in over the weekend and I am awaiting results. It was very difficult to get the amount of blood required for my test, and I had to poke 3 fingers to just barely collect enough! I did the kit exactly as directed but I’m still weary that if it’s a boy result that I somehow contaminated it with my all boy household lol
We decided to do the early testing kit because our last 2 pregnancies ended in early miscarriages and we wanted to know the gender of this baby if anything should happen before we get to the anatomy scan.
Would love to hear your experience and results accuracy! I know they claim a 99.9% accuracy rating but I’m curious if it’s skewed somehow lol
Re: Sneak Peek gender testing
They required a video chat during collection an walked us through. Washing the sink/counter area, our hands, even the phone we where using.
I was worried about contamination as I have 3 boys plus her dad at home.
But we got the results back an they said GIRL...