3rd Trimester

Otravin Nasal Spray

Hi everyone. My toddler brought home a terrible virus from school last week and it’s got everyone in the house terribly sick. My main symptom is that my nose is COMPLETELY plugged and I cane breath at alllll which means zero sleep. I have 2 toddlers and I’m due in November so I need all the sleep I can get. 

I know nasal spray isn’t recommended while pregnant but I’ve tried EVERY natural remedy in the books. I also tried Flonase which my doctor suggested and it did nothing for me. 

The only thing that actually clears my nose is Otravin so tonight I finally caved and used 1 spray into 1 nostril just so I can actually breathe tonight and sleep! 

I’ve been told not to use Otravin but at this point I’m 8 weeks away from having this baby and I need my sleep so I’m going to use it only at night for the next few days so I can get some rest. 

Has anyone else ever used Otravin while pregnant and been fine? 

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