Baby Names

We need an H baby name!!

Less than 4 weeks until my due date!! My husband and I have 4 girls and 1 boy due Nov 5th all of our girls names end in “lee”. We want to keep my husbands initials of HLW (Hunter Lee), so we’re looking for H first names. There are several we both like separately but not many we share an appreciation for. So for starters his maternal maiden name is Howard, I just think of an old man when I hear that and I don’t like it shortened for howie. Is Howard a good name? My step daughter’s name is Hadlee, nothing that sounds like that. My husband loves Hoover after the President, I think of a vacuum.. but I kind of like it. I love Huntington since it goes with my husbands name but it’s so long, husband agrees. He likes Hoyt, it doesn’t flow for me and reminds me of Boyd. We both think Huck is cute but rhymes with an ugly word. He loves Hero, I have tried so hard to love that but think of Japan and worry people would think it’s stupid. We both like hezecki from the Bible and he likes Hazo from the Bible. We have 3.5 weeks until baby is here!! 

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