December 2022 Moms

Home birth?!

Hello! This will be my second little one (5th pregnancy) and I’m thinking about a home birth this time around. Anyone else planning a home birth or have had one before??

Re: Home birth?!

  • I’m planning one! First baby but I was previously a midwife before changing careers. 
  • I’ve always dreamt of being a midwife after the young children are older! 
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  • I'm planning a hospital birth, but my mom was a CNM and my brother and I were both born at home with some help from her midwife friends (my older sister was born in the hospital). It's cool to tell people I was born in the house my parents still live in. 
  • I'm planning for a home birth.  I love my midwife and am excited to be able to birth at home.   This is my first.  I've always wanted a home birth.  It just seems so much nicer.  Obviously if I have any signs of medical issues we'll head to the hospital, but as long as everything looks good I'm all set to give birth in my Brooklyn apartment. 
  • I had a homebirth with my first and I absolutely loved the experience. It was very calm and relaxed, no birth trauma, and a wonderful way to bring our daughter into the world!

    I'm doing a birth center with midwives this time around and I'm really excited! My SIL just gave birth their in February and she loved the experience!
  • I had a freestanding birth center birth for my first and planning a home birth this time around. I love the idea of never having to leave my house. 
  • I had a home birth in July of 2020 after 2 completely natural hospital births.  I’m planning a homebirth this time as well!  It was so nice being able to recover at home and my midwife allowed my 3 year old to “assist” with the newborn screening after birth
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