Baby Names

Dream is making me question out name choices!?

So we've been 100% set on our girl name since before I was pregnant. Our boy name we've had picked out for years and it's the only boy name we could agree on and that goes with our last name. We've been like 90-95% on this name. 
Then, a few nights ago I had a dream where someone suggested the name Atlas. I told my husband about the dream and now we are thinking about switching our boy name. We are outdoorsy people and our theme to our home and life is nature/adventure. Thoughts?

Original boy name: Everett Conrad L.

Other options: Atlas Conrad L.

My husband also threw in the name Leif which I originally thought sounded dumb since our last name starts with L, but now I kinda like it lol. 

Re: Dream is making me question out name choices!?

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