February 2023 Moms

Weekly Check-In- Week of October 17

EDD / Weeks + Days: 

Baby is the size of a(n):

Team blue/pink/green:

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: What’s the worst/best fad or fashion trend you’ve participated in? 

Re: Weekly Check-In- Week of October 17

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  • @nwshay I’ve had to adjust up my seizure meds, too. I don’t know how your seizures go, but I get multiple absence about once a month over the course of 24 hours. I’ve had 5 rounds since getting pregnant, which is disappointing since the last couple of pregnancies I was able to skip a couple of months here and there. My doc said the only thing that looked out of balance for me was my potassium levels this time, so not sure what that’s about. Frustrating!

    @seeds_of_joy I’m so sorry you’re having to make all of these huge food changes during such a difficult time. As if it’s not already hard enough to figure out what you can eat while pregnant!! 

    @amccurls My toddler has hit and landed on my belly a few times. I’ve never had a toddler while pregnant, so it’s kind of spooked me. But same here, plenty of kicking and movement from the inside, so I’m not worried either.
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 22W6D

    Baby is the size of a(n): Corn on the cob

    Team blue/pink/green: Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: Next week for a check-in and I think another ultrasound. 

    How are you feeling?: I've been feeling less sick, but still odd bouts of nausea. Constipation is not my friend, but especially not while pregnant, and it’s definitely getting worse as I’m getting bigger. Overall, I feel hungry a lot, but then I try to eat and feel overly full pretty quickly. Lots of acid reflux, too. I feel like I’m complaining too much, lol!

    Rants/Raves: My toddler was so close to potty training, but she seems to have reverted a bit and now she keeps refusing to try to use her potty. So close… My older daughter is having problems keeping her room clean. She’s at this special turning point age, where I’m thinking she’d start to be grossed out by the dirtiness, but no. My husband is trying to lose weight and get in better shape, which is great, but sometimes a little weird for me while I’m not sure what I’m eating half the time or what I have energy for. 

    Questions: Is anybody feeling just, like, tired muscles lately? I went on a walk with my family yesterday and I just felt kind of weak and achey. I don’t think it’s blood iron, but I might ask at the next appointment for advice.

    GTKY: What’s the worst/best fad or fashion trend you’ve participated in? For me, my mom was really nice to me and let me go to the salon with her when I was in middle school and I got a few perms. Ugh, those pictures make me grimace, bangs and shoulder length fried hair 😬 😂

  • @amccurls I think the little one is pretty protected in there. It would have to be a pretty big blow that would cause you more damage in order to hurt the baby. I get paranoid too between the dog and 5 kids jumping on me (well they don't all jump on me) but I've heard they're really protected in the womb so I'll go with that. 
  • @seeds_of_joy I’ve read / heard that too. I just overthink very easily. 

    @cpk3535 I’m having the issue of being overly full feeling quickly too! And then I’m hungry 30 minutes later. Lots of snacks over here. 
  • @cpk3535 that's how mine were before I was medicated, if I had one seizure I should have multiple throughout a course of a few days, but now if I have a breakthrough it tends to only be one, thankfully!
  • seeds_of_joyseeds_of_joy member
    edited October 2022
    @cpk3535 sadly, I've had perms too and with my mother being a hair dresser, I had my fair share! With bangs of course. Still doesn't beat the bondage choker necklace in my opinion. 🤭
  • edited October 2022
    @cpk3535 my fatigue started with just muscles being tired. I had blood work at the end of last week, and was not anemic but did have low ferritin. It’s not a bad idea to ask about getting tested, and when you do, ask for ferritin, too. You can have some of the symptoms of low iron without full-on anemia. 

    Also though, if you’re already struggling with constipation and they put you on an iron supplement, ask about ferrous gluconate instead of ferrous sulfate. It’s gentler on your GI system than the more common ferrous sulfate, but a little harder to find. And if you’re taking a prenatal that has ferrous sulfate, you could talk to your doctor or a pharmacist about switching to one without iron and taking a separate iron supplement. It also tends to be easier on your system to take it at a different time from your prenatal, without any dairy or calcium supplements, and with vitamin C (or a good source of vitamin C like fruit or fruit juice). 

    EDD / Weeks + Days:  Feb 4/24+2

    Baby is the size of a(n): cantaloupe

    Team blue/pink/green: Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: just a regular check in in 2 weeks

    How are you feeling?:  Much better! Blood work from last week came back with iron deficiency and vitamin D insufficiency. Starting the iron supplement and then adding vitamin D has definitely improved my energy levels.


    Rave: My brother is coming up this weekend to put up vinyl decals on the nursery wall, and I’m excited to see how they turn out. It’s definitely early, but it’s when he had time. Since my husband and I are both not great at visual and spatial reasoning, we’re doing it when he’s available to make the trip and help us out. I’m excited to see how it turns out and I’m grateful that I have such a sweet brother.

    Questions: none today

    GTKY: What’s the worst/best fad or fashion trend you’ve participated in? Probably the denim mini skirts over 3/4 length leggings with ballet flats of the late 2000s.

  • @fertile-turtle there's also ferrous Bisglycinate chelate. That's what I'm on for my anemia. Do you know what the difference is? My doctor recommended or "prescribed" this specific one and they only have really natural supplements so I'm thinking it must be good but I don't know much about iron because I only needed extra iron one other time in my life. 
  • @seeds_of_joy I hadn’t heard of it, so I did a little reading. It’s a much gentler form of iron that’s still absorbed really well. The key seems to be the “chelate”, which doesn’t keep you from absorbing it but does keep free iron ions from reacting with other things in your gut, so the number of side effects is much lower than other forms of iron. It also has less of a taste, so it’s used to fortify different foods with iron without making them taste like metal. Since you’ve been having so many digestive issues, it’s definitely the ideal supplement for you!

    Ferrous sulfate and ferrous fumarate are the worst for side effects, with ferrous gluconate being just a little bit better. Extended release versions of these have less side effects but also less absorption. These are all cheaper and easier to find than ferrous bis-glycinate chelate, but they’re all pretty much the same efficacy with different side effect rates and issues.
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Feb 8 / 23w + 5d

    Baby is the size of a(n): Grapefruit 

    Team blue/pink/green: Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: October 21. Routine appointment + ultrasound to check cervical length

    How are you feeling?: I also get out of breath quickly, especially walking up and down my stairs. I’m tired. Ongoing tailbone pain. Otherwise, I’m fine.

    Rants/Raves: Rave—My husband was able to feel the baby kick for the first time the other night. I don’t feel a lot of kicking, but it is consistent when I wake up and just before going to sleep. Rant—I still haven’t found a way to politely tell friends not to touch my stomach. The other day, someone left her hand on my stomach for way too long and was talking to the baby. It’s strange, but it makes me feel like I’m not a person and am just storage in some ways.

    Questions: When do you start your parental leave? Do you try to work up until the week of birth?

    GTKY: What’s the worst/best fad or fashion trend you’ve participated in? In middle school, I wore white tees under spaghetti strap tanks with a huge scrunchie on my wrist. 😬😂

  • @fertile-turtle thanks for the research!! 🙂 

    @karbaud nice fad... 😂 I must have slept through that one. 
  • @nwshay Were your seizures hormonal at all? Mine fall around ovulations and menstrual cycles typically, but still no real progress further treating it with my docs.

    @fertile-turtle Thank you so much for the advice! I will definitely check with my doctor on these supplements and how to approach treating the low iron. I’m a natural redhead and very pale, so I naturally have quite low iron and BP anyway. Things seem to kick up a notch while pregnant, but not enough to make my doctors really worry about me. 🤷‍♀️ I’m excited that I might be able to treat this without adding to the constipation problem ❤️🙏
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 21w 3d

    Baby is the size of a(n): endive

    Team blue/pink/green: Team green! 💚

    Upcoming Appointments: end of the month regular check up and anatomy scan.

    How are you feeling?:  overall pretty good! Taking advantage of my energy to prepare for baby. The constipation has resolved. Definitely more shortness of breath when climbing stairs and walking slower. But I’m still moving and staying active with tennis, pilates, and yoga.


    Questions: natm

    GTKY: What’s the worst/best fad or fashion trend you’ve participated in? 

    I used to wear a fanny packs as a kid. Functional yes. But I hated the look and still do. I also liked the comfort of the grunge years in the early 90’s with baggy pants and plaid shirts during middle school. But to combat the emo angst, I used to wear a different far side comic t shirt with those plaid shirts for everyday of the week. 😂 

  • @karbaud just realized we’re due date buddies! 
    With my last one I planned on working up until but took off a week earlier due to sciatic pain that I just couldn’t take anymore. 
    Fortunately with this one I’m moving so I’ll leave my current teaching job at thanksgiving and not get a new job until the new school year (July or August)
  • @cpk3535 I’m complaining too much right along with you!! 

    @karbaud the shortness of breath is so bad for me this time around. Don’t remember it with my others.  I occasionally take the stairs at the hospital instead of the elevator and by the time I go up one flight I have to wait to go see patients until I can breathe normally.  

    EDD / Weeks + Days:  23 weeks today

    Baby is the size of a(n): bunch of grapes or a Barbie doll lol

    Team blue/pink/green: green. 

    Upcoming Appointments:  24 week appointment on Halloween. 

    How are you feeling?: my nausea came back full force and the pelvic pain has been brutal.  I just want to feel better and maybe enjoy some of this pregnancy 😩

    Rants/Raves: my rant is how I’m feeling. My rave is it’s my daughters 5th birthday on Friday and we’re having a party for her on Saturday. She’s so excited. We’ve been doing something little for her each day this week to celebrate her birthday week 🙂 so fun! 

    Questions: nope

    GTKY: What’s the worst/best fad or fashion trend you’ve participated in?  Haha I’m not trendy at all.  I definitely rocked those 90s wind breaker suits. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And like @ttc3y i wore the Fanny packs too. 

  • @angbaby83 maybe it’s our mutual due date causing the complaints? Lol- I find it super ironic to be due on Valentine’s Day, the “holiday” I consider the most fake of all. What type of nurse are you btw? 

    Also, congratulations to your daughter for her birthday- mine is on Thursday!! 🎂🎉
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 23w 1d

    Baby is the size of a(n): grapefruit

    Team blue/pink/green: blue 

    Upcoming Appointments: still uncertain, trying to get one with MFM 🙃 

    How are you feeling?: overall, good. I’ve been super tired but feeling good overall. 

    Rants/Raves: Rant: I hate that it takes so long to get a referral and then get a call for an appointment. I’ve called several times to get appointments for new drs and specialist and it just feels like a long process. I just don’t like not having a dr currently since I’m in limbo…. my midwife can no longer be in charge of my care. 

    Questions: none currently

    GTKY: What’s the worst/best fad or fashion trend you’ve participated in? 

    Middle school was the worst 🤣 I had a skater/punk style. I thought I was awesome.

    It seems I wasn’t the only one though and that makes me feel better 🤣

  • @cpk3535 I’m actually not a nurse. I’m
     a hospital social worker.  I help out Medicaid patients with resources and also float and help wherever I’m needed so I walk all over the hospital. 

    Happy birthday! I know so many people with October birthdays.  Hopefully you get a day free from complaints 😂
  • @cpk3535 I'm sorry you haven't had progress with treatment. Have they talked about surgery being a possible treatment option?

    Mine have not been linked to any hormonal- with that said, it all started with one of my last pregnancies (ending in miscarriage), and continued from there. I've got to imagine there's a hormonal aspect to it. 
  • @angbaby Thanks for the birthday wishes! I hope I’m feeling good-ish for it, lol! 😂 Your job sounds cool, I’m still browsing the medical arena and seeing what I might train to do. 

    @nwshay My current neurologist is the only one who might be willing to talk about surgery with me. My previous neurologists all seemed to write me off as either cured enough or incurable 🤷‍♀️ I mean, this is Kaiser, so we’ll see if I can afford a better specialist at more of a research facility, I might have a better shot! 
  • @cpk3535 do you have an epileptologist in addition to your neurologist? I also have Kaiser and have both doctors! Something to ask about. I do have to travel to another location for my epileptologist, but still worth it!
  • @Paturkey Oooh, jelly shoes- I loved those!! What’s your follow-up scan for? I’m having another scan next week since I’m so geriatric, lol. I’m actually excited, because the sites say that the baby grows so much between 20 and 24 weeks, there should be some interesting things to see!
  • @cpk3535 My scan is a follow-up to check placental function and growth. Basically, I have extra blood flow on one side from the placenta which may indicate some placental malfunction. There's a 20% chance of preeclampsia or growth restriction. So, they want to check and see how things are now, and again at 28 weeks. I'm totally cool with that. But the OB wants the flow to be normal at this next scan to release me back to the midwives, otherwise he'll want me to stay on the OB track and probably have to deliver in the labor ward instead of the birth centre. I just need to wait and see. If it's still high at 24 weeks I'll probably argue to let us see how things look at 28 weeks before changing my care but I just want to be with the midwives in the birth centre like last time! And there's an 80% chance everything will be fine. As long as baby isn't small (and he was average at 20 weeks) there really shouldn't be a need to escalate things I think.
  • @Paturkey Well, I’m glad to hear everything is looking normal for baby so far. I hope everything scans well with the placenta blood flow next visit! It would definitely be nicer to be cared for by the midwives versus the hospital. Much more relaxed environment! Keep us posted how everything goes!
  • @karbaud I also get sooooo winded going up and down my stairs! I feel like the final walk up to my bedroom at night can feel like such a trek 🤣
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 2/7; 24w3d

    Baby is the size of a(n): cantaloupe or eggplant 

    Team blue/pink/green: 💙🌈

    Upcoming Appointments: my GD test is next week and my next OB appt follows

    How are you feeling?: I feel very pregnant now, and am very proud and grateful of this giant bee sting belly!

    Rants/Raves: Man oh man, do I miss sleeping on my stomach! I never really realized how much I loved sleeping & lounging that way until this little dodgeball belly 🤣

    Questions: if anyone else out here is a teacher, do you guys feel like this school year is just flying by??! Maybe it’s because of the pregnancy, but I feel like time is just escaping me now inside and outside of the classroom.

    GTKY: What’s the worst/best fad or fashion trend you’ve participated in? 

    I remember like in 8th grade when Hilary Duff wore just one fingerless glove in her “So Yesterday” music video, and it was such a Mean Girls moment for me because then I started only wearing one fingerless glove. My parents owned a nursery growing up, so you can imagine how much hate and the amount of jokes I got for that 🙃🙃

  • @kb1322 I teach and YES! This year is flying by. It blows my mind that we’re almost halfway done already and we just started! It seems the school years are getting faster and faster 
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