March 2023 Moms

Weekly Check In 9/19

Sorry guys! Wasn't feeling well and didn't post this yesterday.

EDD / Weeks + Days: 


Baby is the size of a(n):

Team blue/pink/green:

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: If you had to choose a certain type of food to eat for the rest if your life, what would it be? 

Re: Weekly Check In 9/19

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  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 13+4 due 3/25


    Baby is the size of a(n): Tamagotchi

    Team blue/pink/green: Green

    Upcoming Appointments: I forget. Some random OB check in and then they will schedule my anatomy scan. Slow down, time!

    How are you feeling?: Nausea is gone thankfully and starting to feel a little bit more energetic. My ribs are almost healed from bronchitis so I might be able to work out again soon! Until the SPD kicks in of course!

    Rants/Raves: See above haha!

    Questions: none

    GTKY: If you had to choose a certain type of food to eat for the rest if your life, what would it be? Italian for sure. H’s family is Italian and even though I’m not I’ve gotten really good at cooking Italian!
  • @miss_lynn9 - I haven't exercised since I got pregnant! I want to, but I have absolutely no energy.

    @muggsd - When I stopped diclectin, I immediately started B6+Unisom, and avoided feeling icky again.

    @noxacanthus _ I'm glad they are doing another scan for due dates. That's really important!
  • EDD / Weeks + Days:  15+2, March 14


    Baby is the size of a(n): Orange!

    Team blue/pink/green: Green

    Upcoming Appointments: 17w appointment on Oct. 4, anatomy scan on Halloween!

    How are you feeling?: Absolutely yucky but that's because I'm still getting over COVID

    Rants/Raves: We finally had fall weather today! I am so happy. We've had 85-95 degree days for the last month and today the high is supposed to be 67. Nothing above 75 for the next 2 weeks. I can't express how excited I am. Walking home in the heat with the toddler was not fun.


    GTKY: If you had to choose a certain type of food to eat for the rest if your life, what would it be? Pasta. All kinds of pasta but if you wanted to be specific, I would choose tortellini. Tortellini soup, Alfredo tortellini with sausage, cheesy tortellini in tomato sauce. All the tortellini.
    Ladybug - April 2013
    Dandelion - October 2018
    Angel "Aurora" - July 2020
    Angel "Sawyer" - May 2021
    Angel "Maxine" - January 2022
    Angel "Violet" - March 2022
    Baby Dove due March 2023
  • Thanks for the well wishes! Feeling much better now:)

    EDD / Weeks + Days: March 25th 13+5


    Baby is the size of a(n): Lime

    Team blue/pink/green: sneak peak said boy

    Upcoming Appointments: none ATM. My last two racked me up over $300 so trying to figure out expenses going forward. 

    How are you feeling?: hit or miss. This morning brushing my teeth had me over the toilet two seconds later. 

    Rants/Raves: my insurance must have been way better last pregnancy. I hardly paid anything out of pocket until the birth. The bills this go around were a bit of a shock. 


    GTKY: If you had to choose a certain type of food to eat for the rest if your life, what would it be?
    Pizza! Can't ever have too much lol 
  • @bbrahmbhatt A friend of mine’s baby just had HFM and then she caught it right after her kid got better. Ugh it sounds miserable- I hope you all recover soon!
  • @bbrahmbhatt my D had HFM this summer. It was rough. I couldn't imagine having it along side her. Hopefully you both start feeling better soon!
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: March 5, 16 weeks 4 days 


    Baby is the size of a(n): can of pop ! 

    Team blue/pink/green: we are getting the ultrasound tech to put it in an envelope and I’m driving it directly to my favourite bakers. My husband, myself and all of our family will be surprised Oct 21 :) no one knows that we are finding out the sex ! 

    Upcoming Appointments: October 13 for anatomy scan !! 

    How are you feeling?: so effing awful. Fainted today, couldn’t catch my breath and my heart was racing. Went to the drs and they couldn’t find the heart beat on the Doppler (it was a new dr to me, she was scanning my ovaries) and so she wheeled in the ultrasound and saw that baby was clapping! Lol 

    Rants/Raves: rant- still feeling so sick. It’s not gotten any better. 
    Rave- I’m still pregnant and I’ll forever be thankful for this tiny human my body is growing 

    Questions: my dr said I’m not eating enough. Not necessarily weight wise since I was overweight going into pregnancy but he wants me to eat more smaller frequent meals/snacks in a day. What do you eat? Regardless if you’ve got morning sickness. I’m just at a loss. I already do oranges, cut up veggies and hummus, yogurt. I hate so much it’s so difficult. And I’m lactose intolerant but all this baby wants is dairy. It sucks lol. I hate lactose free :( 

    GTKY: If you had to choose a certain type of food to eat for the rest if your life, what would it be? All. The. Sushi! And poke bowls. Ramen. 😍
  • @babymac4321 I’m struggling with smaller, more frequent meals, too. Honestly, what I eat varies based on how I’m feeling. When I was feeling sicker, things like apple sauce and buttered toast were things I tolerated well. My protein snack I usually do beef sticks (tho I think it’s turkey) and almonds and cheese sometime midday. With the nausea, cold food helped me, so grapes, apples,melon- all of that went down easier. My deal now is that if I’m not eating more frequently, that’s when I get headaches and nausea so even though I work from home, I try to pack some snacks to quickly grab while I’m at my desk between calls and that’s helped me develop the habit better than before. Good luck!!
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: March 15th / 15 weeks + 4 days


    Baby is the size of a(n): Orange

    Team blue/pink/green: Pink!

    Upcoming Appointments: Midwife appointment on Tuesday. 

    How are you feeling?: Honestly, I’ve been even mired tired since I entered the second trimester. Nausea has eased up, but I’ve had terrible indigestion and acid reflux. Congestion went away for three glorious days, but now it’s back :/

    Rants/Raves: I went to the movies yesterday and had popcorn and candy and when I came home I felt awful. My stomach was so unhappy. 

    Questions: N/A

    GTKY: If you had to choose a certain type of food to eat for the rest if your life, what would it be?: Ooh, so tough. I’m going to keep it simple and just go with bread and cheese. I could live off of some good bread and cheese forever. 
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 16+5

    FTM/STM/TTM+: second time min

    Baby is the size of a(n): soda can

    Team blue/pink/green: blue!

    Upcoming Appointments: early glucose test this week and regular ob appointment Friday

    How are you feeling?: Feel good but having severe aversions to meat and anything meat texture.. Even veggie burgers 🙈

    Rants/Raves: I have this coming week off work and it's just jammed packed with crap to do every day.


    GTKY: If you had to choose a certain type of food to eat for the rest if your life, what would it be? Pasta with all the creamy sauces...I generally avoid this stuff for overall health but I love it. 
    July 4th
  • I didn't get around to this last week! OK, my answers are always the same, blah blah, but the GTKY is fun :)

    GTKY: If you had to choose a certain type of food to eat for the rest if your life, what would it be? I'd say Mexican/Tex-Mex as well! I've also been crazy about beans in every format since I was a kid.
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