FTM/STM/TTM+: EDD / Weeks + Days: Baby is the size of a: Team blue/pink/green: Upcoming Appointments: How are you feeling?: Rants/Raves: Questions: GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating?
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM EDD / Weeks + Days: May 5 / 5W3D Baby is the size of a: M on an M&M Team blue/pink/green: finding out Upcoming Appointments: first appointment is 9/29 How are you feeling?: tired on and off, with random waves of feeling cold. Nausea is slowly creeping in: no matter what I eat, my stomach thinks it was the wrong thing. Rants/Raves: DH took DD to the store this morning to give me some quiet time, and it's been nice! Questions: nope GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? "There's a 30% chance that it's already raining!" as it rains outside my window
FTM/STM/TTM+: FTM EDD / Weeks + Days: 5 weeks 3 days Baby is the size of a: Poppyseed Team blue/pink/green: Dont know Upcoming Appointments: Trying to get one! How are you feeling?: Sleepy all the time Rants/Raves: None Questions: Wondering of a cute way to tell my friends after 3 months? GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? - “You gotdamn right” - Breaking Bad
FTM/STM/TTM+: Third time mom, but I also have 2 step daughters EDD / Weeks + Days: 5w5 Baby is the size of a: orange seed Team blue/pink/green: I think we’re going to do team green again! I did it with my last pregnancy and it was so fun Upcoming Appointments: an ultrasound sometime this week How are you feeling?: nervous wreck Rants/Raves: rave for an amazing job that has been cool with me leaving early for all my appointments. Questions: nada GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? “Who’s hungry?! I got cool ranch and bbq”
FTM/STM/TTM+: Third time for me EDD / Weeks + Days: 5w4d (EDD5/5) Baby is the size of a: Appleseed Team blue/pink/green: I’m sure we’ll find out when it come time Upcoming Appointments: I’m working really hard to insist on an Ultrasound sometime in the next two weeks. There’s been a bit of disconnect between my providers and the schedulers. How are you feeling?: I started feeling nauseous on and off all day, starting about a week ago, so that is reassuring. And also not fun. Rants/Raves: First tri is always the worst for me. Between the nausea and PGAL brain, I’m already ready for the second trimester lol. Questions: What’s everyone’s go to food when feeling nauseous? Lots of toast over here.
FTM/STM/TTM+: TTM EDD / Weeks + Days: 3w3D Baby is the size of a: don't know. Team blue/pink/green: finding out via NIPT ASAP Upcoming Appointments: haven't called my doctor yet How are you feeling?: Excited. Starting a list of baby gear upgrades. Rants/Raves: I felt like shit from 6w-12w with both my girls, so dreading that. Esp since DH has a lot of work travel coming up Questions: What are the good pregnancy tracking apps these days? GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? Ah I can't think of anything now.
@mommy_af mcdonald's french fries... for real though, applesauce and bananas usually aren't too bad. I throw up a lot, so I pick foods I don't mind seeing again.
DD #1: April 2017 DD #2: May 2020 Baby #3: EDD May 2023; MC October 2022
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM here, which feels crazy to say! EDD / Weeks + Days: May 6; 5+3 Baby is the size of an apple seed Team blue/pink/green: we’ll find out asap Upcoming Appointments: 9/29 bloodwork and 10/7 US How are you feeling?: pretty good, but tired. First week of school is exhausting anyway, but adding this makes it so much worse. Rants/Raves: I’m so uninterested in dinner these days. It makes me so lazy about cooking dinner for the fam 😬 Questions: none right now GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating?
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM, DD is 15 months EDD / Weeks + Days: May 7 Baby is the size of a: lentil? Team blue/pink/green: probably will find out, but haven't decided yet. Upcoming Appointments: GP apt tomorrow to try and get a referral back to an obgyn. Based on my age and some of the tests I want done, I would prefer to be followed by an obgyn How are you feeling?: Pretty good overall, just tired mostly. Apparently 830 is my new bedtime. Haha. Some cramping off and on, but I think that's pretty normal too. Rants/Raves: I had a ton of leave stored up, so took the rest of the month off! Questions: NATM GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? Cool, co co co cool (Brooklyn 99)
FTM/STM/TTM+: TTM EDD / Weeks + Days: 5/13 4w5d Baby is the size of a: poppy seed Team blue/pink/green: we'll likely do blood tests and find out around 12 weeks Upcoming Appointments: I still need to call my OB, they'll probably want to see me at 8 weeks How are you feeling?: crampy, tired, a bit nauseous. I need to start packing small snacks/meals for the work day, Rants/Raves: Just so so tired haha. Both kids haven't been sleeping great and DH and I are just exhausted. With my oldest not sleeping great he has been crawling into bed with us, so even though he does need to sleep the whole night in his bed (that's what works for us) I love the cuddles. Questions: GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? @caroduke YES we quote Brooklyn 99 all the time too. Also, "alrighty then" from Ace Ventura
@mommy_af toast for me too or bagels. Lots of ginger chews and small sips of water. But with both boys I didn't get the major nausea stage until around 6 weeks so still early for me
Re: Weekly Check-In: 9/5/22
EDD / Weeks + Days: May 5 / 5W3D
Baby is the size of a: M on an M&M
Team blue/pink/green: finding out
Upcoming Appointments: first appointment is 9/29
How are you feeling?: tired on and off, with random waves of feeling cold. Nausea is slowly creeping in: no matter what I eat, my stomach thinks it was the wrong thing.
Rants/Raves: DH took DD to the store this morning to give me some quiet time, and it's been nice!
Questions: nope
GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? "There's a 30% chance that it's already raining!" as it rains outside my window
EDD / Weeks + Days: 5 weeks 3 days
Baby is the size of a: Poppyseed
Team blue/pink/green: Dont know
Upcoming Appointments: Trying to get one!
How are you feeling?: Sleepy all the time
Rants/Raves: None
Questions: Wondering of a cute way to tell my friends after 3 months?
GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? - “You gotdamn right” - Breaking Bad
EDD / Weeks + Days: 5w5
Baby is the size of a: orange seed
Team blue/pink/green: I think we’re going to do team green again! I did it with my last pregnancy and it was so fun
Upcoming Appointments: an ultrasound sometime this week
How are you feeling?: nervous wreck
Rants/Raves: rave for an amazing job that has been cool with me leaving early for all my appointments.
Questions: nada
GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? “Who’s hungry?! I got cool ranch and bbq”
EDD / Weeks + Days: 5w4d (EDD5/5)
Baby is the size of a: Appleseed
Team blue/pink/green: I’m sure we’ll find out when it come time
Upcoming Appointments: I’m working really hard to insist on an Ultrasound sometime in the next two weeks. There’s been a bit of disconnect between my providers and the schedulers.
How are you feeling?: I started feeling nauseous on and off all day, starting about a week ago, so that is reassuring. And also not fun.
Rants/Raves: First tri is always the worst for me. Between the nausea and PGAL brain, I’m already ready for the second trimester lol.
Questions: What’s everyone’s go to food when feeling nauseous? Lots of toast over here.
EDD / Weeks + Days: 3w3D
Baby is the size of a: don't know.
Team blue/pink/green: finding out via NIPT ASAP
Upcoming Appointments: haven't called my doctor yet
How are you feeling?: Excited. Starting a list of baby gear upgrades.
Rants/Raves: I felt like shit from 6w-12w with both my girls, so dreading that. Esp since DH has a lot of work travel coming up
Questions: What are the good pregnancy tracking apps these days?
GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? Ah I can't think of anything now.
@mommy_af mcdonald's french fries... for real though, applesauce and bananas usually aren't too bad. I throw up a lot, so I pick foods I don't mind seeing again.
DD #2: May 2020
Baby #3: EDD May 2023; MC October 2022
EDD / Weeks + Days: May 6; 5+3
Baby is the size of an apple seed
Team blue/pink/green: we’ll find out asap
Upcoming Appointments: 9/29 bloodwork and 10/7 US
How are you feeling?: pretty good, but tired. First week of school is exhausting anyway, but adding this makes it so much worse.
Rants/Raves: I’m so uninterested in dinner these days. It makes me so lazy about cooking dinner for the fam 😬
Questions: none right now
GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating?
EDD / Weeks + Days: May 7
Baby is the size of a: lentil?
Team blue/pink/green: probably will find out, but haven't decided yet.
Upcoming Appointments: GP apt tomorrow to try and get a referral back to an obgyn. Based on my age and some of the tests I want done, I would prefer to be followed by an obgyn
How are you feeling?: Pretty good overall, just tired mostly. Apparently 830 is my new bedtime. Haha. Some cramping off and on, but I think that's pretty normal too.
Rants/Raves: I had a ton of leave stored up, so took the rest of the month off!
Questions: NATM
GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? Cool, co co co cool (Brooklyn 99)
EDD / Weeks + Days: 5/13 4w5d
Baby is the size of a: poppy seed
Team blue/pink/green: we'll likely do blood tests and find out around 12 weeks
Upcoming Appointments: I still need to call my OB, they'll probably want to see me at 8 weeks
How are you feeling?: crampy, tired, a bit nauseous. I need to start packing small snacks/meals for the work day,
Rants/Raves: Just so so tired haha. Both kids haven't been sleeping great and DH and I are just exhausted. With my oldest not sleeping great he has been crawling into bed with us, so even though he does need to sleep the whole night in his bed (that's what works for us) I love the cuddles.
GTKY: What movie/TV quote do you always find yourself repeating? @caroduke YES we quote Brooklyn 99 all the time too. Also, "alrighty then" from Ace Ventura
@mommy_af toast for me too or bagels. Lots of ginger chews and small sips of water. But with both boys I didn't get the major nausea stage until around 6 weeks so still early for me