3rd Trimester


I'm at 32 weeks today. And everyday my insomnia gets worse and worse. I am so tired during the day but as soon as night hits i'm up!!! I'm running off just 2 hours of sleep. Anyone else?? Or anyone know something that can help???

Re: Insomnia?

  • Right there with ya girl! I’ve heard this is quite common in third Trimester.. advice I got from some friends was just trying to nap during the day if you can after work. Not sure there’s much you can take? It’s so frustrating I know :( 
  • I’d talk with your OB or midwife about meds or supplements—my midwife recommended supplementing with magnesium, so long as I stayed under the daily recommended value. She likes the Calm drink blend, but I’m just taking some capsules since I didn’t want to order and wait. I think it helps a little, along with trying hard to make the hour or two before bed relaxing (putting my laptop and work away, drinking a little pregnancy sleep tea, taking a bath when I can).
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