
PCOS and timed intercourse (loss mentioned)

navarro787navarro787 member
edited July 2022 in Infertility
Anyone know of someone with PCOS who had a healthy pregnancy with letrozole, trigger shot pregnyl, and timed intercourse? I got pregnant on my 3rd try and then miscarried around 7 weeks. I need some faith that it will work. IVF is financially not a solution for us and I’m hoping timed intercourse will work again. 

Re: PCOS and timed intercourse (loss mentioned)

  • I’m sorry that I don’t have any advice here, just wanted to say that I also have PCOS and I know how frustrating it can be when TTC. My husband and I are also TTC and starting fertility treatments that are so far, not working for us.
    I have just finished a round of Clomid and hoping it helps, but I have heard of great results from Letrozole. Try your best to stay positive and keep trying if that is what feels right for you. But it’s also okay to take a break if you feel you need some time to heal ❤️
    Sending love and light to you ❤️
  • Yes, many women with PCOS have had successful pregnancies using letrozole, a trigger shot like Pregnyl, and timed intercourse. Despite your miscarriage, many have conceived and carried to term on subsequent tries. Stay hopeful and consult your fertility specialist for personalized advice and support.
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  • I don't have experience with Letrozole, but I did take Clomid before. Unfortunately, it didn't work. So our last resort was IVF treatment. Now I have a four-year-old son.
  • For pcos, my doctor has recommended prenatal vitamins, folic acid 5mg and myo-inositol supplements named as ôvülåt by vidâ-l0-citŷ. I took these medicines for 3 months and they helped me to conceive for the first time but it was a chemical. I took a break but keep taking those supplements and after two months, I conceived my first healthy baby boy.
  • herbs do even better to eliminate pcos, checking out relevant stuff might bring improvement for you. secrets of tea introduces maternity stuff that I saw amazing customer reviews on their site. hope for the best and dont quit trying.
  • I'm sorry, that sounds really frustrating. I don't know why you had those losses. it could be totally natural as in the eggs just weren't good quality or it could be something to do with vitamins. I do know that miscarriage is common with PCOS even with fertility drugs.

    My doctor recommended folic acid, prenatal vitamins, double ovasitol. I've also read that NAC and COQ10 are helpful as are spearmint tea and saw palmetto.

    Are you also on Metformin ER?
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