Looking for advice really, i am 21 weeks pregnant and work for the NHS as a nurse, ive been struggling with my mental health, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks etc. people have told me to get a sick note untill maternity leave however that is just over 10 weeks away. Im really struggling but am i being pathetic? Has anybody else been signed off work pregnant for a long period of time or up to there maternity leave date?
Re: Signed off work sick
And if you struggle to cope with having to take time off for the sake of your own health (I know, 'serious nursing shortage etc, should I not toughen up and just power through it for the sake of my colleagues?'), then think about this: You have a really tough and demanding job where you have to be there for your patients, and they deserve you at your best. What if you were to make serious mistakes or oversights due to severe insomnia, panic attacks or the like? They put their lives in your hands, and your decisions may have life changing consequences for them. If you are not functioning properly, a sick leave might be in their best interest as well.
For the sake of yourself, your baby and your patients, go talk to your doctor about long term sick leave options!
Re. your question, I have not personally any experience with sick leave up until maternity leave (and it is my personal horror scenario because I would go totally crazy). BUT. In my due date group on Facebook there are plenty of (Danish) women who are on sick leave until maternity leave/birth. Reasons include hyperemesis, severe pelvic pain rendering them unable to walk/drive/work, threatening premature labour requiring total bed rest. And a few due to social/mental health causeri- other children with special needs who are struggling, insomnia, depression etc.
Don't risk your mental health for work, and don't risk your patients' safety for a misguided sense of obligation.
Wish you all the best with your pregnancy 💜