2nd Trimester

Pregnancy feels isolating at times

kaaynickaaynic member
edited November 2022 in 2nd Trimester
Lately I’ve been feeling pretty isolated and alone. I know I have lots of support but I’m feeling a sense of loss for who I was and what I can no longer participate in and I feel like my partner and those around me are slower to understand / not having to make those sacrifices yet. I can’t say yes to everything and can no longer attend every social or family function because I’m just tired, but unfortunately that means I’m left alone. I feel so guilty feeling this way, I know I’m excited about our baby and this should be the happiest time in my life but I can’t help how I’m feeling.

Re: Pregnancy feels isolating at times

  •  <3 It's definitely a strange time. I'm feeling a lot of joy that this pregnancy is going well so far but I've definitely felt those times where it hits me how much my life will be changing and how much I'm leaving behind. I think those mixed feelings are normal... Just sometimes complex to navigate. Sending good vibes your way :)
  • edited November 2022
    You are not alone at all! I’m 16+ weeks and am definitely feeling like so much of my life is and will be changing. Some days I’m able to embrace it with open arms and others are tough especially with the holidays coming up and so many events. It feels like the old me is disappearing into the distance and at times i wonder if my husband and those around already miss the old me. I’m learning to accept these feelings and realize that while there is a lot shedding of the old you in this process there is also so much growth and positive change that is happening and coming. Keep your head up and know you are not alone!
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  • Your feelings are totally normal, valid, and I can relate a lot. I hope you can give yourself the grace to feel these difficult feelings without judgement or shame- it’s a HUGE shift in life and any major change such as this is bound to bring up big feelings, worry, sadness, etc. If you notice your feelings are getting too difficult to handle on your own or are impacting your quality of life, be sure to talk to your doctor about it too. Our mental health is equally as important as our physical health and this is a lot to take on by yourself. Sending support your way. 
  • I also struggled with the idea that this should be the happiest time of my life, but I eventually put that thought to the side and accepted that there is nothing about pregnancy that makes me happy, and I’m okay with that. I believe the day that I see my newborn will be the happiest time, but pregnancy is just a means to an end (having a child) for me. Others don’t always understand, but I try to ignore it. I’m tired of the fatigue, feeling massive, losing control of my own body, and having others focus on the baby only and feeling like I no longer exist as my own person. So, I guess I’m just saying you are not alone. I think that many women feel the same, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for feeling the way you do. 
  • Same girl! I only have one friend who is a mom and she was last pregnant 7 years ago. My other friends are super supportive about it but they just don't understand what it's like to be too tired to do anything. Or, I have nothing new to talk about because all I did all week was work, take naps and watch TV. I miss happy hours and girls nights. I really have no desire to go out and watch everyone else drinking while I try and get on their level while sober. My husband isn't drinking as much in solidarity so that's been appreciated but with the holidays coming up, I'm sure I'll feel kind of on an island. Last weekend I picked up some new crafts to do for the baby and that's keeping me entertained. The other nice thing is that it's gonna be winter so I can just hibernate anyway! Hope you feel less isolated soon :)
  • I just recently realized this is what I am feeling. I too have a lot of support from friends and family, but I realized they’re supportive of me having a baby and not really understanding the struggles I’m currently dealing with—like you’re experiencing. I’m thankful to be over the first trimester secrecy and sickness, which is such a relief, but I also feel guilt for my feelings with having to limit myself. 
  • I feel this sometimes as well. Hugs
  • You've put into words exactly how i'm feeling. It feels really isolating a lot of the time. I feel guilty for admitting I miss my old life and being able to do the things I used to do. I know this is a hard time but, man I didn't think it would feel this hard.
  • I feel the same way. My friends are like you should come out.. and I'm like I really don't feel like watching you all drink at a bar. Ha. Its not like I resent them, I could just be at home in my PJs and not have to look presentable. Which as you all know is a chore sometimes being pregnant.

    I remember one of my friends recently thought she was pregnant and I couldn't help feeling really excited because I had the thought.." now you will get to experience how I am feeling." I thought it would be fun to have someone to share experiences with haha... My pregnancy was unplanned and i felt like adulthood kind of slapped me in the face ans woke me up. I am very emotional during this pregnancy and sometimes people take it the wrong way.. they ask me why are you so grumpy, or just relax. Then I cry/sob later in the shower.. gotta get it out lol.
  • Yep. It’s kind of an identity crisis becoming a mom. I struggle leaving behind the freedom and flexibility I had in my life. I have no idea what life will feel like and it’s terrifying. I too have stopped talking to some friends, not socializing at all or extremely little. Plus you feel like no one really wants to hang out with you or if they do, all they want to talk about is your pregnancy, which really irritates me. It’s a tough business being pregnant, so sending you girls good vibes and strength! Feel ya. 🩷
  • Hi, I completely understand what you’re experiencing and feel the exact same way. I’m currently 19weeks with my first. My family, friends, and partner drink and go out on the weekends. I tag along when I have the energy, maybe play some pool or hit the slots to pass the time, but it is truly draining. I feel it to be selfish and irrational to ask them to stop doing these things, but I can’t hangout like I used to. It’s hard to relate to others now, given my mind is occupied almost entirely by constant worries of our baby’s health and how our lives will change once she arrives. My partner/family are extremely supportive, but they just don’t understand that when they leave to smoke or band together to drink, I feel uncomfortable and isolated. It’s hard to justify what is selfish vs what is necessary. Glad I am not the only one feeling this way.
  • Omg the whole “why would I want to sit at a bar and watch you drink” explains my entire life right now. It’s like, at the very least I appreciate the invite, but no.
    I’m also extremely emotional and every time I’m really feeling down in the dumps I also get angry (which is not like me at all) so communication is pretty much out the window. The shower is my safe space 😂 hot water on my back is god tier.
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