June 2023 Moms

Hcg levels

Am 6 weeks 1 days pregnancy took my first HCG test around 5 weeks 2 days and it was 7696 tested again was 13360 is that normal?

Re: Hcg levels

  • 48 hrs Between tests
  • Hey this is a great topic for our question or betas thread. We try to keep the board clear of posts that only relate to the op as it's really not inclusive and clutters our board up. Please feel free to refresh yourself on the topic guidelines on the board organization thread and check for another thread that might be a better fit before starting your own. 
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  • edited November 2022
    I’m 6 weeks and 2 days and on Tuesday I was 3997 and Thursday I was only 4529 so I’m very concerned that mine are so low . I think yours should be ok they have pretty much doubled
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