I found out I was pregnant on Friday November 4, 2022 a very very faint line. I then tested 4 days later November 8, 2022 and I had solid lines almost instantly. Took 2 more test Thursday November 10, 2022. Both instant positives. I went in to do blood work Friday November 11, 2022 Progesterone was at 16.9, HCG was at 209. I was asked to repeat bloodwork again today Friday November 18, progesterone was at 15.2 and HCG was at 544. Should I be concerned that they haven't doubled? they're only thinking I am 2-4 weeks at this point. I'm going back in on Monday November 21, 2022 for more blood work and they would like to see my HCG at least to 1000. Has anyone else had this happen?