
IVF Clinics

poorservicepoorservice member
edited August 2022 in Infertility
Hi, I want to advice / warn people here to avoid Kindbody clinics. They do not care for their patients, never respond and do not provide transparent costings. I had to send rather curt emails to get them to respond to any communication. To the point their delays have not cost me thousands as they are not interested in actually caring for you, just want money. I had to have a courier pick up an embryo, who does this all over the world form the NYC clinic, and he described it as a backwater. all they have come back with is 'let me know your concerns, we can use it as a teaching moment' - brushing me under the carpet. Avoid them like Covid!!!! 

Re: IVF Clinics

  • Hi, I want to advice / warn people here to avoid Kindbody clinics. They do not care for their patients, never respond and do not provide transparent costings. I had to send rather curt emails to get them to respond to any communication. To the point their delays have not cost me thousands as they are not interested in actually caring for you, just want money. I had to have a courier pick up an embryo, who does this all over the world form the NYC clinic, and he described it as a backwater. all they have come back with is 'let me know your concerns, we can use it as a teaching moment' - brushing me under the carpet. Avoid them like Covid!!!! 

    I'm so sorry this happened to you. That's awful.  :(

    I don't think the TTGP board is the best place to post this, though. It sounds like you're in New York? If so, you may want to post this on the New York Babies board. (If not, we have a board for every state in the US, plus a few major cities.) We also have a fairly active Infertility board that would be better suited for your post.

    I'm so sorry again. Best of luck to you.  <3
  • I am so sorry to know you are not happy with your clinic. I wish to find the best one who will help you with your treatment.
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