Sorry guys! Wasn't feeling well and didn't post this yesterday.
EDD / Weeks + Days:
Baby is the size of a(n):
Team blue/pink/green:
Upcoming Appointments:
How are you feeling?:
GTKY: If you had to choose a certain type of food to eat for the rest if your life, what would it be?
Re: Weekly Check In 9/19
EDD / Weeks + Days: March 19th 14w2d
Rant: I haven't had time to workout in 3 weeks. I feel like absolute crap and feel like shit that I. Not exercising.
EDD / Weeks + Days: March 14th, 15weeks
@mamahosch That’s the day of my anatomy scan too!
Rant- We ordered a manufactured home last March, and was told it would be here around December. Well now it won’t be here until late January, early February. 🙃
Anatomy scan in mid October!
Mostly okay. Haven’t had quite the bounce back of energy I was hoping for, and heartburn is starting to drastically ramp up.
Rave - I got to hear the heartbeat last week, which was a huge relief, I’m finally taking some more initiative with things I want to do before the baby comes, and just found out my favorite SIL is pregnant too, due in April! Excited for my baby to have a cousin close in age.
I’m at a point where all food is sounding super good to me, so this is tough…perhaps Thai food? It’s been a big thing for me the last several months!
Baby is the size of a(n): dill pickle
Team blue/pink/green: Green
Upcoming Appointments: Anatomy scan middle of October
How are you feeling?: Pretty good now! A little tired, but that's expected.
Rants/Raves: It's been a really hard two weeks. My husband left his job after his brother tried to get him fired, and he was going to start his own business. The idea of not having a steady income, freaked him out, so he got a job at a cabinet shop. It's less money and no benefits, so I had to go back to work full time to become the provider on our insurance. He's been having some rough days dealing with anxiety and depression, and I'm just exhausted. I'm just hoping things will settle down soon and we can get back into a routine.
GTKY: If you had to choose a certain type of food to eat for the rest if your life, what would it be? Southern American. Nothing like soul food.
@muggsd - When I stopped diclectin, I immediately started B6+Unisom, and avoided feeling icky again.
@noxacanthus _ I'm glad they are doing another scan for due dates. That's really important!
Rant- my husband's work schedule has been unreal lately. So much traveling and so many hours (averaging about 70-75hrs a WEEK). I scheduled an elective ultrasound for next week a few days ago so we could hopefully find out the sex of this baby together and now I'm not even sure if he's going to be here or not after confirming with him before this would be a good day.
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Dandelion - October 2018
Angel "Aurora" - July 2020
Angel "Sawyer" - May 2021
Angel "Maxine" - January 2022
Angel "Violet" - March 2022
Baby Dove due March 2023
EDD / Weeks + Days: March 25th 13+5
Pizza! Can't ever have too much lol
July 4th