December 2022 Moms


I was just diagnosed with mild polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid). The OB said that I am really close to be a moderate case. If that is the case then I will be induced 2 weeks early as opposed to the one week that I am already scheduled for. 

 Is anyone else going through this??

Re: polyhydramnios

  • I had this with my last pregnancy. I ended up getting induced at 38 weeks. It was amazing how much relief I felt after they broke my water even before giving birth!
  • I had severe polyhydramnios with my last pregnancy (55cm of fluid) and had to deliver at 37 weeks with no complications. I have it again this pregnancy (44cm) and will probably be delivering at 38weeks. It’s ridiculously uncomfortable. In my case it’s idiopathic-no gastrointestinal blockage or gestational diabetes as underlying causes. Just have big babies and big babies pee more. 
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