June 2023 Moms

Weekly Check-In 11/28: EDD 6/1 - 6/15

Hi all! To those who are new to a BBM, weekly check-ins are a chance to connect and get to know each other.

This thread is for estimated due dates (EDD) from 6/1 - 6/15.

Post your answers in the thread below 🤗

Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:

(First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.)

Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:

Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling:

Rants / Raves:


GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?

Re: Weekly Check-In 11/28: EDD 6/1 - 6/15

  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
    June 10, 2023 / 12 weeks 12+2

    First time mom after miscarriage in the spring

    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
    Team girl

    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
    Baby is the size of a Swedish fish

    Upcoming appointments:
    Dec. 6, happily in the second trimester

    How are you feeling:
    Finally on the upswing after a rough-ish first trimester. Sleeping through the night, chocolate no longer tastes like soap, I'm hungry like I used to be

    Rants / Raves:
    I'm still losing hair from my head like crazy, which is concerning apparently only to me lol. My doctor says it's fine. I'm also kind of loving having a secret from my work colleagues - I'm a teacher and just over Thanksgiving break I started showing a tiny amount but can still hide it under my clothes. With 3 weeks to go until Christmas break, it's like a game of "is she or isn't she?" :)

    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
    Probably all of the lights people put up to celebrate whatever holidays they celebrate! It's so dark in New England, so any light is wonderful!
  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: June 14 / 11+5

    (First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.): third-time mom!

    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: We don't know the sex yet, but will find out at anatomy scan in January. I *still* have no intuition on what I think baby will be which is not the usual for me! Hoping to have a dream to hang my hat on soon haha.

    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: macaron!

    Upcoming appointments: was originally going to have an appointment this Thurs 12/1, but we canceled this morning since the whole house is still sick. We will probably reschedule for next Thursday!

    How are you feeling: still getting over our nasty colds, and my nausea has been pretty bad today after seemingly taking a break while I was sick! Delicate balance of worry and gratitude any time my symptoms let up. 

    Rants / Raves: n/a

    Questions: n/a

    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? definitely making salt dough ornaments and taking the boys to pick out a new ornament every year! 
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  • @kalesix3 It definitely seems to have sped up the last couple weeks but it still feels like forever until I get to meet this baby (which as an unplanned pregnancy is welcome/comforting sometimes and annoying depending on the day haha)

    @thescarletmom We've always been Team Green and I've always been completely clueless as to what I'm having until baby is born ha. But this time everyone else keeps referring to baby as she/her/sister for the most part, I've had a dream about having a baby girl and just have a feeling it's a girl so -- we'll find out if I'm right in 6 months! 😆

    Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:

    June 3/13w3d

    (First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.)
    Third-time Mom

    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
    Team Green

    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
    A peach 🍑 

    Upcoming appointments:
    This afternoon! Excited to see my midwife again (DS was born 8 years ago, DD was born 5 years ago) and hear baby's heartbeat 💓 

    How are you feeling:
    Better every week the last few weeks, looking forward to second trimester!

    Rants / Raves:
    Not really, tired of not feeling great but grateful it's slowly but steadily improving


    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
    Watching the kids open their presents and spending time with family. I usually get pj's for the kids too and take pictures in front of the tree but this year they just have soooo many clothes and pj's from hand-me-downs I couldn't justify it so pics in front of the tree will just be in their fav pj's -- but I bought matching ones for next year for all 3 kids and I can't believe I'll really have a sweet, squishy little 6 month old in the tiniest ones?! 🥺
  • @kalesix3 omg I can’t believe you’re feeling baby kicks already! I want baby kicks too 😂😂 maybe I will sooner as well since I’m also on my 3rd 
  • @maddmama I also can't poop! OMG. But I found that metamucil is like the little miracle drug that could! Works wonders for me, but I hope for you this is just a side effect of your cold drugs.
  • @monkey_mcfee ooo okay so I have fiber powder from previous issues. I’ll add that in today. I already had issues this whole first trimester and the Zofran just made it IMPOSSIBLE haha 
  • @ReadyForaB @kalesix3 the Baklava still turned out really good. I was proud of it. But the mess and burning smell was less than desirable. I can't believe I let the syrup boil over!!!! I just made some pancake syrup from scratch the other day and it was soo rich and yummy! I did not let that boil over 😂 
  • @maddmama Still waiting for this to truly feel like real life over here too haha. A friend of mine was in a similar situation except she found out at 7 months pregnant?! And baby came early so she only knew she was pregnant for about for six weeks before baby was here 🤯 I just realized today I've known for about six weeks and I genuinely think I'll need at least another six (probably by my anatomy scan when I've been feeling kicks for a bit and can actually see a fully formed little baby in there) for it to fully sink in that this is really happening!
  • @potato3000 omg I cannot imagine! Yeah I have no idea when this will feel real 😂 I keep thinking when we know the sex and can put a name to the baby. But maybe not even then. 
    It’s cool that growing life never becomes less magical ❤️
  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:

    June 3rd, 13 weeks and 3 days ❤️

    (First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.)
    Second time mom 

    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: we have 3 boys in our blended family so we are really hoping for a girl but we’ll be happy either way 👶

    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
    Upcoming appointments:
    The appointments have been short and to the point this time around it seems but our next is December 19th and baby impressions to find out the gender on December 9th! 
    How are you feeling:
    The nausea seems to maybe be lifting up some, the fatigue hits hard some days still. Hoping to feel like myself again soon. 🫣
    Rants / Raves:
    Eh my husband would say I rant about everything these days lol.. 
    Why am I already showing so soon this time around?? 
    GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
    watching movies and making cookies for Santa with my kiddos ❤️❤️
  • @mindfulmomma2022 we're split too! DH and DS1 want a girl, but I don't care and am very content with the idea of another sweet little boy (DS2 gets co-opted to my side since he doesn't understand haha).

    As for your presentation this week, that sounds so unfun. I definitely think it's hard for teens to connect when they feel like they're being "lectured", especially if in their normal lives they don't feel listened to or like they have any choices. They just turn off their brains and can't see past that. I definitely remember any drug abuse prevention assemblies or presentations in high school being met with a huge sigh across the room. And I'm sure the prevalence and ease of access has completely desensitized a lot of kids to the real harm that can come from drug use. I can't imagine being 16 years old listening to a presentation and knowing I have a vape pen in my backpack, convinced that there's nothing wrong with that and adults just want to be hard on you. I really feel for our teens these days because its not getting easier to be a kid. But I promise you that even if it doesn't look like it, you're reaching somebody and they're going to make a different choice someday because of you and that's enough!!
  • @thescarletmom
    I 1000% agree. This training is really how to identify mental health challenges in peers as we know that teens will often reach out to their friends before telling an adult what they are going through. So it’s important to support those teens that might be hearing about their friends mental health struggles. 

    And also yes. When I was in school presentations around substance use were horrible. We got the scared straight messages, DARE, etc. I am happy that as a field we are doing all we can to involve teens more and provide more positive messages. 

    I told them today, did you all notice I wore my maternity shirt to show off my bump, and they were like no not at all LOL but they were so good today! Much better. 
  • @mindfulmomma2022 I'm so happy it was a better day! Truly sounds like life changing work you do, and just from my experience with having an elementary schooler, the emphasis on emotions and emotional wellbeing is so much bigger than when we were in school. All these changes with the way we're talking to kids and teens are so important 🩶
  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:

    June 5th, 13 weeks + 2 days!

    (First-time mom, second-time mom, etc.)

    First-time mom

    Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:

    I have a feeling I'm having a boy :)

    Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:


    Upcoming appointments:

    I have an appointment with my family doctor this week and then my first appointment with my midwife next week!

    How are you feeling:

    Not too bad actually, I had bad nausea weeks 5-10 but it has gotten so much better. Just tired and headaches now.

    Rants / Raves:

    We had a horrible experience at our first ultrasound. The technician was mean, abrupt and didn't seem to want to answer any questions and didnt let us hear the heartbeat. We tried not to let it bother us during the appointment because we were just so excited to be seeing our baby. But I called and complained afterwards. I booked my next ultrasound somewhere else and hopefully they goes better.


    None :)

  • edited December 2022
    @thescarletmom I love that they are getting that experience early on! So important to learn about brain health even for younger kiddos. 😊

    @f@firsttimepreggo73  Yay for first time mommas! It’s fun to see how many of us are in our first go around. Love that that question was included. 
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