Hi all! To those who are new to a BBM, weekly check-ins are a chance to connect and get to know each other.
This thread is for estimated due dates (EDD) from 6/1 - 6/15.
Post your answers in the thread below 🤗
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
(First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.)
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
Upcoming appointments:
How are you feeling:
Rants / Raves:
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Re: Weekly Check-In 11/28: EDD 6/1 - 6/15
June 10, 2023 / 12 weeks 12+2
First time mom after miscarriage in the spring
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
Team girl
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
Baby is the size of a Swedish fish
Upcoming appointments:
Dec. 6, happily in the second trimester
How are you feeling:
Finally on the upswing after a rough-ish first trimester. Sleeping through the night, chocolate no longer tastes like soap, I'm hungry like I used to be
Rants / Raves:
I'm still losing hair from my head like crazy, which is concerning apparently only to me lol. My doctor says it's fine. I'm also kind of loving having a secret from my work colleagues - I'm a teacher and just over Thanksgiving break I started showing a tiny amount but can still hide it under my clothes. With 3 weeks to go until Christmas break, it's like a game of "is she or isn't she?"
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Probably all of the lights people put up to celebrate whatever holidays they celebrate! It's so dark in New England, so any light is wonderful!
June 13th, I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
Can fit on a reeses cup
December 16th.
Terrible 😂 like one long horrible hangover. I get headaches, Terrible nausea, vomiting. The works. And the acne. What is up with this acne!? Extra dry skin. I'm just a mess.
I love picking out a Christmas tree every year and decorating our house. My first born loves Christmas, cookie baking, etc. We also do elf on the shelf and I'm totally dreading it this year! It takes so much effort and I'm barely hanging on lol
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
third time mom/second THB hopefully 🤞🏻
Upcoming appointments:
Also I am waiting on a few small things to arrive and then I'm going to take an announcement photo for my Instagram and I'm so excited. My first little footies arrived today 😍
Rant is that I wanted to get some new Blanqi leggings since I haven't bought winter maternity clothes in years but they just baaarely went on sale for bf and I'm really bummed. $62 as opposed to their normal $74 just wasn't a steal.
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
@thescarletmom We've always been Team Green and I've always been completely clueless as to what I'm having until baby is born ha. But this time everyone else keeps referring to baby as she/her/sister for the most part, I've had a dream about having a baby girl and just have a feeling it's a girl so -- we'll find out if I'm right in 6 months! 😆
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
June 3/13w3d
(First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.)
Third-time Mom
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
Team Green
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
A peach 🍑
Upcoming appointments:
This afternoon! Excited to see my midwife again (DS was born 8 years ago, DD was born 5 years ago) and hear baby's heartbeat 💓
How are you feeling:
Better every week the last few weeks, looking forward to second trimester!
Rants / Raves:
Not really, tired of not feeling great but grateful it's slowly but steadily improving
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Watching the kids open their presents and spending time with family. I usually get pj's for the kids too and take pictures in front of the tree but this year they just have soooo many clothes and pj's from hand-me-downs I couldn't justify it so pics in front of the tree will just be in their fav pj's -- but I bought matching ones for next year for all 3 kids and I can't believe I'll really have a sweet, squishy little 6 month old in the tiniest ones?! 🥺
Also crab soup sounds absolutely amazing right now haha 😂
@potato3000 I feel that! I know next summer seems so far away and then I remember it's almost December 😱
@thescarletmom no dreams for me either, it kind of feels strange, where are they?!?
@hitcj4687 I used to make maple syrup when I lived up north and a boil over is worth crying over even not pregnant! It's the worst!
@hitcj4687 Ohh I love baklava. I worked at a family run Greek restaurant for years so I consider myself somewhat of a honorary Greek haha! *kidding*. I have never tried baklava but I have made moussaka often.
@kalesix3 that is so cool that you are feeling baby move so much!!!! I can not wait for that! Also, I agree on it going faster and not paying as much attention. I took weekly bump photos last time starting at six weeks and while I didn't do it this time because of my prior losses mostly, I still haven't started them. I should. Although I totally already have a bump haha.
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: 12w3d, June 10th according to LMP but I have been 2/3 days ahead at my scans.
(First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.) Second time mom.
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: We will find out at the anatomy scan.
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: Plum! I had to look at the app.
Upcoming appointments: December 22nd. Although I am supposed to hear from MFM but have not yet.
How are you feeling: pretty good. Still just so tired. I don't know if it is because I am older this time around but I was not this tired last time.
Rants / Raves: It feels good that I am over the 12 week mark and a lot of people know now. It was fun sharing the news over the holiday.
Questions: Nope.
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? Oh gosh, so many. making gingerbread houses with my kiddo, going to see lights, Santa train ride. I love it all.
TTC July 2015-November 2015
Baby boy born August 2016
Oops BFP February 2021
MMC March 2021
Back on BC for a year to decide what we want to do.
TTC Since March 2022
MMC June 2022
BFP September 2022 - Due June 2023!
June 3rd, 13 weeks and 3 days ❤️
(First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.)
Second time mom
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: we have 3 boys in our blended family so we are really hoping for a girl but we’ll be happy either way 👶
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
Upcoming appointments:
The appointments have been short and to the point this time around it seems but our next is December 19th and baby impressions to find out the gender on December 9th!
How are you feeling:
The nausea seems to maybe be lifting up some, the fatigue hits hard some days still. Hoping to feel like myself again soon. 🫣
Rants / Raves:
Eh my husband would say I rant about everything these days lol..
Why am I already showing so soon this time around??
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
watching movies and making cookies for Santa with my kiddos ❤️❤️
(First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.) fourth time mom
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: surprise- we’re going to find out but I haven’t gotten the blood draw yet
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: a chicken nugget
Upcoming appointments: ultrasound and blood draw on the 8th
How are you feeling: it varies wildly by day. Some days I am feeling great and some days the nausea and fatigue come barreling back
Rants / Raves: my body is so broken from 3 previous c-sections that everything about this hurts. I’m desperate to get to full term and have this be in the past
Questions: none right now
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days
EDD: 6/11
First time mom
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: We’re a split household. DH wants a boy and I want a girl.
Baby is as tall as a tennis ball!
Upcoming appointments:
How are you feeling: Feeling so much less nauseous this week. A little headachy still but started some magnesium to hopefully help with that.
Rants / Raves: TW: talk of trauma and mental health
This is kind of sad but I do substance use prevention and mental health promotion as my career and this week I’ve been teaching a three day course about mental health to a group of high schoolers at an alternative school. My lands they’re being so awful to me! Like I know it’s a hard subject and there are quite possibly traumatic experiences that they have/ are overcoming, but they are all out just not listening and talking over their peers and me about random stuff that has nothing to do with the content. Everyone is on their phones. One girl was actually just watching tik tok with the speaker on loud while I was talking. The teacher can’t control them and has terrible classroom management, which is not my job while I’m there. It has truly been a nightmare.
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
I 1000% agree. This training is really how to identify mental health challenges in peers as we know that teens will often reach out to their friends before telling an adult what they are going through. So it’s important to support those teens that might be hearing about their friends mental health struggles.