What activities are you doing with your baby? I always feel like I could do more for/with him. He plays with his play pen, tummy time, sitting up, reading, blowing bubbles and cuddles. What activities do you do with your baby?
All the above. Everything is a game or learning opportunity. I get on the floor & play with her. She get the most giggles. Hold her weight while she learns to crawl. Play dates, let her watch me cook. Babies don't need much. You're doing great.
I take my 6mo to story time at the library every Monday and check out three new books for the week. We started baby led weaning and mealtimes are always a whole event. We started swim lessons at 4m so he has swim lessons on Fridays.
We go for at least three walks every week on a route around the neighborhood (about 1.5 miles). He loves the jogging stroller we have. I clip a teething toy to him so he keeps himself busy when he’s tired of looking around. Even now that it’s cooling off some we just bundle up for outside time.
When I’m really busy and he doesn’t want to play in his playpen I sit him in a little seat and put him in view of the fish tank. He could stare at it forever. I try not to use that strategy much but it’s great for if he gets fussy while I’m cooking.
And as the previous commenter said, babies are constantly learning.
Re: 7m activities