I have PCOS. First treatment I was on clomid for 5 days. Had multiple monitoring appointments and finally triggered CD 16 and had my surge CD 18. All while having timed intercourse during that time. Unfortunately ended in a negative pregnancy test.
Now on my second TI cycle. Doctor upped my clomid to 100 MG this time around. First appointment on CD 10 I had a slow response and on CD 12 the follicles stopped growing and my estrogen decreased. They then put me on a “stair step” protocol. I started Letrozole 7.5 MG for 5 days and went into the office CD 19. I had 2 follicles at 12 and 13 MM and my lining was at 7. I left my appointment extremely happy and positive. I then get a call from my doctor stating my estrogen had decreased in which he was a little confused about but pretty much said to remain hopeful until my appointment Saturday CD 22 that the follicles grow and my estrogen increases. I’m at the point that it is kind of hard to remain positive I feel like this cycle will be a wash. It also doesn’t help that my doctor keeps throwing IVF into out conversations in which I am not against but I am just totally not there yet as this is only my second treatment and I do not have coverage for IVF.
I just wasn’t sure if anyone had a sorta similar experience that could keep me on the positive. I feel like I am totally losing my mind this is just all so much so any experiences would be amazing!!
Re: Timed Intercourse cycle #2