1st Trimester

Progesterone supplements

So this will be baby #5 and my last 3 I’ve had low progesterone and this time it’s also low the last 3 I supplemented with vaginal progesterone and it worked this time I was given a by mouth 1000 mg supplement and I’m worried it won’t work as well had anyone had experience with this?

Re: Progesterone supplements

  • jval2jval2 member
    I’m taking oral progesterone for the first time, I had no issues with my first. It works fine for me, honestly can’t wait to get off. I get nauseous just thinking about it. 8 weeks in going strong!
  • I tried the vaginal 200mg and it makes me unable to function 😭 I get extremely sick, can’t sleep and get extreme depression. Meeting with my OB for appointment two on Friday and hoping we can say bye to the supplements! 
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  • Your body actually absorbs it more quickly orally. I was taking 2 pills vaginally and after having some bleeding they switched to 1 vaginally and 1 orally. That was the explanation that my clinic gave me.
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