3rd Trimester


Currently awaiting test results for cholestasis and it’s driving me nuts waiting. In the mean time, anyone else have this during pregnancy? What experiences did you have with it?

Re: Cholestasis

  • My sister had it and was monitored. She went into labor at 38+ weeks on her own. 
  • I had it with my son. Super itchy on my belly, thighs, and palms of my hands. I was ready to peel my skin off! It was so awful. Developed the symptoms at around 37/38 weeks, got the positive test results back at 39 weeks and was induced that day. 22 hours later, my sweet boy was healthy and happy. Honestly, the second my OB was like, "ok, we're having a baby today!" The itchiness wasn't on my radar anymore, and I never noticed it afterwards. I'm expecting #2 (girl this time), and praying I don't have any symptoms this go around. 
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  • I’m 30 weeks and started the symptoms last week. I see quite a few people don’t usually have the symptoms until later and usually get induced around then. I have an appt today so I’m going to ask them if it’s positive what the move is going to be with me only being 30 weeks. Waiting the results is annoying and I heard it could take awhile to get them back! 
  • I had ICP with all three of my live birth pregnancies. My first I tested positive for ICP at 26weeks. I was monitored 2x/week with NSTs and u/s. I had regular bloodwork to monitor my bile acids. I delivered at 35 weeks via C section because my liver enzymes went to over 900 in 2 days and i had Pre-E. My second, I tested positive at 27 weeks. I was monitored regularly and had a scheduled C section at 36 weeks. My third I tested positive at 32 weeks and delivered at 32 weeks. This was due to severe ICP and severe Pre-E. 

    If you come back positive, depending on how far along you are, you will be placed on Ursodiol. This helps control your bile acids which can cross the placental barrier, it can help with the itching as well. The key to ICP is managing symptoms until delivery.
  • I was just diagnosed with it at 19 weeks! I’m 20 weeks now, symptoms started at 18 weeks. Out of nowhere , I just woke up one day with moderate itchiness all over, went to bed that night and woke up an hour later in tears wanting to rip my hands and feet off because they were unbearably itchy, swollen even and red. Went to the ER , midwife thought it was allergies but ran tests for Cholestasis because of the hand and feet itchiness but really just wanted to rule it out. About a week later she calls, pretty shocked saying I have it and she’s never seen a case of it before the third trimester. As of right now I’m not sure how early I’ll be induced, however I am going to see my obgyn every 2-3 weeks instead of every month and starting at 32 weeks I’m there every single week to determine when is the best time to induce 
  • I was given ursodiol and I’ve been told I’ll have to take it all throughout the pregnancy to hopefully keep the bile acid levels the same or at least make sure they don’t reach 100. Im currently at 25, the medication won’t make it “go away” just help the levels and itchiness . As of now my itchiness is still there, but much more bearable . Once I have the baby poof it’ll be gone, it’s the craziest thing 
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