June 2023 Moms

Weekly Check-In 11/28: EDD 6/16 - 6/30

Hi all! To those who are new to a BBM, weekly check-ins are a chance to connect and get to know each other.

This thread is for estimated due dates (EDD) from 6/16 - 6/30.

Post your answers in the thread below 🤗

Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:

(First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.)

Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:

Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling:

Rants / Raves:


GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?

Re: Weekly Check-In 11/28: EDD 6/16 - 6/30

  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
    June 20th, 11 weeks tomorrow!

    This will hopefully be baby #3! 

    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
    Definitely finding out gender, hoping for girl. We have two boys and have always hoped for a girl! But we have enjoyed our boys so so much that I would be excited for a 3rd boy too. Chaos! This will probably be our last though so we’re hoping girl. 

    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
    We laugh at the things the Bump compares baby to everyday. It’s all over the place!

    Upcoming appointments:
    Next week, at 12 weeks! So excited. 

    How are you feeling:
    Nausea is finally slowing down some. Still have rough moments, but generally I’m functioning now. 

    Rants / Raves:
    This pregnancy has been really rough so far. I’m really exhausted with it all. Worth it for one last sweet baby though!

    What are you guys looking forward to being able to do in your second trimester??

    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
    All the local cousins baking cookies at grandmas house growing up!
  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: June 23, 10 weeks + 3 days


    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: Currently unknown, but we will find out soon!

    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: A Beta fish.

    Upcoming appointments: They couldn't fit me in again until Dec 22, just shy of 14 weeks. But I'll have my NT ultrasound at that time, so I'm looking forward to it.

    How are you feeling: So much better. And also nervous about feeling better, even though I know it's normal!

    Rants / Raves:

    Questions: @annemarie96 I'm looking forward to feeling well enough for weekly yoga! AKA toddler-free hour once a week!

    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? We're a mixed holiday family, so I'll say decorating the tree on my side and latkes on my husband's side! My first kiddo has a late Dec bday, so fitting in Hannukah + Xmas + Bday + New Year's is an adventure.
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  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: June 19th.. 11 weeks today.


    (First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.)

    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: Waiting on Nipt results! I am hoping for another girl. Husband wants a boy 

    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: Lime!

    Upcoming appointments: Dec 5. Getting an ultrasound to make sure Bebe is developing properly and to check nuchal

    How are you feeling: Feeling pretty good. Still tired with sore bbs but it’s not too bad

    Rants / Raves: none 

    Questions: none

    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? 

    My husband, daughter and I every year pick out a new ornament we like for the tree. I write the year on the bottom and who’s it is… it’s always fun to pull them out each year and laugh or aww at previous years choices lol

  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: June 20th- 11 weeks tomorrow 

    (First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.)

    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: We plan on finding out by getting the NIPT testing 

    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: cardinal tetra fish ?

    Upcoming appointments: Next week I have my first dating ultrasound on Monday and my prenatal appointment with the midwife on Wednesday. It's been such a different experience this time around. Staffing shortages for ultrasound techs and working in healthcare myself with my schedule, I haven't been able to get an ultrasound  yet. I did have one in the office at my first appointment at 9 weeks and it looked about the right size and had a heartbeat, but I haven't had any official measurements.

    How are you feeling: I've been so tired. My belly is getting bigger so much fast second time around. I had a lot of anxiety about viability, but felt better with seeing a heart beat on the in office ultrasound machine. 

    Rants / Raves: I'm kind of dreading more people knowing I'm pregnant and having to deal with annoying comments. 

    Questions: @annemarie96 I'm looking forward to hopefully getting reassurance in the second trimester knowing everything is okay and fully coming to terms with this being real. 

    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? I'm looking forward to cutting down our Christmas tree this weekend and making new traditions with my 2 year old. 
  • Estimated Due Date: June 20th, 11 weeks today 💞 


    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: DH is beyond eager to know, so we will definitely be finding out! I’ve always wanted boys first, but for whatever reason, we are both hoping more for a girl? Happy either way, of course!

    Interesting Baby fact: Can’t believe how much baby grew this week. From a strawberry to lime!

    Upcoming baby appointments: Our 12 week appointment is next Monday! Seems like many of us are on the same schedule 💞 Good luck to all of you!

    How are you feeling? Just incredibly tired, mostly. I’m also constantly hungry, but am finding it hard to find foods that sound yummy and that I can stomach. I also have a lot of guilt around how little I’ve been moving my body due to the fatigue.

    Rants/Raves: oh my y’all! I take iron supplements due to a history of anemia and was not prepared for how that would impact my BMs in pregnancy! 

    Questions: @annemarie96 i am so excited for that second trimester energy!! And also, just continued growth and changes to know everything is on track and baby is doing okay. 

    GTKY: We cut down a tree every year with a big group of our friends and make holiday treats while watching the best Christmas movies (Elf and Santa Claus, in my opinion)! We are also very excited to start some new holiday traditions as our family grows! 

  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: June 29, just under 10 weeks 


    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: we just took the NIPT test so will be finding out shortly. DH is dying to know! 

    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: water bottle cap according to Bump lol 

    Upcoming appointments: NT ultrasound on Dec 12 

    How are you feeling: very tired and mild symptoms across all possible pregnancy symptoms…you name it, I have it. But can’t really complain, I’ve heard it could be a lot worse. 

    Rants / Raves: it’s starting to irritate me more these days when I’m not having an alcoholic beverage and people feel it’s okay to ask point blank if I’m pregnant…to which I’ve been denying to date. 

    Questions: anyone planning to go on a baby moon in 2nd trimester? Any preggo/zika friendly destinations to recommend? I’m from Ontario, Canada 

    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
    We have a big family and some fly in to spend the holidays so am looking forward to all the family time and chaos! 
  • pttomatopttomato member
    edited November 2022
    Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: June 24, 10+3

    FTM/STM/STM+: This will be my third

    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: We will find out. I found with my son, knowing he was a boy and referring to him by name helped me when we were having stressful complications. Since I’m high-risk for this one too, I think knowing will be helpful.

    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: apparently a kumquat.

    Upcoming appointments: I have my first prenatal appt + GTT on 12/12. I am talking to my psychiatrist this week about if we are going to change meds though.

    How are you feeling: Extremely tired and lacking motivation to do anything.

    Rants / Raves: I’m kind of sad about having to change a lot of our plans to account for me taking it easy/having a newborn in the summer. Also started following low carb/GD diet based on blood sugars and it sucks when I’m craving carbs/lots of fruit. The kids are super excited though which is fun.

    Questions: Is there anything that helps with the exhaustion?

    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? Putting up the Christmas tree with the kids was fun this year, they loved hearing stories about the different ornaments and finding ones they had made.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • @pttomato Solidarity on the GD diet being a huge bummer! I also get those fruit cravings. Would a half-smoothie made with only frozen berries + plain Greek yogurt work for you? My endo recommended it and it's really helped me to get some fruit in without spiking. The only problem is my toddler keeps stealing them from me after I blend them!
  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:    June 16 2023

    (First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.)
    4th child
    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
    Upcoming appointments:
    Dec 3 Ultrasound 
    How are you feeling:
    Rants / Raves:
    Over my nausea and smelling everything 1 mile away
    I've spotted light pink last week is that normal here and there no other symptoms 
    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?  Looking back thru pictures of our previous holidays 
  • @mommaclaudes I’ve spotted light pink several different times randomly with this baby. About every week or so. It’s a bit different than with my other pregnancies, but it always stops pretty quickly and it’s been fine. This is my 3rd kid to make it past 9 weeks. I wonder if the more kids you have things can just get irritated more quickly? Who knows. 
  • @pttomato about the exhaustion I have no idea really! For me when I’m most exhausted I realize I’m dehydrated, so for me that’s part of it. But even without that I have been shocked how tired I’ve been. Just constantly worn out. I feel you!
  • And I was just nodding along at the answers to what you’re all looking forward to in the 2nd tri. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 I’m pretty basic but just the nausea being GONE. Please God can the nausea go away completely?? 😂 And the energy levels coming up! I’m so excited. 
  • @mommaclaudes for what its worth, with DS2, literally any time DH and I had sex, anytime I rearranged furniture, etc. I would spot for days afterwards. My midwife told me some people just have really sensitive cervixes that are more prone to spotting! And it can vary pregnancy to pregnancy, because I didn't/don't have much with DS1 or this baby really at all. But like @annemarie96 said, it can be completely normal and unless you're bleeding a lot or having other symptoms of concern, don't let spotting freak you out ❤️
  • peyts228 said:
    @pttomato Solidarity on the GD diet being a huge bummer! I also get those fruit cravings. Would a half-smoothie made with only frozen berries + plain Greek yogurt work for you? My endo recommended it and it's really helped me to get some fruit in without spiking. The only problem is my toddler keeps stealing them from me after I blend them!
    I should try that. It’s got to be better than the bowl of oranges I wanted to eat. 😂
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: June 24, 10 + 4

    FTM/STM/STM+: STM+, this will be our third

    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: we are getting our NIPT draw in Tuesday and will find out then. We have two girls, so hoping for a boy!

    Upcoming appointments: 12 week and blood draw on Tuesday. I think we will do a U/S too so I’m excited for that! This will be my husbands first time meeting our midwife, so I hope he likes her as much as I do.

    How are you feeling: pretty good! Mostly just tired right now. Craving fruit like a crazy person.

    Rants / Raves: going on a month of feeling like I’ve got something stuck in my throat. I’ve tried everything I can think of and nothing works. I just gag all day and it’s truly the worst. Any ideas anyone?

    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
    we always drive into the Lou rains and cut down our own tree. We sled and make hot chocolate and it is so much fun. We are going on Sunday!
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