Trouble TTC

Introduction and Opinions

I am new to testing LH and BBT. I spent 2014-2018 trying to conceive naturally and had my rainbow baby october 2019 after 8 MC. I Have not tried to conceive since. I had my last AF 8/1-8/5. I began to question if I was pregnant and tested 10/17 but got a BFN. I had cramping and spotting for 7 days. I have had headaches, felt dizzy, felt nauseous and sick, libido out the wazoo, and so much more. Took another pregnancy test 20th and 24th but BFN. I havent spotted in 2 days but i still have all the other symptoms and i never bled...just spotted. I can get pregnant but with tilted uterus, low HCG and progesterone, and irregular periods I have a hardtime getting them to stick and get the sad news between 9-20 weeks. I was on progesterone until I was 22wks with my daughter. Long story long...we started charting, testing, and try try trying on 10/18/22 but I'm still not 100% I'm not pregnant. Should I test in a couple or days or am I setting myself up for obsession and frustration.  
#GeneralTTC #3DBO 
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