I am on vacation in Arizona, we were supposed to leave yesterday but I have been dealing with a terrible allergic reaction to something. I ended up going to the hospital today, the doc said they were going to do IV meds then potentially do epinephrine and admit me for repeat dosages. So to my surprise she comes in and asks when my last period was and tells me I’m pregnant so she literally can’t give me any more meds at this time unless I were to experience trouble with breathing or something. 😭 we have two boys, a 5 year old (6 on Oct) my other son just turned 4. This was definitely not planned! I had always been on the 2 babies before 30 and done plan, and now I’m 33 and pregnant with my 3rd and also completely miserable with hives right now! I haven’t told anyone yet, my husband was in the room with me when we found out. I know he will be supportive but also know it wasn’t in his plans either. I’m just not sure how to feel right now.
Re: Surprise
DD #2: May 2020
Baby #3: EDD May 2023; MC October 2022