I previously had a miscarriage at 5 weeks +2 days. I’m now 5 weeks pregnant again and a little worried about some pain/changes in pregnancy signs. Early in the week I had severe breast tenderness, hot flashes, and fatigue. Yesterday and today I’ve had decreased breast tenderness, almost none. I’m still fatigued, but now instead of being overheated I’m running cold, like wearing a coat indoors.
Also, last time, a few days before my miscarriage I had intermittent sharp stabbing pains in my uterus and today I had one. I don’t know if the sharp stabbing pain last time was related to the impending miscarriage or unrelated/ a normal part of pregnancy. I also know pregnancy signs can fluctuate but this seems like a drastic fluctuation.
I’m just very nervous after what happened last time. Has anyone experienced those kind of fluctuations and/or sharp stabbing pains that early and went on to have a healthy pregnancy/deliver a baby?
Re: Stabbing pain at 5 weeks