Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Surviving swimming changing rooms!

Hi I’m doing a survey on surviving changing rooms with your little one and would love some feedback on how you cope when changing with them. I’m looking for mostly when they start moving around and crawling. How do you get them changed and yourself without you both getting wet? Where do you place then as we all know swimming floors aren’t exactly hygienic? How stressful is it at the thought of taking them swimming on your own without someone to help? I’d love to know how you all survived thank you so much for any feedback to help 😊

Re: Surviving swimming changing rooms!

  • I would change baby in the locker room or wherever made sense (our pool had a table and bleachers on the pool deck, but no changing table in the locker room, so I would put a towel down on the table and change her there sometimes), then just put sweats or a wrap around myself and go home in my wet bathing suit and change myself at home. I saw moms of older kids just having them sit on the bench in the changing room, once they were big enough to do that, or for younger babies would change them and have the car seat carrier in the changing room and strap them in there while mom changed.
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