Trying to Get Pregnant

Healthy Habits w/o 08-22

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What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week/year?

How's everything going? Any recent wins?

What has you motivated or struggling?
I am doing this on my own. Left ovary and fallopian tube removed due to cyst/necrosis just after birth. Right ovary and tube still purport to function.
Began TTC in Aug '18 @ age 35
5 or 6 (or 7?!) cycles using frozen donor sperm, ICI. All BFN
Mar-Jun '19 IUIs, all BFN
Began process of referral for RE in spring of '19, blood tests confirm low AMH (.54) but all else is good.
May '19 HSG shows open tube, but ultrasound suggests fibroids
MRI in June '19 confirms two large fibroids, one growing through wall of uterus
In June '19 I move from California to Oregon, disrupting my insurance, referrals, etc. 5 months spent piecing it all back together.
Nov. '19 attempted myomectomy (vaginal approach) failed. 2nd surgery using laparoscopic method in Jan '20 is successful.
April '20 --> June '20, natural IUIs, all BFN.
July? saline ultrasound and bubble test demonstrate open tube
July '20 clomid cycle cancelled for thin lining
Aug-Oct, 3 femara cycles, all BFN
RE referral. While waiting to set up an appointment Nov-Jan,I continue with natural cycles and ICI, using a known donor, BFN...
Jan '21 more bloodwork, AMH is worse (.30), FSH high albeit not catastrophic at 13.2. hysteroscopy all good. "looks cozy!" says the RE.
Feb '21, injectables (menopur, novarel), iui, BFN (doc said the frozen donor sperm sample had the "best numbers she'd ever seen!")
Mar '21, injectables, iui cancelled due to lack of follicles, converted to at home-insem. BFN
May '21, first IVF round cancelled due to cyst.
July '21 IVF: standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 7; 6 days of stims. 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilize, 4 made it to blast. 3 are 4AB, 1 is 4BB. PGT-A results all abnormal.
Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.

Re: Healthy Habits w/o 08-22

  • @bearmomma1 i totally hear you. my weight is still within the "normal" range but i'm heavier than i've been in years and hate it. i've been running more and i love it but know it will have to stop when this next round of stims starts, and this yo-yo thing is just annoying and awful. it is so hard to manage stable, healthy habits around our cyclical stuff. anyway, no real advice but solidarity.
    I am doing this on my own. Left ovary and fallopian tube removed due to cyst/necrosis just after birth. Right ovary and tube still purport to function.
    Began TTC in Aug '18 @ age 35
    5 or 6 (or 7?!) cycles using frozen donor sperm, ICI. All BFN
    Mar-Jun '19 IUIs, all BFN
    Began process of referral for RE in spring of '19, blood tests confirm low AMH (.54) but all else is good.
    May '19 HSG shows open tube, but ultrasound suggests fibroids
    MRI in June '19 confirms two large fibroids, one growing through wall of uterus
    In June '19 I move from California to Oregon, disrupting my insurance, referrals, etc. 5 months spent piecing it all back together.
    Nov. '19 attempted myomectomy (vaginal approach) failed. 2nd surgery using laparoscopic method in Jan '20 is successful.
    April '20 --> June '20, natural IUIs, all BFN.
    July? saline ultrasound and bubble test demonstrate open tube
    July '20 clomid cycle cancelled for thin lining
    Aug-Oct, 3 femara cycles, all BFN
    RE referral. While waiting to set up an appointment Nov-Jan,I continue with natural cycles and ICI, using a known donor, BFN...
    Jan '21 more bloodwork, AMH is worse (.30), FSH high albeit not catastrophic at 13.2. hysteroscopy all good. "looks cozy!" says the RE.
    Feb '21, injectables (menopur, novarel), iui, BFN (doc said the frozen donor sperm sample had the "best numbers she'd ever seen!")
    Mar '21, injectables, iui cancelled due to lack of follicles, converted to at home-insem. BFN
    May '21, first IVF round cancelled due to cyst.
    July '21 IVF: standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 7; 6 days of stims. 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilize, 4 made it to blast. 3 are 4AB, 1 is 4BB. PGT-A results all abnormal.
    Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
    Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
    Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
    May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
    July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
    Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
    From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
    Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
    July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.
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  • nicmkwnicmkw member
    edited August 2022
    What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week/year? My big goal right now is to accomplish a 1000 yd in one swim session. My smaller goal is to have every lap of that be at least a 50 yard effort, rather than just a 25 yard length without a break.

    How's everything going? Any recent wins? Saturday was my longest swim ever with 650yds and almost all of those were 50 yd laps. That's great progress!

    What has you motivated or struggling? Once i hit that 1000 yard swim, I'll be ready to start 'beginner' workouts. UGH. It's so frustrating given the athleticism I thought I had. Either swimming is just that much harder than anything else I've done in my life (which is possible) or I'm still doing wrong after almost two months of consistent training and the Athletic Coach in me is an imposter. I should be better than this, right? I'm seeing progress, but it's so slow. I actually was supposed to swim this morning, but I'm on day 3 soreness from Saturday so, in an effort to not over-train, I kept resting. 

    Hopefully, as I do this long term, the extra weight I'm carrying will also stabilize and start to come off. Right now, though, I am only seeing body composition changes and additional weight. I put on muscle weight very fast and the rest is extra slow to go. So my shoulders are amazing, but I'm at my heaviest weight EVER in my life. Come on, body! Let's get with the program! 
  • @nicmkw congrats on the pb on saturday! that's great! i'm always very impressed with folks that swim. it's a challenging sport.

    What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week/year?
    i am just a couple of weeks out from starting my last stim cycle so i don't want to do anything too crazy (although i have plans for once that is over to get myself into a little bit of a calorie deficit to deal with the weight i've put on in the past few months) but now that my family have all left and gone home i am looking forward to being a little more careful about my diet. just basic stuff like portion control and not getting the extra scoop of ice cream with desert.
    How's everything going? Any recent wins?
    let me preface this by saying my whole life i've been good at pushups, like i can drop and do 20 nbd. well, this summer (actually during my last stims cycle) i started feeling incredible pain in my back and neck, followed by a disturbing weakening in my right arm, to the point where i tried at some point to do a pushup and just, like, fell on the ground in a surprised heap. i got a referral to PT for it and the woman diagnosed pressure on the nerve that runs along the C-7 vertebrae in my spine. she's been having me do a set of exercises to strengthen my back and neck and also to improve the strength i lost in my right arm. yesterday, i did 20 pushups from my knees, and have discovered that in traditional pushup post (from the feet) i can do a few half-dip pushups. i've got a ways to go but this is progress.
    What has you motivated or struggling?
    kinda just as above. i am not happy with my body right now and am looking forward to returning to a body i am more familiar with. and i look forward to being able to get back to my 20 pushup baseline asap.
    I am doing this on my own. Left ovary and fallopian tube removed due to cyst/necrosis just after birth. Right ovary and tube still purport to function.
    Began TTC in Aug '18 @ age 35
    5 or 6 (or 7?!) cycles using frozen donor sperm, ICI. All BFN
    Mar-Jun '19 IUIs, all BFN
    Began process of referral for RE in spring of '19, blood tests confirm low AMH (.54) but all else is good.
    May '19 HSG shows open tube, but ultrasound suggests fibroids
    MRI in June '19 confirms two large fibroids, one growing through wall of uterus
    In June '19 I move from California to Oregon, disrupting my insurance, referrals, etc. 5 months spent piecing it all back together.
    Nov. '19 attempted myomectomy (vaginal approach) failed. 2nd surgery using laparoscopic method in Jan '20 is successful.
    April '20 --> June '20, natural IUIs, all BFN.
    July? saline ultrasound and bubble test demonstrate open tube
    July '20 clomid cycle cancelled for thin lining
    Aug-Oct, 3 femara cycles, all BFN
    RE referral. While waiting to set up an appointment Nov-Jan,I continue with natural cycles and ICI, using a known donor, BFN...
    Jan '21 more bloodwork, AMH is worse (.30), FSH high albeit not catastrophic at 13.2. hysteroscopy all good. "looks cozy!" says the RE.
    Feb '21, injectables (menopur, novarel), iui, BFN (doc said the frozen donor sperm sample had the "best numbers she'd ever seen!")
    Mar '21, injectables, iui cancelled due to lack of follicles, converted to at home-insem. BFN
    May '21, first IVF round cancelled due to cyst.
    July '21 IVF: standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 7; 6 days of stims. 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilize, 4 made it to blast. 3 are 4AB, 1 is 4BB. PGT-A results all abnormal.
    Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
    Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
    Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
    May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
    July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
    Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
    From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
    Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
    July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.
  • @optimistgardener - I feel you on the crazy weakness in your pushups. During basic training, I most feeling in two outer-most fingers both my hands because of that same kind of nerve pressure. They thought it was NBD, of course, even when I could barely grip things. I'm glad your strength is coming back with PT! <3 

    Along the same lines, have you heard of the Navy's 100 push up challenge? That's what I was working on until I took up swimming and let that work my arms. I'll put a link to it here ... It has really helped me come back with my PUs, though I just want to hit 10 at this point.  :# haha (I also recently had to correct my pushups to lower my hips way down and finally got my strength back in alignment.)

  • What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week/year?
    I want to take back some ownership and pride in my body. The TTC journey has made me realize how much I don't love my body and I want to change that. Part of it is going to be taking better care of myself and part of it is working on loving myself where I am today. 

    How's everything going? Any recent wins?
    Some days are better than others. Today I woke up early for a short run before work. Celebrating the small victories.

    What has you motivated or struggling?
    I use TTC as an excuse a lot for why I'm not eating better or exercising more (sometimes legitimate, sometimes not). I want to turn TTC into a motivator to take care of myself rather than an excuse. 
  • @bearmomma1 Finding that balance while TTC is a real struggle. Sending you solidarity as you figure out the best balance for you!

    @optimistgardener I'm glad PT has been helping! You comment about portion control is a great reminder that we can enact small changes without sacrificing too much.

    @nicmkw I love swimming but it is definitely a challenging sport. Don't stress over slow progress! You got this. 
  • edited August 2022
    @nicmkw thanks for the pushup link and the sympathies! nerve compression is no joke! also trying to explain to my doctor that i suddenly couldn't do pushups was 🙄. she was like, are you sure it's not just that you're getting older?
    @abjm0325 i feel you on using TTC as an excuse for all kinds of things. it's so hard to manage everything and also feel like you're being good to yourself.
    I am doing this on my own. Left ovary and fallopian tube removed due to cyst/necrosis just after birth. Right ovary and tube still purport to function.
    Began TTC in Aug '18 @ age 35
    5 or 6 (or 7?!) cycles using frozen donor sperm, ICI. All BFN
    Mar-Jun '19 IUIs, all BFN
    Began process of referral for RE in spring of '19, blood tests confirm low AMH (.54) but all else is good.
    May '19 HSG shows open tube, but ultrasound suggests fibroids
    MRI in June '19 confirms two large fibroids, one growing through wall of uterus
    In June '19 I move from California to Oregon, disrupting my insurance, referrals, etc. 5 months spent piecing it all back together.
    Nov. '19 attempted myomectomy (vaginal approach) failed. 2nd surgery using laparoscopic method in Jan '20 is successful.
    April '20 --> June '20, natural IUIs, all BFN.
    July? saline ultrasound and bubble test demonstrate open tube
    July '20 clomid cycle cancelled for thin lining
    Aug-Oct, 3 femara cycles, all BFN
    RE referral. While waiting to set up an appointment Nov-Jan,I continue with natural cycles and ICI, using a known donor, BFN...
    Jan '21 more bloodwork, AMH is worse (.30), FSH high albeit not catastrophic at 13.2. hysteroscopy all good. "looks cozy!" says the RE.
    Feb '21, injectables (menopur, novarel), iui, BFN (doc said the frozen donor sperm sample had the "best numbers she'd ever seen!")
    Mar '21, injectables, iui cancelled due to lack of follicles, converted to at home-insem. BFN
    May '21, first IVF round cancelled due to cyst.
    July '21 IVF: standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 7; 6 days of stims. 8 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilize, 4 made it to blast. 3 are 4AB, 1 is 4BB. PGT-A results all abnormal.
    Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
    Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
    Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
    May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
    July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
    Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
    From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
    Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
    July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.
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