FTM/STM/TTM+: STM EDD/Weeks+Days: 18 weeks/ April 10 Baby is the size of: a grande Starbucks Team blue/pink/green: finding out Upcoming Appointments: 11/23 anatomy scan How are you feeling?: overall good. So tired still. Rants/Raves: I’m home sick again with my son 😩 he was up all night, about every half and hour, coughing. I eventually ended up just sleeping on his floor. I’m hoping tonight is better and that my husband and I somehow can stay healthy. Rave: we’re going to FL to visit my in laws and I’m so excited to see them! My sister in law and her husband are visiting at the same time and I just miss her so much!
Upcoming Appointments: 11/17 for a check up and 11/23 for anatomy scan
How are you feeling?: nauseous again the last few days, which should be enough of a sign that things are ok, but I'm pretty anxious and struggling to get out of my head lately. The 4 week wait between appointments is killing me.
Rants/Raves: we went shopping for baby stuff this weekend, and I think we nailed down a lot of the big stuff that we want. Somewhere along the drive up and back, we picked up something that caused a flat. Luckily, we were home and safe when we discovered it, but not what I want to put money to right now. Not even 5k miles on my car, and it's already had to have the windshield replaced and now a tire. 🤦♀️
Team blue/pink/green: found out from geriatric pregnancy testing he's a boy!
Upcoming Appointments: 11/30 anatomy scan
How are you feeling?: So grumpy I might explode.
Rants/Raves: It is a shit show at my school today. The district is under "major cyber attacks", so they have shut the entire internet down. No chromebooks, no Google anything, no email, no attendance. Hard to do when we have been pushing to be paperless/1-1 with Chromebooks and we find out when we arrive in the morning, right before I teach 1st period. Also, it is so hot and humid in the building, except places where the AC is blasting, sending me into nausea spirals. (Any one else gag every time the temperature changes or there is a light breeze?) Everyone is complaining about the lack of internet. Students are trying to use that as an excuse to do even less work. I have a headache. And the fire inspection is happening, so I got interrupted 1st period 3 times by men with clipboards who of course need to check whatever is right behind me!
@trubaby411 oh no! We had to get 4 new tires on our car (apparently on 4 wheels drive vehicles if you don't have even wear on all 4 tires it can cause problems?) So that was a ton of money we weren't anticipating on spending. It sucks.
@nonlinear_function wow that sounds like an impossible workday! They should have just sent everyone home at that point. Nothing is going to be accomplished in that environment.
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM EDD/Weeks+Days: 4/5, 18+5 Baby is the size of: Team blue/pink/green: pink! Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan 11/16. How are you feeling?: at this point I don’t think the nausea will ever go away. I only puke maybe two-three times a week but the slight nausea is constant. The puking seems to correlate with when I have to get up early, which is neat because I start work at 7am and my commute is over an hour long. Other than that, I feel okay. Rants/Raves: The rant was above, lol. Rave: I finally dragged my ass out to the shed and got all my maternity clothes and all baby clothes for the first year! Haven’t gone through the baby clothes yet, but it feels good to have more clothes in rotation than two pairs of leggings and whatever sweater still fits.
DS born 2/18/2019 DD born 4/1/2023 Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
FTM/STM/TTM+: FTM EDD/Weeks+Days: 4/9; 18w1d Baby is the size of: side of guac Team blue/pink/green: we know but haven't told anyone yet Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan 11/22! How are you feeling?: Tired. Itchy. My belly hurts lately, which is getting old. I think I overdid it a little this weekend moving things from the basement into our new shed, but it hurt so bad to try and stand up straight and exhale/let my belly fully out last night I almost wanted to cry.... Rants/Raves: I'm so anxious to start feeling little one. There have been a couple moments when I've wondered, but as a FTM I just don't know if it's baby or my body, and I guess I thought I might have really felt them by now I just hope everything is OK....
@gingerbunny23 I'm a third time mom and I am the same about the movement! I feel like I should know by now what the heck I'm feeling for lol But seriously I hope everything is OK with your baby and mine!
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM EDD/Weeks+Days: 19ish, 4/1 Baby is the size of: 🚫 Team blue/pink/green: finding out 11/22 Upcoming Appointments: Had one today and baby is good... stubborn, but healthy. My ob was laughing at how long it took to get a doppler heartbeat reading when she could hear baby moving the entire time. Anatomy scan on 11/22 How are you feeling?: HUGE and itchy. Sleep is good some nights, awful others. Ob did say she would send me to a pelvic floor PT for my back pain to work with my prenatal chiropractor. Rants/Raves: Rave...I really love my ob/practice. I talked to her about not doing the typical gross gestational diabetes test drink, and she was 100% ok with it. Rant.. I was dumb and looked at my weight on the scale. Ob isn't worried at all, but after a lifetime of body image issues (tall + big boobs = weighing more than everyone) seeing the scale go up that much only 19 weeks in freaks me out.
@returning_bump_member what are you doing instead of the drink? I want to discuss this with my OB at my appt later this week but not sure what other options there are
@trubaby411 oh no!! I just had to have my back windshield replaced as well so I feel your pain! @nonlinear_function that sounds like an awful day! Idk how they expect teachers to manage stuff like that. And then they wonder why there is a teacher shortage 🙃 @gingerbunny23 I remember feeling really anxious when I was pregnant for the first time bc it took FOREVER for me to feel movement. Hang in there!
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM EDD/Weeks+Days: 4/19, 16w5d Baby is the size of: A newborn hat Team blue/pink/green: green Upcoming Appointments: Thursday! How are you feeling?: Lazy lol. But overall good Rants/Raves: Rave: I might have jury duty next week and I am really excited 🤣 I've never had it before but I'm that weirdo that has always wanted it. So fingers crossed I get picked hahah. Rant: DH and I keep arguing about the COVID booster. Ultimately I am going to get it (my body my choice) but he is really pissing me off about it. He keeps telling me to do more research (as if I didn't already) and then tries sending me YOUTUBE VIDEOS!!! Like that is not a scholarly article, no thanks not even watching.
FTM/STM/TTM+: FTM EDD/Weeks+Days: april 24th/16wks Baby is the size of: an avocado 🥑 Team blue/pink/green: NIPT says girl 💖 Upcoming Appointments: 11/23 for prenatal followup How are you feeling?: Physically l, pretty fine. Tired but my nausea has subsided. Emotionally and mentally is a while lot of something else. So up and down lately and the smallest things are just setting me off Rants/Raves: my husband has been so great. He has been giving me massages and preparing dinner. Cleaning up the house. It has been nice
@nsk489 yeah that would piss me off too if my hubby sent me a YouTube link as "research" after I did my own ACTUAL research.... barf. Sorry!
@returning_bump_member sorry about the body image issues I get it, I was feeling REALLY down about myself too up until just last week. Feeling very round and not at all pregnant made me just avoid pictures and generally feel low. The ladies here helped so much!!! You can read my struggles in the HDBD thread if interested.
@allykat92 ugh the emotional/ mental struggle is real. I'm feeling fine physically too (Except I'm sick of being sick!!! My kids need to stop sharing their germs!), but definitely a lot going on emotionally in terms of accepting this pregnancy, and trying to enjoy it since it will be my last, while also worrying that things are gong to "smoothly" and "easily" and then my anxiety tells me not to get attached because things are going too well and something bad is bound to happen. It's a lot being pregnant!
Upcoming Appointments: next Monday is my anatomy scan!!!!
How are you feeling?: Pretty good except I need to friggin get over this RSV! I cough uncontrollably at night when trying to sleep and first thing in the morning. It's so bad I throw up and pee myself FUN.
Rants/Raves: See above for rant. Rave: my son's first birthday and baptism is Sunday and I'm so excited, I just hope we are all well. I am also super excited because that's when we will be announcing our pregnancy.
Question: Third time moms who know the sex of baby, is your current pregnancy similar to your pregnancies with your other kids of the same sex? Trying to guess baby's sex without actually finding it out lol. My sister has 3 girls and her pregnancies were all completely different, so that's no help to me. This pregnancy is similar to my first (with my daughter) so I'm pretty convinced it's a girl even though I kind of want a boy so my son has another boy in the family to grow up with. My daughter has 3 girl cousins all around her age.
FTM/STM/TTM+: FTM EDD/Weeks+Days: 19w0d Baby is the size of: a mango 🥭 Team blue/pink/green: it's a boy💙 Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan on 11/23 How are you feeling?: Pretty good except I found out on Thursday I have shingles😒 I didn't know that was a thing pregnant women are at a higher risk for. It's terribly itchy on top of being itchy from growing/stretching and itchy from my awful allergies 😓 Rants/Raves: my MIL just bought us the stroller/bassinet/car seat combo we wanted and I am SO thankful. I can't believe how generous that was and I am so excited to have nice things for our little guy💙 we also started sharing the sex and name of the baby with friends and family and that is so exciting, too!
@returning_bump_member....I just want to say I feel you, girl. In a former (and much less happy-with-myself) life, I was well over 300lbs. It took a long time and one hell of a journey to lose ~150lbs and find and happier version of myself. Now, being pregnant for the first time and starting to feel super round, and watching the scale go up......I know this is healthy and normal, and my OB has no complaints or comments so far....but it's tough not to feel triggered by it. Luckily I have the most supportive partner a girl could ask for, but some days it's just hard. Hang in there -we've got this! One day at a time.
Upcoming Appointments: Anatomy scan on Dec 5th. It feels like the last big hurdle!
How are you feeling?: I got a pretty nasty cold from an in-person work conference (the first one I have attended since the pandemic, and the last one hopefully before baby comes) and the symptoms are making me crazy. I hate not being able to take medicine. My pregnancy symptoms are pretty much non-existent, which I know I should be thankful for, but right now it is only adding to my anxiety after my recent loss.
Rants/Raves: Neither really. Feel like I am just in a holding pattern for now. Really looking forward to being able to feel baby's movements just like many others here, to ease my mind between appointments.
How are you feeling?: so irritated by everything, especially work!
Rants/Raves: we are working on making some updates in the house and trying to rearrange some furniture to free a spare room for the nursery. It’s difficult living in a state of chaos but know it will be worth it (I do think the mess is affecting my mood too!)
Upcoming Appointments: 11/10 for an elective ultrasound and 11/21 for the anatomy scan
How are you feeling?: I’ve been all over the place the past few days. What I thought was fetal movement was actually Braxton Hicks contractions. I’m also noticing more heaviness in my lower abdomen as my bump grows. Oh, and headaches are still a thing.
Rants/Raves: Like several of you have mentioned, not being able to feel definite movement yet is really hard. I think we all just want reassurance that things are okay. The wait time between appointments is driving me insane, so I’m excited for my ultrasound on Thursday to see how the baby is doing. If I can’t feel movement, I at least want to see it on the screen.
@nsk489, I got my third booster last month after I went to my first prenatal appointment at the OB and I had no reaction at all! A little sore arm, but that was it! Worth it for me since I have had several Covid scares of people testing positive at work but I’ve been good!
@begb9 I hear you on the 4-week appointment gaps. They're dreadful and almost anticlimactic. @v_flowers I had my 20-week appointment today which ended up with just a doppler check and the NP confirmed that I probably won't feel any consistent movement until week 21-22. You should definitely ask about anterior / posterior placenta at your Thu appointment. @mcmanda4321 how did you get diagnosed with shingles? Is there a test they can run? Or was it from the rash? @nsk489 oooph, if my husband did that (and he tried to do that about a few things early on in pregnancy) I would blow a gasket. @returning_bump_member +1 to HUGE and ITCHY. Also, we're due date twins...and it also sounds like we had an identical experience trying to get baby's HB via the doppler today. Hehe.
FTM/STM/TTM+: old, but FTM
EDD/Weeks+Days: April 1, 19+3
Baby is the size of: 👎🏻
Team blue/pink/green: Fake
Upcoming Appointments: had my 20-week appointment (4 days early today) and completion of my anatomy scan on Monday! (@scaredunprepared same as you!) Today's appointment was just a doppler check and some pee tests, so I didn't get much out of it. The baby was doing somersaults and it took the NP good 3-4 minutes to get a good HR reading. Haha. She kept saying: "naughty <sex of the baby>!"
How are you feeling?: I'm doing alright! The itchiness is still with me, but it's mostly limited to my belly now, so I think it's really just stretching skin. I had a call with my psychiatrist today, and asked her if it might be a side effect of any of the meds I'm on, and she suggested it might also be the seasonal change affecting my skin. I'm also super sore from Sunday's yoga class, and yesterday's Gyrotonic workout, so it's making sleep really uncomfortable, not to mention sitting at my desk for 9 hours, which I do day in and day out. So, I'm trying to just change up my position throughout the day to lessen the discomfort.
Rants/Raves: We took advantage of the Bonus GC offer at Bloomingdale's and bought a few of the bigger baby items that I hand't managed to score on Marketplace. The only other big thing we need is a nursery chair and a dresser, and everything else is small things like diaper pail, changing pad, etc. I'm planning on using my Bloomingdale GCs to pick up those things. We also plan to visit a La-z-boy showroom this weekend to try out some of their nursery chair options. I'm not loving any of the nursery-nursery options out there.
TTC History TTC#2
Me: 41; MH: 40 | Met 02/2009 | Started Dating 08/2017 | Married 02/02/2020 Mar 2024 | consult to get established with a new reproductive immunologist (Alan Beer Center) Apr/May 2024 | required testing & waiting for a protocol May 2024 | protocol given / decided to go back to my old reproductive immunologist, Dr. Jubiz Jun / Jul 2024 | more testing, incl. SIS, ultrasound, and endometrial biopsy Jul 2024 | Dx chronic endometritis; 14 days of 100mg of doxy given Sep 2024 | Repeat endometrial biopsy; still + for chronic endometritis. 2 more antibiotics + an antiviral Oct 2024... currently awaiting a hysteroscopy (10/28) to check uterine cavity + check for endometritis
TTC #1
Me: 36, MH: 34 | Met 02/2009 | Started Dating 08/2017 | Married 02/02/2020 TTC #1 02/2020 - 07/2022 2009 | Dx PCOS; likely a misdiagnosis 07/14/20 | Dx Hashimoto's Thyroditis 07/21/20 | 1st RE appointment 07/2120 - 08/20/20 | so much testing; no signs of PCOS 08/20/20 | Dx Unexplained; AMA 09/08/20 | IUI #1 Clomid + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN 09/30/20 | Urology consult; more testing required 10/2020 | Clomid + OPK + TI + Prometrium | BFN 10/26/2020 | Starting 2nd IUI cycle, with Letrazole and with a new RE / different clinic 11/03/2020 | New Dx "poor egg quality"; IUI cancelled in favor of Trigger + TI + Prometrium | BFN 11/26/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Menopur) + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN 12/20/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Gonal-F) + Trigger | IUI Cancelled due to thin lining; TI only | BFN 01/14/2021 | Combo IUI (Letrazole + Menopur) + Trigger | BFN 02/06/2021 | Switched to a new RE (TEW) ; trying naturally until we complete additional testing 03/14/2021 | Hybrid Double IUI, with Zymot (Letrazole, Gonal-F) + Trigger + Endometrin | Ovulated 4 mature eggs but still a BFN ☹️ 04/07/2021 | Natural cycle while we regroup | BFN 04/09/2021 | Employer announces fertility benefits starting 05/01/2021! | Search for a new doctor who accepts insurance 05/10/2021 | New RE consult & plan for IVF 05/13/2021 | Mid-luteal IVF cycle #1 interrupted; had to get cancer genetic screening done to make sure I didn't have the same SDHA gene mutation as MH. 06/10/2021 | Aygestin priming IVF cycle #1; opted to Cx after 9 days of stims since only 5-6/12 follicles responded 07/26/2021 | Attempt #2 at IVF cycle #1 (mid-luteal start): 8 retrieved, 8 MII, 6 fert (1 PN3), 3 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 3AA, 3AA, 6AB; 3 euploid 08/09/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC | Shockingly, a BFP! EDD: 5/25/202 | CP at 4w4d 09/23/2021 | IVF cycle #2 (mid-luteal start): 14 retrieved, 13 MII, 11 fert, 5 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 2 x 3AA, 2 x 3AB, 3BB; 2 euploid 11/12/2021 | IVF cycle #3 (mid-luteal start): cancelled due to ovaries being on vacation 12/20/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + Pregmune Immunology Testing; BFN 01/22/2022 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + understanding uncovered immunological issues; BFN 02/18/2022 | Mock transfer cycle! ERA, ReceptivaDx, EMMA/ALICE; start Prednisone to address NK activity 03/16/2022 | Final, "Hail Mary" super-ovulation + TI cycle before FET; BFP! EDD: 12/21/2022 | MMC 05/08/2022 05/20/2022 | D&C; recovering... 06/21/2022 | Trying naturally until October 2022 07/21/2022 | BFP! EDD 04/02/2023; 👦🏼 born on 4/5/2023
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM EDD/Weeks+Days: 4/12; 18 weeks today Baby is the size of: an artichoke Team blue/pink/green: we know 😊 Upcoming Appointments: Anatomy Scan on 11/17! (I’m going at 19w1d due to Thanksgiving travel!) How are you feeling?: Great (knock on wood; I got my bivalent booster this morning) 🤞🙏🤞 Rants/Raves: 🤷♀️
How are you feeling?: Good. Baby has been on my right side what feels like all day, so that feels a bit uncomfortable! Also I swear my boobs are WAY more sore this time around. Maybe I just forgot but I don’t recall them being this sore last time around, especially into the second trimester.
Rants/Raves: I woke up in a FUNK this morning for no apparent reason, although I could have had a bad dream - the vivid dreams are back this time around. Anyone else have super vivid dreams? Anyway, it’s been hard to shake this mood all day 😅
FTM/STM/TTM+: TTM EDD/Weeks+Days: 16+4 - 4/23 Baby is the size of: ? Team blue/pink/green: Team green till delivery Upcoming Appointments: 11/22 for my regular 4 week check in, 12/6 is my anatomy scan How are you feeling?: I am feeling uncomfortably full already after small meals - like there isn't enough room in my belly - I remember this coming much later in my other pregnancies... so that's not fun. Rants/Raves: I have picked up whatever random congestion germs my daughter keeps bringing home from Pre-K, my head is stuffy, I'm sneezing a lot, and I'm overall just feeling tired. Wanted to get my flu shot this week- any insight as to whether or not I can get it with these symptoms? Also- I work in the crypto industry and if you follow that at all you know that this has been the most turbulent 6 months for the industry, and even more so in the last 48 hours- its a real fear that due to a lot of bad actors, my organization may fail and then I'll be job hunting pregnant, too far along to be guaranteed any kind of paid leave... so if you could all say some prayers, send good vibes, whatever you believe in that that doesn't happen, it would be much appreciated!!
@MsBeachNJ there's been a dark cloud over the Bay Area for the past few weeks, and it's especially dark this week with Meta layoffs. I'll be thinking of you, hoping that your job remains.
TTC History TTC#2
Me: 41; MH: 40 | Met 02/2009 | Started Dating 08/2017 | Married 02/02/2020 Mar 2024 | consult to get established with a new reproductive immunologist (Alan Beer Center) Apr/May 2024 | required testing & waiting for a protocol May 2024 | protocol given / decided to go back to my old reproductive immunologist, Dr. Jubiz Jun / Jul 2024 | more testing, incl. SIS, ultrasound, and endometrial biopsy Jul 2024 | Dx chronic endometritis; 14 days of 100mg of doxy given Sep 2024 | Repeat endometrial biopsy; still + for chronic endometritis. 2 more antibiotics + an antiviral Oct 2024... currently awaiting a hysteroscopy (10/28) to check uterine cavity + check for endometritis
TTC #1
Me: 36, MH: 34 | Met 02/2009 | Started Dating 08/2017 | Married 02/02/2020 TTC #1 02/2020 - 07/2022 2009 | Dx PCOS; likely a misdiagnosis 07/14/20 | Dx Hashimoto's Thyroditis 07/21/20 | 1st RE appointment 07/2120 - 08/20/20 | so much testing; no signs of PCOS 08/20/20 | Dx Unexplained; AMA 09/08/20 | IUI #1 Clomid + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN 09/30/20 | Urology consult; more testing required 10/2020 | Clomid + OPK + TI + Prometrium | BFN 10/26/2020 | Starting 2nd IUI cycle, with Letrazole and with a new RE / different clinic 11/03/2020 | New Dx "poor egg quality"; IUI cancelled in favor of Trigger + TI + Prometrium | BFN 11/26/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Menopur) + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN 12/20/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Gonal-F) + Trigger | IUI Cancelled due to thin lining; TI only | BFN 01/14/2021 | Combo IUI (Letrazole + Menopur) + Trigger | BFN 02/06/2021 | Switched to a new RE (TEW) ; trying naturally until we complete additional testing 03/14/2021 | Hybrid Double IUI, with Zymot (Letrazole, Gonal-F) + Trigger + Endometrin | Ovulated 4 mature eggs but still a BFN ☹️ 04/07/2021 | Natural cycle while we regroup | BFN 04/09/2021 | Employer announces fertility benefits starting 05/01/2021! | Search for a new doctor who accepts insurance 05/10/2021 | New RE consult & plan for IVF 05/13/2021 | Mid-luteal IVF cycle #1 interrupted; had to get cancer genetic screening done to make sure I didn't have the same SDHA gene mutation as MH. 06/10/2021 | Aygestin priming IVF cycle #1; opted to Cx after 9 days of stims since only 5-6/12 follicles responded 07/26/2021 | Attempt #2 at IVF cycle #1 (mid-luteal start): 8 retrieved, 8 MII, 6 fert (1 PN3), 3 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 3AA, 3AA, 6AB; 3 euploid 08/09/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC | Shockingly, a BFP! EDD: 5/25/202 | CP at 4w4d 09/23/2021 | IVF cycle #2 (mid-luteal start): 14 retrieved, 13 MII, 11 fert, 5 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 2 x 3AA, 2 x 3AB, 3BB; 2 euploid 11/12/2021 | IVF cycle #3 (mid-luteal start): cancelled due to ovaries being on vacation 12/20/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + Pregmune Immunology Testing; BFN 01/22/2022 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + understanding uncovered immunological issues; BFN 02/18/2022 | Mock transfer cycle! ERA, ReceptivaDx, EMMA/ALICE; start Prednisone to address NK activity 03/16/2022 | Final, "Hail Mary" super-ovulation + TI cycle before FET; BFP! EDD: 12/21/2022 | MMC 05/08/2022 05/20/2022 | D&C; recovering... 06/21/2022 | Trying naturally until October 2022 07/21/2022 | BFP! EDD 04/02/2023; 👦🏼 born on 4/5/2023
@nsk489 there is a company called The Fresh Test that sells a mint lemonade powder that you make into a drink, with 3 different glucose amount options. I'm bringing in a printout of the nutritional information so my ob can okay it.
If she doesn't, then there is a meal I can make instead of the typical drink as well. She said it's mostly fruits but the directions make it easy to follow so the exact amount of glucose is in it.
Re: Weekly Check In 11/7
EDD/Weeks+Days: 18 weeks/ April 10
Baby is the size of: a grande Starbucks
Team blue/pink/green: finding out
Upcoming Appointments: 11/23 anatomy scan
How are you feeling?: overall good. So tired still.
Rants/Raves: I’m home sick again with my son 😩 he was up all night, about every half and hour, coughing. I eventually ended up just sleeping on his floor. I’m hoping tonight is better and that my husband and I somehow can stay healthy. Rave: we’re going to FL to visit my in laws and I’m so excited to see them! My sister in law and her husband are visiting at the same time and I just miss her so much!
@nonlinear_function wow that sounds like an impossible workday! They should have just sent everyone home at that point. Nothing is going to be accomplished in that environment.
EDD/Weeks+Days: 4/5, 18+5
Baby is the size of:
Team blue/pink/green: pink!
Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan 11/16.
How are you feeling?: at this point I don’t think the nausea will ever go away. I only puke maybe two-three times a week but the slight nausea is constant. The puking seems to correlate with when I have to get up early, which is neat because I start work at 7am and my commute is over an hour long. Other than that, I feel okay.
Rants/Raves: The rant was above, lol. Rave: I finally dragged my ass out to the shed and got all my maternity clothes and all baby clothes for the first year! Haven’t gone through the baby clothes yet, but it feels good to have more clothes in rotation than two pairs of leggings and whatever sweater still fits.
DD born 4/1/2023
Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
EDD/Weeks+Days: 4/9; 18w1d
Baby is the size of: side of guac
Team blue/pink/green: we know but haven't told anyone yet
Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan 11/22!
How are you feeling?: Tired. Itchy. My belly hurts lately, which is getting old. I think I overdid it a little this weekend moving things from the basement into our new shed, but it hurt so bad to try and stand up straight and exhale/let my belly fully out last night I almost wanted to cry....
Rants/Raves: I'm so anxious to start feeling little one. There have been a couple moments when I've wondered, but as a FTM I just don't know if it's baby or my body, and I guess I thought I might have really felt them by now
EDD/Weeks+Days: 19ish, 4/1
Baby is the size of: 🚫
Team blue/pink/green: finding out 11/22
Upcoming Appointments: Had one today and baby is good... stubborn, but healthy. My ob was laughing at how long it took to get a doppler heartbeat reading when she could hear baby moving the entire time. Anatomy scan on 11/22
How are you feeling?: HUGE and itchy. Sleep is good some nights, awful others. Ob did say she would send me to a pelvic floor PT for my back pain to work with my prenatal chiropractor.
Rants/Raves: Rave...I really love my ob/practice. I talked to her about not doing the typical gross gestational diabetes test drink, and she was 100% ok with it.
Rant.. I was dumb and looked at my weight on the scale. Ob isn't worried at all, but after a lifetime of body image issues (tall + big boobs = weighing more than everyone) seeing the scale go up that much only 19 weeks in freaks me out.
@nonlinear_function that sounds like an awful day! Idk how they expect teachers to manage stuff like that. And then they wonder why there is a teacher shortage 🙃
@gingerbunny23 I remember feeling really anxious when I was pregnant for the first time bc it took FOREVER for me to feel movement. Hang in there!
EDD/Weeks+Days: 4/19, 16w5d
Baby is the size of: A newborn hat
Team blue/pink/green: green
Upcoming Appointments: Thursday!
How are you feeling?: Lazy lol. But overall good
Rants/Raves: Rave: I might have jury duty next week and I am really excited 🤣 I've never had it before but I'm that weirdo that has always wanted it. So fingers crossed I get picked hahah. Rant: DH and I keep arguing about the COVID booster. Ultimately I am going to get it (my body my choice) but he is really pissing me off about it. He keeps telling me to do more research (as if I didn't already) and then tries sending me YOUTUBE VIDEOS!!! Like that is not a scholarly article, no thanks not even watching.
EDD/Weeks+Days: april 24th/16wks
Baby is the size of: an avocado 🥑
Team blue/pink/green: NIPT says girl 💖
Upcoming Appointments: 11/23 for prenatal followup
How are you feeling?: Physically l, pretty fine. Tired but my nausea has subsided. Emotionally and mentally is a while lot of something else. So up and down lately and the smallest things are just setting me off
Rants/Raves: my husband has been so great. He has been giving me massages and preparing dinner. Cleaning up the house. It has been nice
@returning_bump_member sorry about the body image issues
@allykat92 ugh the emotional/ mental struggle is real. I'm feeling fine physically too (Except I'm sick of being sick!!! My kids need to stop sharing their germs!), but definitely a lot going on emotionally in terms of accepting this pregnancy, and trying to enjoy it since it will be my last, while also worrying that things are gong to "smoothly" and "easily" and then my anxiety tells me not to get attached because things are going too well and something bad is bound to happen. It's a lot being pregnant!
EDD/Weeks+Days: 19 weeks tomorrow!
Baby is the size of: string cheese??? What? Lol
Team blue/pink/green: green
Upcoming Appointments: next Monday is my anatomy scan!!!!
How are you feeling?: Pretty good except I need to friggin get over this RSV! I cough uncontrollably at night when trying to sleep and first thing in the morning. It's so bad I throw up and pee myself
Rants/Raves: See above for rant. Rave: my son's first birthday and baptism is Sunday and I'm so excited, I just hope we are all well. I am also super excited because that's when we will be announcing our pregnancy.
Question: Third time moms who know the sex of baby, is your current pregnancy similar to your pregnancies with your other kids of the same sex? Trying to guess baby's sex without actually finding it out lol. My sister has 3 girls and her pregnancies were all completely different, so that's no help to me. This pregnancy is similar to my first (with my daughter) so I'm pretty convinced it's a girl even though I kind of want a boy so my son has another boy in the family to grow up with. My daughter has 3 girl cousins all around her age.
EDD/Weeks+Days: 19w0d
Baby is the size of: a mango 🥭
Team blue/pink/green: it's a boy💙
Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan on 11/23
How are you feeling?: Pretty good except I found out on Thursday I have shingles😒 I didn't know that was a thing pregnant women are at a higher risk for. It's terribly itchy on top of being itchy from growing/stretching and itchy from my awful allergies 😓
Rants/Raves: my MIL just bought us the stroller/bassinet/car seat combo we wanted and I am SO thankful. I can't believe how generous that was and I am so excited to have nice things for our little guy💙 we also started sharing the sex and name of the baby with friends and family and that is so exciting, too!
EDD/Weeks+Days: 15w4d, 4/27
Baby is the size of: jar of Nutella
Team blue/pink/green: NIPT says boy 💙
Upcoming Appointments: 11/10 and 11/22
How are you feeling?: so irritated by everything, especially work!
Rants/Raves: we are working on making some updates in the house and trying to rearrange some furniture to free a spare room for the nursery. It’s difficult living in a state of chaos but know it will be worth it (I do think the mess is affecting my mood too!)
EDD/Weeks+Days: 18 weeks today!
Baby is the size of: a sweet potato
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming Appointments: 11/10 for an elective ultrasound and 11/21 for the anatomy scan
How are you feeling?: I’ve been all over the place the past few days. What I thought was fetal movement was actually Braxton Hicks contractions. I’m also noticing more heaviness in my lower abdomen as my bump grows. Oh, and headaches are still a thing.
Rants/Raves: Like several of you have mentioned, not being able to feel definite movement yet is really hard. I think we all just want reassurance that things are okay. The wait time between appointments is driving me insane, so I’m excited for my ultrasound on Thursday to see how the baby is doing. If I can’t feel movement, I at least want to see it on the screen.
EDD/Weeks+Days: April 25 - 16 weeks today!
Team blue/pink/green: Green!
Upcoming Appointments: Check up the week of Thanksgiving
How are you feeling?: Sick- all of the time. My morning sickness has left me for now this week, but I’m so nauseous all the time.
Rants/Raves: Mostly just wish I wasn’t so anxious about everything as a FTM. The 4 weeks between appointments feels so long!
@v_flowers I had my 20-week appointment today which ended up with just a doppler check and the NP confirmed that I probably won't feel any consistent movement until week 21-22. You should definitely ask about anterior / posterior placenta at your Thu appointment.
@mcmanda4321 how did you get diagnosed with shingles? Is there a test they can run? Or was it from the rash?
@nsk489 oooph, if my husband did that (and he tried to do that about a few things early on in pregnancy) I would blow a gasket.
@returning_bump_member +1 to HUGE and ITCHY. Also, we're due date twins...and it also sounds like we had an identical experience trying to get baby's HB via the doppler today. Hehe.
FTM/STM/TTM+: old, but FTM
EDD/Weeks+Days: April 1, 19+3
Baby is the size of: 👎🏻
Team blue/pink/green: Fake
Upcoming Appointments: had my 20-week appointment (4 days early today) and completion of my anatomy scan on Monday! (@scaredunprepared same as you!) Today's appointment was just a doppler check and some pee tests, so I didn't get much out of it. The baby was doing somersaults and it took the NP good 3-4 minutes to get a good HR reading. Haha. She kept saying: "naughty <sex of the baby>!"
How are you feeling?: I'm doing alright! The itchiness is still with me, but it's mostly limited to my belly now, so I think it's really just stretching skin. I had a call with my psychiatrist today, and asked her if it might be a side effect of any of the meds I'm on, and she suggested it might also be the seasonal change affecting my skin. I'm also super sore from Sunday's yoga class, and yesterday's Gyrotonic workout, so it's making sleep really uncomfortable, not to mention sitting at my desk for 9 hours, which I do day in and day out. So, I'm trying to just change up my position throughout the day to lessen the discomfort.
Rants/Raves: We took advantage of the Bonus GC offer at Bloomingdale's and bought a few of the bigger baby items that I hand't managed to score on Marketplace. The only other big thing we need is a nursery chair and a dresser, and everything else is small things like diaper pail, changing pad, etc. I'm planning on using my Bloomingdale GCs to pick up those things. We also plan to visit a La-z-boy showroom this weekend to try out some of their nursery chair options. I'm not loving any of the nursery-nursery options out there.
TTC History
Mar 2024 | consult to get established with a new reproductive immunologist (Alan Beer Center)
Apr/May 2024 | required testing & waiting for a protocol
May 2024 | protocol given / decided to go back to my old reproductive immunologist, Dr. Jubiz
Jun / Jul 2024 | more testing, incl. SIS, ultrasound, and endometrial biopsy
Jul 2024 | Dx chronic endometritis; 14 days of 100mg of doxy given
Sep 2024 | Repeat endometrial biopsy; still + for chronic endometritis. 2 more antibiotics + an antiviral
Oct 2024... currently awaiting a hysteroscopy (10/28) to check uterine cavity + check for endometritis
TTC #1
TTC #1 02/2020 - 07/2022
2009 | Dx PCOS; likely a misdiagnosis
07/14/20 | Dx Hashimoto's Thyroditis
07/21/20 | 1st RE appointment
07/2120 - 08/20/20 | so much testing; no signs of PCOS
08/20/20 | Dx Unexplained; AMA
09/08/20 | IUI #1 Clomid + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
09/30/20 | Urology consult; more testing required
10/2020 | Clomid + OPK + TI + Prometrium | BFN
10/26/2020 | Starting 2nd IUI cycle, with Letrazole and with a new RE / different clinic
11/03/2020 | New Dx "poor egg quality"; IUI cancelled in favor of Trigger + TI + Prometrium | BFN
11/26/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Menopur) + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
12/20/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Gonal-F) + Trigger | IUI Cancelled due to thin lining; TI only | BFN
01/14/2021 | Combo IUI (Letrazole + Menopur) + Trigger | BFN
02/06/2021 | Switched to a new RE (TEW) ; trying naturally until we complete additional testing
03/14/2021 | Hybrid Double IUI, with Zymot (Letrazole, Gonal-F) + Trigger + Endometrin | Ovulated 4 mature eggs but still a BFN ☹️
04/07/2021 | Natural cycle while we regroup | BFN
04/09/2021 | Employer announces fertility benefits starting 05/01/2021! | Search for a new doctor who accepts insurance
05/10/2021 | New RE consult & plan for IVF
05/13/2021 | Mid-luteal IVF cycle #1 interrupted; had to get cancer genetic screening done to make sure I didn't have the same SDHA gene mutation as MH.
06/10/2021 | Aygestin priming IVF cycle #1; opted to Cx after 9 days of stims since only 5-6/12 follicles responded
07/26/2021 | Attempt #2 at IVF cycle #1 (mid-luteal start): 8 retrieved, 8 MII, 6 fert (1 PN3), 3 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 3AA, 3AA, 6AB; 3 euploid
08/09/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC | Shockingly, a BFP! EDD: 5/25/202 | CP at 4w4d
09/23/2021 | IVF cycle #2 (mid-luteal start): 14 retrieved, 13 MII, 11 fert, 5 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 2 x 3AA, 2 x 3AB, 3BB; 2 euploid
11/12/2021 | IVF cycle #3 (mid-luteal start): cancelled due to ovaries being on vacation
12/20/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + Pregmune Immunology Testing; BFN
01/22/2022 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + understanding uncovered immunological issues; BFN
02/18/2022 | Mock transfer cycle! ERA, ReceptivaDx, EMMA/ALICE; start Prednisone to address NK activity
03/16/2022 | Final, "Hail Mary" super-ovulation + TI cycle before FET; BFP! EDD: 12/21/2022 | MMC 05/08/2022
05/20/2022 | D&C; recovering...
06/21/2022 | Trying naturally until October 2022
07/21/2022 | BFP! EDD 04/02/2023; 👦🏼 born on 4/5/2023
EDD/Weeks+Days: 4/12; 18 weeks today
Baby is the size of: an artichoke
Team blue/pink/green: we know 😊
Upcoming Appointments: Anatomy Scan on 11/17! (I’m going at 19w1d due to Thanksgiving travel!)
How are you feeling?: Great (knock on wood; I got my bivalent booster this morning) 🤞🙏🤞
Rants/Raves: 🤷♀️
EDD/Weeks+Days: 17 weeks, due April 19
Baby is the size of: a pomegranate
Team blue/pink/green:
Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan on 11/21!
How are you feeling?: Good. Baby has been on my right side what feels like all day, so that feels a bit uncomfortable! Also I swear my boobs are WAY more sore this time around. Maybe I just forgot but I don’t recall them being this sore last time around, especially into the second trimester.
Rants/Raves: I woke up in a FUNK this morning for no apparent reason, although I could have had a bad dream - the vivid dreams are back this time around. Anyone else have super vivid dreams? Anyway, it’s been hard to shake this mood all day 😅
EDD/Weeks+Days: 16+4 - 4/23
Baby is the size of: ?
Team blue/pink/green: Team green till delivery
Upcoming Appointments: 11/22 for my regular 4 week check in, 12/6 is my anatomy scan
How are you feeling?: I am feeling uncomfortably full already after small meals - like there isn't enough room in my belly - I remember this coming much later in my other pregnancies... so that's not fun.
Rants/Raves: I have picked up whatever random congestion germs my daughter keeps bringing home from Pre-K, my head is stuffy, I'm sneezing a lot, and I'm overall just feeling tired. Wanted to get my flu shot this week- any insight as to whether or not I can get it with these symptoms? Also- I work in the crypto industry and if you follow that at all you know that this has been the most turbulent 6 months for the industry, and even more so in the last 48 hours- its a real fear that due to a lot of bad actors, my organization may fail and then I'll be job hunting pregnant, too far along to be guaranteed any kind of paid leave... so if you could all say some prayers, send good vibes, whatever you believe in that that doesn't happen, it would be much appreciated!!
TTC History
Mar 2024 | consult to get established with a new reproductive immunologist (Alan Beer Center)
Apr/May 2024 | required testing & waiting for a protocol
May 2024 | protocol given / decided to go back to my old reproductive immunologist, Dr. Jubiz
Jun / Jul 2024 | more testing, incl. SIS, ultrasound, and endometrial biopsy
Jul 2024 | Dx chronic endometritis; 14 days of 100mg of doxy given
Sep 2024 | Repeat endometrial biopsy; still + for chronic endometritis. 2 more antibiotics + an antiviral
Oct 2024... currently awaiting a hysteroscopy (10/28) to check uterine cavity + check for endometritis
TTC #1
TTC #1 02/2020 - 07/2022
2009 | Dx PCOS; likely a misdiagnosis
07/14/20 | Dx Hashimoto's Thyroditis
07/21/20 | 1st RE appointment
07/2120 - 08/20/20 | so much testing; no signs of PCOS
08/20/20 | Dx Unexplained; AMA
09/08/20 | IUI #1 Clomid + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
09/30/20 | Urology consult; more testing required
10/2020 | Clomid + OPK + TI + Prometrium | BFN
10/26/2020 | Starting 2nd IUI cycle, with Letrazole and with a new RE / different clinic
11/03/2020 | New Dx "poor egg quality"; IUI cancelled in favor of Trigger + TI + Prometrium | BFN
11/26/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Menopur) + Trigger + Prometrium | BFN
12/20/2020 | Combo IUI (Clomid + Gonal-F) + Trigger | IUI Cancelled due to thin lining; TI only | BFN
01/14/2021 | Combo IUI (Letrazole + Menopur) + Trigger | BFN
02/06/2021 | Switched to a new RE (TEW) ; trying naturally until we complete additional testing
03/14/2021 | Hybrid Double IUI, with Zymot (Letrazole, Gonal-F) + Trigger + Endometrin | Ovulated 4 mature eggs but still a BFN ☹️
04/07/2021 | Natural cycle while we regroup | BFN
04/09/2021 | Employer announces fertility benefits starting 05/01/2021! | Search for a new doctor who accepts insurance
05/10/2021 | New RE consult & plan for IVF
05/13/2021 | Mid-luteal IVF cycle #1 interrupted; had to get cancer genetic screening done to make sure I didn't have the same SDHA gene mutation as MH.
06/10/2021 | Aygestin priming IVF cycle #1; opted to Cx after 9 days of stims since only 5-6/12 follicles responded
07/26/2021 | Attempt #2 at IVF cycle #1 (mid-luteal start): 8 retrieved, 8 MII, 6 fert (1 PN3), 3 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 3AA, 3AA, 6AB; 3 euploid
08/09/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC | Shockingly, a BFP! EDD: 5/25/202 | CP at 4w4d
09/23/2021 | IVF cycle #2 (mid-luteal start): 14 retrieved, 13 MII, 11 fert, 5 Day 5 & 6 blasts: 2 x 3AA, 2 x 3AB, 3BB; 2 euploid
11/12/2021 | IVF cycle #3 (mid-luteal start): cancelled due to ovaries being on vacation
12/20/2021 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + Pregmune Immunology Testing; BFN
01/22/2022 | Rest cycle / unmedicated TTC + understanding uncovered immunological issues; BFN
02/18/2022 | Mock transfer cycle! ERA, ReceptivaDx, EMMA/ALICE; start Prednisone to address NK activity
03/16/2022 | Final, "Hail Mary" super-ovulation + TI cycle before FET; BFP! EDD: 12/21/2022 | MMC 05/08/2022
05/20/2022 | D&C; recovering...
06/21/2022 | Trying naturally until October 2022
07/21/2022 | BFP! EDD 04/02/2023; 👦🏼 born on 4/5/2023
If she doesn't, then there is a meal I can make instead of the typical drink as well. She said it's mostly fruits but the directions make it easy to follow so the exact amount of glucose is in it.