May 2023 Moms

When/How to tell your significant other

With my first pregnancy I told my husband right away. With this pregnancy I'm not sure what to do. I was thinking of buying a big bother book to tell him because he reads to our son every night before bed. But I'm also scared to do this if something happens. I don't want to make it so special with it to end up sad.

Re: When/How to tell your significant other

  • Aw. I understand this dilemma. I have felt it myself in other situations. It is like there is an inner voice telling you not to cheer too loud just in case it doesn't turn out the way you want it to. For me, this can be a crippling effect of perfectionism, but for you it may have a different source. 

    Who or what are you trying to protect by tempering your desire to celebrate the big news? If you are excited about this pregnancy, then it is already special and something worthy of an occasion. Try not to let fear of the future hold you back from being happy and enjoying today. ❣️
  • ashleyp625ashleyp625 member
    edited September 2022
    I am the opposite- I did something cute the first time- I found out in the morning and told him after work. This time, I was so shocked that I called him in the bathroom and told him right away. 
    I think you should tell him in whatever way brings you peace and happiness. ❤️ It’s okay to be excited and nervous at the same time. 
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  • I'm in a funny situation and I have noooo idea how to tell my husband. I wish I could do something cute!
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