How about a good old fashioned, flame free Friday confession? We are going to a water park this weekend for my son's jiu jitsu competition and we always book a weekend at a resort when we go. I'm looking forward to it, though I'm sad I can't do water slides or enjoy the hot tub. However I so do not want to even get into a swimsuit! I feel so self conscious right now in this awkward middle stage of a bump but not noticeably "definitely pregnant". And we will be going with my cousin and her family and she has this beautiful toned body (she works her ass off for it) and I hate comparing myself, but I totally do! Looking forward to watching my son compete though!!
But my MIL?? Love her to pieces but she always wants to buy me clothes and I have hated almost every piece she’s gotten me. I hate wasting money or anything so it really upsets me but I don’t know how to address it honestly. Slowly over time I’ve hinted that I really like to try out clothing first to make sure I like it in person, so maybe that’ll help. 😅
Lists are where it’s AT. I always want to pick the absolute perfect gift for people and stress about it so I’m always thankful when they have a list! I know they’ll enjoy those items! 🙌🏻
He genuinely knows what I like though and a lot of times he just gives me gifts like $700 to buy clothes I love or something similar but I'm not into gifts so I usually protest lol.
My MIL though, I've hated every single thing she's ever got for me. She asks me for a list and then gets me nothing on it and it makes me so mad. I didn't want a gift but she went out of her way to get me something terrible and it's like why fucking bother lady.
My partner did get me dice for Christmas that I've already opened lmao. I'll never use them because I don't play dice RPGs like him but they're mystical moons dice and they look like gemstones and he knew I had fallen in love with them, so it's completely useless and awful to waste money on but at least I loved them.
My actual FFFC is that it's the time of year where my whole Facebook feed is full of Santa pictures of sobbing kids and the white knuckle grip a total stranger has on your children while you stand there laughing and taking a picture.
I don't like judging other people's parenting but man I hate Santa pictures and some of them just make me cry. Who came up with a tradition of traumatizing kids for funny pictures? They should be fired lol
To cheer the mood here are my beautiful dice! Sharp edge handmade resin and extra as heck lol
DH and I haven't exchanged gifts in forever and I definitely prefer it that way -- although he did give me some really great gifts at the start of our relationship when we were still exchanging gifts!
This year she's got her heart set on a KitchenAid for me, only because my partner put her onto the idea and I've told both of them I do not want one, I have no kitchen counter space left, we're in a 600 sqf home, I don't want it lol but I guarantee that's what she's going to get and ignore everything else I said I wanted like every year. At least it's not clothes that she tells me I'm too fat to wear like one year. I just wish she'd get nothing than make a big show of giving me something I hate lol. I don't need anything from her but some respect for boundaries lol
my sweet husband once bought me a bed frame for Christmas.. but not like a cute one with a head board. Just a base. Lol. I was like uhh thank you? Haha. He usually does pretty good with quite a bit of reminding lol. He actually surprised me with a super amazing trip and good and shopping (which is soooo my thing) for our latest anniversary and I loved it so much.
my fffc is about this tik tok I saw… a mom saying she was a low maintenance friend and then said that meant she basically never texts first, won’t follow up or check in and doesn’t expect people to do so either. She’s just too busy to keep up on it. And it made me so sad and mad. If women were ACTUALLY given support and a “village” were a real thing, we would have time and energy for real, fulfilling friendships and community. Ugh. I was so sad for that mom and all parents who don’t get community and all their support comes from paid childcare and services.
I think it's wonderful that you have a supportive community at your church. For some families, like mine, church isn't a safe or comfortable space. Just a different perspective!
I do have quite a few really close internet communities I love and I have a few really good long distance mom friends that I used to live by but they or I moved away over the years.
I don't have a community around me in person but I don't need one and I don't miss something I never had. I'm sure as my toddler grows we'll strike up more family friendships to have friends for him too though.
@bridgettetheboxer in some ways I can be a friend like that too, but it's not that I'm low effort as much as I just have social anxiety so it can be hard for me to text first because I'm anxious the vibe is off and everyone is mad at me lol. I agree with you it's not a very fair take. It's hard to prioritize adult friendships when you already are overwhelmed and feel like a failure.
So my question was totally just genuine curiosity.