May 2022 Moms

Tongue tie. Anyone with experience?

My son has a “pretty significant” tongue tie. We are consulting with the hospital pediatrician tomorrow before we go home. I was just wondering if anyone here has any experience with a baby who was tongue tied? What did you do? We are probably opting to have it clipped if possible to negate any side effects long term as well as help with nursing. As it is, he has trouble keeping a latch even on a pacifier. 

Overall this little man is a champ! He’s doing sooo well and it’s been a joy getting to know him. 

Re: Tongue tie. Anyone with experience?

  • b_1029b_1029 member
    Both my kids have had ties! With DD1 they were able to clip it in the hospital so we got it done day 1 or 2 of her life. DD2 had a lip tie and a posterior tongue tie which I guess they aren’t able to fix in a hospital (or at least not at ours), so we had to go to a pediatric dentist to get it done. DD1 and I always had a tough time nursing so I can’t say if it improved things, but I noticed a significant difference with DD2 with nursing and bottle feeding after we had her ties revised. 
  • DD had one, and I suspect this guy does to. We went through a pediatric dentist to get hers cut. 
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  • @b_1029 @pajamstagrams The hospital pediatrician said she would rather not clip it. We went to our pediatrician today. He said he wants to give it a week and see how Riley’s latch improves as he figures out what’s what and address it then. Hopefully it won’t need to be clipped. Both pediatricians were not as concerned as the lactation consultant. She kind of scared me when she talked about it. 
  • Our first had a tongue tie and we got it clipped with a pediatric ENT (who also gave him ear tubes later on). He did well breastfeeding after his very quick, in office procedure. Though it hurt my heart when it happened, I immediately breastfed him in the office to soothe him and could tell a difference. After the procedure he had no issues eating and gained weight. He is now a silly, loving 4 yr old. My newborn (born 5.12) has a less severe tongue tie and is making weight. So we are still evaluating if he will need a procedure. Hopefully he will continue to gain weight without one. 
  • @taylorharris0522 If he's gaining weight appropriately, it might not be a big deal and you can wait and see. DD wasn't (at 4 wks old, she was still well under birth weight) so we got it revised (definitely wasn't the main reason she wasn't gaining weight though, other underlying issues were there). 
  • saizbatsaizbat member
    I'm so glad this thread was opened. My baby also has a tongue tie and we are seeing a paediatric dentist next month. I wish we could get an earlier appt as he is still not able to latch for breastfeeding though he is doing well with bottles. Moms with experience, did the tongue tie affect your babies' speech or anything else other than feeding?
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