2nd Trimester

Thoughts on doula?

I'm considering using doula services for the birth of my second child. I had an atraumatic, conventional, quick first birth but wanted to experience things slightly differently this time.

Looking for input from those who have had doula care. Was it beneficial or do you feel it changed the outcome of your delivery in a positive way? Thoughts?

Re: Thoughts on doula?

  • I haven't actually had a doula, but their job is to advocate for you before, during and after birth. Personally I've had ok deliveries, but I know if I had a doula I wouldn't have ended up with a c-section with my 7 pound second child- my doc was in a hurry to go home, baby wasn't in distress, etc and after 12 hours of *induced* labor I was told I needed to do the cesarean right then before it was an emergency.... Me and baby were fine, just needed more time and to be allowed to move!!! A doula could've helped me greatly to advocate for myself, but instead I'm forced to beg for a vbac to be able to labor in water, can't even do a home birth/water birth/birth at the midwife birthing center because I've had a cesarean before so it's another hospital delivery for me, but I won't be laboring on my back this time, and I won't be going without eating either- I know that's hospital policy, but it isn't the best way to labor from what I've read/researched. Just make sure you find someone that is supportive of your choices and makes you feel comfortable if you decide to get a doula, or have a conversation with your partner on what you would like their help in advocating for yourself when you are in labor and may not be able to advocate for yourself. ❤️
  • I’ve used a doula with both of my (vaginal) labors. If you can afford one or find someone that will do it free for the training I think it’s beneficial. It’s also nice leading up to the delivery to have someone to talk to about it that isn’t your partner. Mine both offered a lot of resources before the birth so I would feel prepared as much as they did on the day of. If you are anticipating another induction or delivering at the same hospital that was so pushy before I think it would be beneficial.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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