July 2022 Moms

Check in, week of June 6th

Hey everyone! It's been crickets around here. Seems like everyone joined the private group? Just checking in to see how you're all doing! Just hit 33 weeks here. 

Re: Check in, week of June 6th

  • Very quiet for this weeks check-in. 36+4 here and really starting to feel it. The Lightning Crotch is real ladies. Booked in for an induction in 2 weeks time, so little miss will end up being a June baby, not a July baby. Hubby is over me being pregnant and complaining (his first) and just wants to meet his little girl already :D
  • hanging tight at 36 + 2 today. feeling pressure and groin pain with rolling over at night. hoping she keeps cooking. i want a july baby!
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  • Well, I am a little late myself to the post. But didn’t know if there would be a check-in for this week. I am currently 34 + 5 today with my 3rd baby. I also have a 4 y/o and an almost 3 y/o. Needless to say, I am feeling pretty tired as of late. My sister had a whopper of a baby last week: 9 lbs 4 oz, 22” long. 😳 I never made it to the 39th week of pregnancy with my older 2 babies, so we shall see if my scheduled c-section at 39 + 1 holds true. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I will still continue doing the weekly check-ins. I don’t have Facebook to join a “private” group and honestly I don’t really understand the point of all that jazz. 
  • sacha0088sacha0088 member
    edited June 2022
    currently 35w4d, FTM so feeling all sorts of emotions! the other day I really snapped at my husband 😬 I think I scared him and baby. my bump was shaped oddly shortly after my first crazy mood swing. 
    been feeling sleep-deprived. usually I sleep 4 hours, wake up to pee, then remaining 4 hours I wake up every hour to turn to the other side - usually some part of my arm, back, legs ache or aren’t comfortable after being in the same position for too long. 
    overall been feeling super slow now and get easily winded.  
    having my 36 weeks checkup next Thurs, will be my first time doing a NST. 
    packed 1/2 of my hospital bag, still need to pack the rest. was told by few coworkers that I don’t need to bring diapers and baby bottles because hospitals likely won’t let you use your own anyway, is that true for all hospitals? 
    agreed it’s been crickets here. I get that some folks want to move to the private group, but I kind of miss all the discussions on the Bump in this July 2022 Moms group too. wish they’d also still continue some discussions here for those who don’t want to switch to another app. 🫤
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