Now that we have mamas with EDDs through the end of May, let's start breaking down into group check-ins!
EDD / Weeks + Days:
Baby is the size of a:
Team blue/pink/green:
Upcoming Appointments:
How are you feeling?:
GTKY: What is the best gift you've ever received?
Re: Group 1 Check-In (EDD May 1-8): Week of 10/3
EDD / Weeks + Days: May 5 / 9W3D
Baby is the size of a: pop can tab
Team blue/pink/green: finding out
Upcoming Appointments: 10/20
How are you feeling?: TIRED. And nauseous if I'm super hungry. Nothing sounds appetizing, either.
Rave: My parents had some relatives over their house yesterday and I told my recently-widowed aunt I was expecting. She was overjoyed, especially hearing that the baby is due around my late uncle's birthday.
Rant: My other aunt was thrilled, too, but promptly said she knew I was pregnant based on a picture DH posted on Facebook in September. I was one month pregnant! Just how puffy did I look?!
Questions: nope
GTKY: What is the best gift you've ever received? When I was in sixth (?) grade, we spent Christmas out of state with my extended relatives. I've always liked being around them but I could always tell I was the out-of-state cousin who only dropped in a few times a year. Later that night after everyone else had left, my grandparents took me and my sister into the basement and we tore the wrapping paper off of two wooden sleds. I could tell our grandparents knew we felt like outsiders and wanted to give us something special. Definitely a magical Christmas moment!
EDD / Weeks + Days: 9+3
Baby is the size of a: olive
Team blue/pink/green: finding out
Upcoming Appointments: Friday
How are you feeling?: good, which makes me nervous. I’ve been spotting for a week though, so I’m anxious to go to the doctor again on Friday and make sure everything is still staying put where it should.
Rants/Raves: just ready to stop bleeding.
GTKY: What is the best gift you've ever received? Hmm I’ll have to think about this!
Baby is the size of a: pop can tab?
Team blue/pink/green: we'll find out
How are you feeling?: Meh... Nauseous half the time and starving the rest of the time. Extra tired and cranky too... Is the 1st tri over yet?
Rants/Raves: rant... Boss was a bit of a pain today, basically told me I was crappy at my job, but then turned around an hour later and said I should take his job when he retires next year as I'm smart... Umm what is it dude, am I crappy or good at my job?? Rave... Picked up my NIPT testing kit this week, so I'll probably go get that done next week sometime.... Can't wait to see what we're having!
Questions: NATM
GTKY: What is the best gift you've ever received? Hmm... As a kid the gift I remember getting the most excited about was this battery powered kids jeep, we made out dad push us around the snow with it that day as it kept getting stuck.
EDD / Weeks + Days: May 7 - 9+3
Baby is the size of a: coke can tab
Team blue/pink/green: finding out!
Upcoming Appointments: NIPT testing on the 19th, high risk doc on 25th, back to my OBGYN on the 26th!
How are you feeling?: tired, nauseous, restless. Anxious on top of all of it!
Rants/Raves: Um, pass. Lol
Questions: tips for drinking more water? I was bad at it even before I was pregnant
GTKY: What is the best gift you've ever received?
when I was younger, my mom got me a puppy for my birthday and that dog was with me from the time I was in middle school all the way through college, up until I got married and then she passed. Best gift ever!
@knottiefe62dac9d611233e Can you tolerate fruit-infused water? My MIL likes the Hint waters at the grocery store and I sometimes make my own with strawberries or lemons.
Also, would you mind changing your username to something easier to tag? Instructions are pinned to the top of this board.
I've also gotten my husband to agree to naming it his name and jr at the end muahahahah
Is anyone doing the NT scan? At my practice, it’s optional and I’m wondering if it’s worth it to call the insurance company to see if it’s covered, or if it’s one we skip.