Usually I'm a pretty patient, positive and calm person. But lately I've felt my blood boil on a daily basis. Unfortunately my significant other takes the brunt of this - every little mess-up he does drives me nuts (and they seem to be increasing - is it just me?!) to the point where I just want to avoid him. I'm the opposite of clingy and just want my space to find some peace. I can be having a relatively good day, then something happens (at home or at work) and I can literally feel the rage rise. My first trimester was a bit rough with nausea and feeling extremely tired yet I can't get a full night's rest because I'm always tossing and turning and having to get up to pee. But this rage is honestly something else. Is this a new symptom? Or is it a culmination of months without adequate sleep? My own emotions scare me and I'm certainly not living the "free-spirited loving pregnant mermaid vibe" I had hoped for. It's hard to even find gratitude, yet I know I have so much to be grateful for.
Am I alone on this? How long will this last? I'm having a hard time coping and hoping this doesn't get worse.
Re: Pregnancy Rage?