I'd like to introduce Simon David. Born 10/29/22 at 7:08 pm. He is 5 lb 3 oz and 19 inches. Simon was born at 34+1. He is currently in the NICU but he's nursing and doing an amazing job at being a preemie. We'll be here at least until the end of the week, but I'm hopeful we'll be home in no time.
I'm exhausted but getting through! Simon was moved to a noncritical NICU unit so it's a bit more relaxed and he gets a private room with a fold out couch and bathroom for me. My new schedule is home for dinner and bedtime with my 4.5 yr old son and here the rest of the time. Luckily the labor and delivery went really well. I just had 1 little 1st degree tear that required a stitch bc a vein got knocked so it was bleeding. I feel physically pretty good and am moving around well. Simon has to hit a certain number of check points and then we'll be released. I'm hopeful for beginning to mid week next week.
I'm not sure if any of you December mamas still check this board, but I hope everyone is doing great! My preemie Simon is 6 months old and you'd never know he was premature. He's actually bigger than his older brother was at this time. His smile lights up a room. Any baby updates?
Re: 1st Dec baby is here!