Hello there. Not sure if anyone is still on this message board. Reading the past discussions has been helpful and has made me feel better in knowing that I am far from alone in this very sad journey.
My daughter, Lyla Lee was stillborn on 4/18/22. We went in for her 38 week appointment two days before that and found out that she didn't have a heart beat. It was the worst day of my life. I had such a perfect pregnancy before then and Lyla always had such a strong heartbeat. I had no idea that there was even a possibility that she wouldn't live. We went to be induced the next day. I was so scared to see my baby and was worried she wouldn't look normal. When she was finally born I was shocked to see that she was perfect. Lyla was a little small at only 4 lbs 9 oz, but was perfectly formed and looked exactly like her dad. I'm so glad that I got to hold her for 12 hours in the hospital.
Lyla was our first born. We've been home for 7 weeks now and our house is so quiet. I keep thinking about how life would be so different if she was here. Everything mostly went back to normal which sucks. I was so ready to be a mom.
I'm praying for healing every day and for my next babies to be strong and healthy and get the chance to live a full life.
Re: Stillborn at 38 Weeks
I didn't get the vaccine; mostly because I didn't trust it while pregnant but for plenty of other reasons too.
Take each day as it comes. I hope you are talking to a counsellor. The most hardest thing I ever been through.
I just experienced something similar, the heart of our beautiful son Philippe stopped beating at 31 weeks and 2 days. I gave birth to him on Dec 14th. This is so hard. So painful. I just keep thinking how we had a perfect life before. How life was beautiful and how much we had hope for the future. Now I just feel empty and like everything beautiful is gone.